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Add BlockShuffle class
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Add helper class for creating images with shuffled blocks.
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etadobson authored and ctrueden committed Oct 25, 2017
1 parent c0018a1 commit 8bc63af
Showing 1 changed file with 154 additions and 0 deletions.
154 changes: 154 additions & 0 deletions src/main/java/net/imagej/ops/coloc/
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@

package net.imagej.ops.coloc;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Random;

import net.imglib2.Cursor;
import net.imglib2.IterableInterval;
import net.imglib2.RandomAccess;
import net.imglib2.RandomAccessible;
import net.imglib2.RandomAccessibleInterval;
import net.imglib2.img.Img;
import net.imglib2.img.ImgFactory;
import net.imglib2.type.numeric.RealType;
import net.imglib2.view.Views;

* Helper class for creating images with shuffled blocks.
public class BlockShuffle<T extends RealType<T>>
private final RandomAccessibleInterval<T> image;
private final List<IterableInterval<T>> blockIntervals;
private Random rng;

public BlockShuffle(final RandomAccessibleInterval<T> image, final long seed) {
this.image = image;
rng = new Random(seed);

final int nrDimensions = image.numDimensions();
final long[] dimensions = new long[nrDimensions];
int nrBlocksPerImage = 1;
final long[] nrBlocksPerDimension = new long[nrDimensions];
final long[] blockSize = new long[nrDimensions];

for (int i = 0; i < nrDimensions; i++) {
blockSize[i] = (long) Math.floor(Math.sqrt(dimensions[i]));
nrBlocksPerDimension[i] = dimensions[i] / blockSize[i];
// if there is the need for a out-of-bounds block, increase count
if (dimensions[i] % blockSize[i] != 0) nrBlocksPerDimension[i]++;
nrBlocksPerImage *= nrBlocksPerDimension[i];

final double[] floatDimensions = new double[nrDimensions];
for (int i = 0; i < nrDimensions; ++i)
floatDimensions[i] = dimensions[i];
blockIntervals = new ArrayList<IterableInterval<T>>(nrBlocksPerImage);
final RandomAccessible<T> infiniteImg = Views.extendMirrorSingle(image);
generateBlocksXYZ(infiniteImg, floatDimensions,

public Img<T> shuffleBlocks(ImgFactory<T> factory)
final int nrBlocksPerImage = blockIntervals.size();
final List<Cursor<T>> inputBlocks = new ArrayList<Cursor<T>>(
final List<Cursor<T>> outputBlocks = new ArrayList<Cursor<T>>(
for (final IterableInterval<T> roiIt : blockIntervals) {

final T zero = image.randomAccess().get().createVariable();

final long[] dims = new long[image.numDimensions()];
final Img<T> shuffledImage = factory.create(dims, image.randomAccess().get()
final RandomAccessible<T> infiniteShuffledImage = Views.extendValue(
shuffledImage, zero);

Collections.shuffle(inputBlocks, rng);
final RandomAccess<T> output = infiniteShuffledImage.randomAccess();

for (int j = 0; j < inputBlocks.size(); j++) {
final Cursor<T> inputCursor = inputBlocks.get(j);
final Cursor<T> outputCursor = outputBlocks.get(j);
while (inputCursor.hasNext() && outputCursor.hasNext()) {

return shuffledImage;

private void generateBlocksXYZ(
final RandomAccessible<T> infiniteImg,
final double[] size, final long[] blocksize)
// get the number of dimensions
final int nrDimensions = infiniteImg.numDimensions();
final long[] offset = new long[nrDimensions];
if (nrDimensions == 2) { // for a 2D image...
generateBlocksXY(infiniteImg, blockIntervals, offset, size, blocksize);
else if (nrDimensions == 3) { // for a 3D image...
final double depth = size[2];
long z;
final long originalZ = offset[2];
// go through the depth in steps of block depth
for (z = blocksize[2]; z <= depth; z += blocksize[2]) {

offset[2] = originalZ + z - blocksize[2];
generateBlocksXY(infiniteImg, blockIntervals, offset, size, blocksize);
offset[2] = originalZ;

private void generateBlocksXY(
final RandomAccessible<T> img, final List<IterableInterval<T>> blockList,
final long[] offset, final double[] size, final long[] blocksize)
// potentially masked image height
final double height = size[1];
final long originalY = offset[1];
// go through the height in steps of block width
long y;
for (y = blocksize[1]; y <= height; y += blocksize[1]) {
offset[1] = originalY + y - blocksize[1];
generateBlocksX(img, blockList, offset, size, blocksize);
// check is we need to add a out of bounds strategy cursor
offset[1] = originalY;

private void generateBlocksX(
final RandomAccessible<T> img, final List<IterableInterval<T>> blockList,
final long[] offset, final double[] size, final long[] blocksize)
// go through the width in steps of block width
final long[] min = new long[offset.length];
final long[] max = new long[blocksize.length];
for (int i = 1; i < offset.length; i++) {
min[i] = offset[i];
max[i] = min[i] + blocksize[i];
for (long x = blocksize[0]; x <= size[0]; x += blocksize[0]) {
min[0] = offset[0] + x - blocksize[0];
max[0] = min[0] + blocksize[0];
blockList.add(Views.interval(img, min, max));

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