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New Video in February Unfortunately, I need to postpone the next video until later this year. I'm currently working on Pet-Pal.

New LeetCode video is coming soon.

👋 👋 I update regurarly this repo with my solutions of leetcode questions. Use these files and the corresponding videos, if you want to see my Javascript code. The problems are divided into three categories (ie easy, medium and hard) and you can find them attached below under the correct section. Cheers! 🙏🙏


I am more than happy to consider contributors to this project - esp in Python, Kotlin & Swift. DM me on twitter.



  1. 1.TwoSum
  2. 9.PalindromeNumber
  3. 13.RomanToInteger
  4. 14.LongestCommonPrefix
  5. 21.MergeTwoSortedLists
  6. 242.ValidAnagram
  7. 206.ReverseLinkedList
  8. 20.ValidParentheses
  9. 83.RemoveDuplicatesFromSortedList
  10. 125.ValidPalindrome
  11. 141.LinkedListCycle
  12. 203.RemoveLinkedListElements
  13. 1480.RunningSomeOf1dArray
  14. 724.FindPivotIndex
  15. 205.IsomorphicStrings
  16. 392.IsSubsequence
  17. 876.MiddleOfTheLinkedList
  18. 100.SameTree


  1. 2.AddTwoNumbers
  2. 92.ReverseLinkedListII


  1. Coming soon