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Getting Started

This project consists of two pages Home Page and Article Page.

What I can't do

  • Pagination: I tried to make the pagination on the home page but I was not successful. I did not know what I needed to do to make the pagination compatible with seo. Edit: I also forgot to add, I encountered a problem like this while using the pagination feature in json-server. typicode/json-server#1493 (comment)
  • filterin and testing: I have no idea where I need to do the filtering and sorting functions. I didn't see any design for this in the figma file either. I couldn't write a test because I couldn't do these.
  • css: css files can be confusing, I don't like using modules too much, but it's easier to read this way. and it's the first time I've written pure css in about 2 years. I may have a slightly bad approach to layout and naming.

Folder Structure

  • /components: This directory contains all the React components used in the project. It's further divided into subdirectories like home-page-components, article-components, each containing related components.
  • /svgs: SVG files are stored here for later reuse. by storing them in this way you can easily update their colours and sizes.
  • /lib/definitions.ts: This file contains TypeScript type definitions and interfaces used throughout the project.
  • /lib/api.tsx: Here the data is extracted from the api and frozen back as a component. << I'm not sure if it's right to render the component in this way >>

Run Project

npm install
npm run dev