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Collection of software for using Whisper in a 6TiSCH network. It also supports external control by an ONOS controller


Municio, Esteban, Johann Marquez-Barja, Steven Latré, and Stefano Vissicchio. "Whisper: Programmable and flexible control on industrial IoT networks." Sensors 18, no. 11 (2018): 4048. PDF

Municio, Esteban, Steven Latre, and Johann M. Marquez-Barja. "Extending Network Programmability to the Things Overlay using Distributed Industrial IoT Protocols." IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 17, no. 1 (2020): 251-259. PDF

Municio, Esteban, Niels Balemans, Steven Latré, and Johann Marquez-Barjal. "Leveraging distributed protocols for full end-to-end softwarization in iot networks." In 2020 IEEE 17th Annual Consumer Communications & Networking Conference (CCNC), pp. 1-6. IEEE, 2020. PDF


This repository includes:

  1. The Whisper controller
    • Algorithms for translating Policies to Primitives.
    • Local Whisper Controller that runs in Openvisualizer.
    • Coap repository.
    • Sample topologies to test the switch-parent algorithm.
    • Misc tools.
  2. Current OpenWSN firmware:
    • Current original OpenWSN firmware for the normal nodes (updated 10 Dec 2019).
  3. Firmware for the Whisper nodes (root and leaf):
    • Modified version of OpenWSN that comunicates with the controller through COAP (leaf) and through serial (root).
  4. Monitoring tools:
    • A sniffer for OpenMote that captures traffic from the network.
    • A modified version of Foren6 to process and display information from the captured traffic:
      • Parent relationship (DAOs).
      • Ranks (DIOs).
      • 6TiSCH schedules (6P commands).
  5. ONOS framework with including the Whisper module:
    • Whisper provider.
    • Whisper protocol (southband).
    • Whisper App (GUI+CLI)
      • 6TiSCH Topology Component
      • 6TiSCH schedules UI Component
      • Whisper Controllers UI Table Components


  • Parent switching through DIOs
  • Schedule modification through 6P commands (e.g. to allocate cells before the parent switch or 6P List)
  • Monitoring capabilities:
    • Neighbors of the Whisper node
    • Logic and physical topology
  • Orchestration from ONOS via edge metrics and intents.


Augmented Topology

6TiSCH Schedules

Whisper Controllers View

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