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attempting to display multiple windows, currently giving signa SIGSEG…
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arthmis committed Jan 16, 2019
1 parent 74c81de commit 5c3cff2
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7 changes: 6 additions & 1 deletion examples/
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#[cfg(feature = "display-window")]
fn main() {
use imageproc::window::display_image;
use imageproc::window::display_multiple_images;
use std::env;

let image_path = match env::args().nth(1) {
Expand All @@ -20,8 +21,12 @@ fn main() {
let image = image::open(&image_path)
.expect("No image found at provided path")
let other_img = image::open(&image_path)
.expect("No image found at provided path")

display_image("", &image, 10, 10);
display_multiple_images("", vec![image, other_img], 1000, 1000);
// display_image("", &image, 1000, 1000);

#[cfg(not(feature = "display-window"))]
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126 changes: 126 additions & 0 deletions src/
Expand Up @@ -93,6 +93,132 @@ pub fn display_image(title: &str, image: &RgbaImage, window_width: u32, window_h
/// Displays the provided RGBA images in new windows.
/// The minimum window width or height is 150 pixels - input values less than this
/// will be rounded up to the minimum.
pub fn display_multiple_images(title: &str, image: Vec<RgbaImage>, window_width: u32, window_height: u32) {
// Enforce minimum window size
const MIN_WINDOW_DIMENSION: u32 = 150;
let window_width = window_width.max(MIN_WINDOW_DIMENSION);
let window_height = window_height.max(MIN_WINDOW_DIMENSION);

// Initialise sdl2 window
let sdl = sdl2::init().expect("couldn't create sdl2 context");
let video_subsystem ="couldn't create video subsystem");

use sdl2::video::Window;
use sdl2::render::WindowCanvas;
use sdl2::video::WindowContext;

let mut windows: Vec<sdl2::video::Window> = Vec::new();
for _i in 0..image.len() {
let mut window = video_subsystem
.window(title, window_width, window_height)
.expect("couldn't create window");

.expect("invalid minimum size for window");
// let mut window = video_subsystem
// .window(title, window_width, window_height)
// .position_centered()
// .resizable()
// .build()
// .expect("couldn't create window");
// window
// .expect("invalid minimum size for window");
let mut canvases: Vec<WindowCanvas> = Vec::new();
// for i in {
for window in windows.into_iter() {
// let mut canvas = windows[i as usize].into_canvas()
let mut canvas = window.into_canvas()
.expect("couldn't creat canvas");

// let mut canvas = window.into_canvas()
// .build()
// .expect("couldn't create canvas");

let mut texture_creators: Vec<sdl2::render::TextureCreator<WindowContext>> = Vec::new();
for i in 0..canvases.len() {
let texture_creator = canvases[i as usize].texture_creator();
// let texture_creator = canvas.texture_creator();
use sdl2::render::TextureCreator;
use sdl2::render::Canvas;

// Shrinks input image to fit if required and renders to the sdl canvas
// let mut render_image_to_canvas = |image, window_width, window_height| {
let mut render_image_to_canvas = |image, window_width, window_height, canvas: &mut Canvas<Window>, texture_creator: &TextureCreator<WindowContext>| {
// fn render_image_to_canvas(image: &RgbaImage, window_width: u32, window_height: u32, canvas: &mut Canvas<Window>, texture_creator: &TextureCreator<WindowContext>) {
let scaled_image = resize_to_fit(image, window_width, window_height);

let (image_width, image_height) = scaled_image.dimensions();
let mut buffer = scaled_image.into_raw();
const CHANNEL_COUNT: u32 = 4;
let surface = Surface::from_data(
&mut buffer,
image_width * CHANNEL_COUNT,
PixelFormatEnum::ABGR8888 // sdl2 expects bits from highest to lowest
).expect("couldn't create surface");

let texture = texture_creator
.expect("couldn't create texture from surface");

canvas.set_draw_color(Color::RGB(255, 255, 255));

let left = ((window_width - image_width) as f32 / 2f32) as i32;
let top = ((window_height - image_height) as f32 / 2f32) as i32;
canvas.copy(&texture, None, Rect::new(left, top, image_width, image_height)).unwrap();

// for (canvas, texture_creator) in canvases.iter().zip(texture_creators.iter()) {
for (i, (mut canvas, texture_creator)) in canvases.into_iter().zip(texture_creators.iter()).enumerate() {
let i = i as usize;
render_image_to_canvas(&image[i], window_width, window_height, &mut canvas, texture_creator);
// render_image_to_canvas(&image[i], window_width, window_height, canvases[i], texture_creators[i]);
// render_image_to_canvas(image, window_width, window_height, &canvas, &texture_creator);

// Create and start event loop to keep window open until Esc
let mut event_pump = sdl.event_pump().unwrap();
'running: loop {
for event in event_pump.poll_iter() {
match event {
Event::Quit { .. }
| Event::KeyDown {
keycode: Some(Keycode::Escape),
} => break 'running,
Event::Window {
win_event: WindowEvent::Resized(w, h),
} => {
// render_image_to_canvas(image, w as u32, h as u32);
_ => {}

// Scale input image down if required so that it fits within a window of the given dimensions
fn resize_to_fit(image: &RgbaImage, window_width: u32, window_height: u32) -> RgbaImage {
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