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This repository has been archived by the owner on Feb 15, 2024. It is now read-only.

An action that closes and archives Deployment Issues on an automated Deployment Project Board


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This action was deprecated on 2024-02-07 and will no longer receive support or updates.

This action works in tandem with im-open/update-deployment-board. That action was implemented as a visual way to represent our deployments and we looked forward to GitHub creating a native feature that represented deployments to environments more accurately than just reporting which GitHub environments had been accessed. The initial work used GitHub Projects which are now considered Classic Projects. The API this action utilizes is not compatible with the new Issues and Projects so this action and im-open/update-deployment-board is now being deprecated. We haven't found a suitable alternative within GitHub so our focus will be on an external solution at this time.




This action will clean up inactive cards on an Automated Deployment Project Board. It is intended to be used in conjunction with the update-deployment-board action which is what creates the cards to begin with.

When this action is run, it will pull all of the cards from the Automated Deployment Project board that were created by the update-deployment-board action. It will examine the set of branch, tag and sha cards independently to determine what can be removed. For each different set (branch/tag/sha) it will:

  • Remove cards that are currently deployed to an environment from the list of potential cards to remove
  • Remove Branch Deploy cards that have an active branch associated with them from the list of potential cards to remove
  • Order the remaining cards by modified date
  • Apply the respective strategy to determine which remaining cards to keep and which to remove

For the Branch Deploy cards, the action will not delete cards that have active branches. To keep this action working optimally, delete closed branches after a PR is merged. This can be done automatically by going to the Repository's Settings/Options page and checking the box for Automatically delete head branches.


Parameter Is Required Description
github-token true A token with permissions to create and update issues.
github-login false The login associated with the account that created the deployment cards. Defaults to github-actions.
branch-cleanup-strategy true The cleanup strategy for Branch Deployment cards. Accepted Values: <age,number>
branch-threshold true The Max Age in Days or the Max Number of Items to keep, depending on the branch-cleanup-strategy.
tag-cleanup-strategy true The cleanup strategy for Tag Deployment cards. Accepted Values: <age,number>
tag-threshold true The Max Age in Days or the Max Number of Items to keep, depending on the tag-cleanup-strategy.
sha-cleanup-strategy true The cleanup strategy for SHA Deployment cards. Accepted Values: <age,number>
sha-threshold true The Max Age in Days or the Max Number of Items to keep, depending on the sha-cleanup-strategy.
board-number true The number of the project board that will be updated. Can be found by using the number in the board's url.

For example the number would be 1 for:

Usage Examples

name: Cleanup Automated Deployment Board
    - cron: '30 6 * * 7'  # Run every Sunday at 06:30
    runs-on: [ubuntu-20.04]
      - uses: actions/checkout@v3

      - name: Cleanup
        # You may also reference just the major or major.minor version
        uses: im-open/cleanup-deployment-board@v1.1.6
          github-token: ${{ secrets.BOT_TOKEN}} 
          github-login: 'my-bot'  # The login that created the deployment cards to begin with.  Defaults to github-actions.
          board-number: 1
          # Keep the 5 most recent branch deploy cards in addition to any cards
          # with active branches or that are currently deployed
          branch-cleanup-strategy: 'number' 
          branch-threshold: '5'         
          # Keep any tag deploy cards that are less than 5 days old
          # in addition to any cards that are currently deployed
          tag-cleanup-strategy: 'age'    
          tag-threshold: '5'         
          # Don't keep any SHA deploy cards except those that might 
          # be currently deployed to an environment.
          sha-cleanup-strategy: 'number' 
          sha-threshold: '0'         


When creating PRs, please review the following guidelines:

  • The action code does not contain sensitive information.
  • At least one of the commit messages contains the appropriate +semver: keywords listed under Incrementing the Version for major and minor increments.
  • The action has been recompiled. See Recompiling Manually for details.
  • The has been updated with the latest version of the action. See Updating the for details.

Incrementing the Version

This repo uses git-version-lite in its workflows to examine commit messages to determine whether to perform a major, minor or patch increment on merge if source code changes have been made. The following table provides the fragment that should be included in a commit message to active different increment strategies.

Increment Type Commit Message Fragment
major +semver:breaking
major +semver:major
minor +semver:feature
minor +semver:minor
patch default increment type, no comment needed

Source Code Changes

The files and directories that are considered source code are listed in the files-with-code and dirs-with-code arguments in both the build-and-review-pr and increment-version-on-merge workflows.

If a PR contains source code changes, the should be updated with the latest action version and the action should be recompiled. The build-and-review-pr workflow will ensure these steps are performed when they are required. The workflow will provide instructions for completing these steps if the PR Author does not initially complete them.

If a PR consists solely of non-source code changes like changes to the or workflows under ./.github/workflows, version updates and recompiles do not need to be performed.

Recompiling Manually

This command utilizes esbuild to bundle the action and its dependencies into a single file located in the dist folder. If changes are made to the action's source code, the action must be recompiled by running the following command:

# Installs dependencies and bundles the code
npm run build

Updating the

If changes are made to the action's source code, the usage examples section of this file should be updated with the next version of the action. Each instance of this action should be updated. This helps users know what the latest tag is without having to navigate to the Tags page of the repository. See Incrementing the Version for details on how to determine what the next version will be or consult the first workflow run for the PR which will also calculate the next version.

Code of Conduct

This project has adopted the im-open's Code of Conduct.


Copyright © 2023, Extend Health, LLC. Code released under the MIT license.


An action that closes and archives Deployment Issues on an automated Deployment Project Board




Code of conduct


