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Stringer on OpenShift

Deploying into OpenShift

  1. Creating new OpenShift Ruby 1.9 application with the Postgresql cartridge (command-line).
   rhc app create feeds ruby-1.9 postgresql-9.2
  1. Pull the code from the Stringer Github repository.
   cd feeds
   git remote add upstream git://
   git pull -s recursive -X theirs upstream master
  1. To enable migrations for the application, a new action_hook is required. Add the file, .openshift/action_hooks/deploy, with the below 3 lines into it.
   pushd ${OPENSHIFT_REPO_DIR} > /dev/null
   bundle exec rake db:migrate RACK_ENV="production"
   popd > /dev/null
  1. Next, a secret is needed for the application. Generate the secret by running:
   openssl rand -hex 20
  1. Add the generated secret into a new file, .openshift/action_hooks/pre_start_ruby-1.9, in the format below.
   export SECRET_TOKEN="generated_secret"
  1. Make sure that the 2 files created above are executable on Unix-like systems.
   chmod +x .openshift/action_hooks/deploy .openshift/action_hooks/pre_start_ruby-1.9
  1. Configuration of the database server is next. Open the file config/database.yml and add in the configuration for Production as shown below. OpenShift is able to use environment variables to push the information into the application.
   	adapter: postgresql
   	database: <%= ENV["OPENSHIFT_APP_NAME"] %>
  1. Due to an older version of bundler being used in OpenShift (1.1.4), it does not support indicating the ruby version in the Gemfile. Remove the line from the Gemfile below. (Referencing issue #266)
   ruby '1.9.3'
  1. Finally, once completed, all changes should be committed and pushed to OpenShift. Note that it might take a while when pushing to OpenShift.
   git add .
   git commit -m "Deployment of Stringer"
   git push origin
  1. Check that you are able to access the website at the URL given, i.e. Then set your password, import your feeds and all good to go!

Adding Cronjob to Fetch Feeds

After importing feeds, a cron job is needed on OpenShift to fetch feeds.

  1. Add a new cron cartridge for the cron job.
   rhc cartridge add cron -a feeds
  1. Add a new executable file, .openshift/cron/hourly/fetch_feeds and put the below 4 lines into it.
   pushd ${OPENSHIFT_REPO_DIR} > /dev/null
   bundle exec rake fetch_feeds RACK_ENV="production"
   popd > /dev/null
  1. Make the file executable.
   chmod +x .openshift/cron/hourly/fetch_feeds
  1. Push all changes to OpenShift.
   git add .
   git commit -m "Added Cronjob"
   git push origin
  1. Done! The cron job should fetch feeds every hour.