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Boogi - booking and touring platform for music professionals


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Boogi App

Social network for promoters


For app installation you can use install scripts (/utils/ Currently these scripts in beta. If you will have errors please use instructions bellow.

  1. Install LAMP stack (script may be outdated):

     $ ./utils/
  2. Clone source:

     $ git clone /var/www/boogi/
  3. Run composer to install general dependencies:

     $ composer install --no-dev

    How to install composer please read

  4. Run install script OR manually create local files and dirs:

    4.1 Run install script:

     $ ./utils/

    4.2 Or create local config files:

     $ cd front/protected/config/
     $ cp main.php main-local.php
     $ cd admin/protected/config/
     $ cp main.php main-local.php
     $ cp console.php console-local.php

    4.3 Update main-local.php, console-local.php with your environment settings

    4.4 Create image directories:

     $ cd front/images/
     $ mkdir storage
     $ cd front/images/storage/
     $ mkdir artist gig promoter temp venue
     $ cd front/images/
     $ chmod -r 777 storage/
     $ cd admin/
     $ mkdir assets
     $ chmod 777 assets/

    4.5 Create runtime directories:

     $ cd front/protected/
     $ mkdir runtime
     $ chmod 777 runtime/
     $ cd admin/protected/
     $ mkdir runtime
     $ chmod 777 runtime/

    4.6 Create index file (choose dev or prod extension for file):

     $ cd front/protected/
     $ cp index.php
     $ chmod 777 runtime/
  5. Run migrations to setup DB:

     $ ./admin/protected/yiic migrate

    Also you can use latest database script from docs directory

     $ cd docs/database/
     $ mysql -u root -p
     $ create database boogi;
     $ use boogi;
     $ source latest.sql;
  6. Add following cron jobs:

     # Get events
     0 3 * * *       /path_to_project_source/src/admin/protected/yiic Bandsintown UpdateEvents
     30 3 * * *      /path_to_project_source/src/admin/protected/yiic Facebook UpdateEvents
     # Merge and clean Venues
     30 5 * * *      /path_to_project_source/src/admin/protected/yiic System UpdateVenues
     # Validate base objects
     10 0 1 * *      /path_to_project_source/src/admin/protected/yiic System ValidateObjects
     # Run Mailer queue
     1/60 * * * *    /path_to_project_source/src/admin/protected/yiic Mailer SendEventEmails

Setup Test Environment

  1. Install test packages (currently works only on unix platforms):

     $ composer install --dev
  2. Download latest Chrome Driver

  3. Copy driver to global bin path (typically for Linux)

     $ sudo cp chromedriver /usr/local/bin/
     $ sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/chromedriver
  4. Install Google Chrome web browser and its dependencies

     $ sudo apt-get install -f -y libappindicator1 libxss1 libpango1.0-0 xdg-utils
     $ sudo dpkg -i google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb
  5. Install GUI wrapper for browser support

     $ sudo apt-get install Xvfb
  6. Run Xvfb wrapper and configure display

     $ Xvfb :15 -ac -screen 0 1024x768x8 &
     $ google-chrome
  7. Run Selenium server

     $ ./utils/seserver
  8. Make PHPUnit executable system wide (optional)

     $ sudo cp ./vendor/phpunit/phpunit/phpunit /usr/local/bin/
     $ sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/phpunit
  9. Add to hosts file link to local domain

     $ sudo vim /etc/hosts
  10. Run tests

    $ cd ./front/protected/tests
    $ phpunit functional

Code Guidelines:

Please use PEAR code standards


Boogi - booking and touring platform for music professionals







No releases published
