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Merge pull request #61 from damianb/feature-acl
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add ACL Component to OpenFlame Framework
  • Loading branch information
katanacrimson committed Dec 10, 2011
2 parents 191bdc3 + 01a0449 commit e9e12bc
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Showing 2 changed files with 345 additions and 0 deletions.
131 changes: 131 additions & 0 deletions ACL/Auth.php
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
* @package openflame-framework
* @subpackage ACL
* @copyright (c) 2010 - 2011
* @license The MIT License
* @link
* Minimum Requirement: PHP 5.3.0

namespace OpenFlame\Framework\ACL;
use \OpenFlame\Framework\Core;

* OpenFlame Framework - ACL binary auth interpreter object
* Resolves auth flags and determines if group specified has auth specified by a given auth flag.
* @license The MIT License
* @link
class Auth
* @var array - Array of group auth string data, exactly as compiled by the Translator class.
protected $group = array();

* @var array - Array of auth flags, exactly as compiled by the Translator class.
protected $auth = array();

* Constructor
* @param array $auth_data - Array of auth flags as compiled by the Translator class.
* @param array $group_data - Array of group data, as provided by the Translator class (optional, can be loaded later)
public function __construct(array $auth_data, array $group_data = NULL)
$this->auth = $auth_data;

if($group_data !== NULL)
foreach($group_data as $group_id => $data)
$this->addGroupData($group_id, $data);

* Load group ACL data
* @param mixed $group_id - The identifier for this group.
* @param array $group_data - The ACL data for this group.
* @return \OpenFlame\Framework\ACL\Auth - Provides a fluent interface.
public function addGroupData($group_id, array $group_data)
$this->group[$group_id] = $group_data;

return $this;

* Check a flag against the group specified to see if the group has the specified ACL flag set.
* @param mixed $group_id - The identifier for the group to check.
* @param mixed $auth - Either a string or an array of strings of the auth flags to check.
* @return boolean - Returns false if the group ID isn't recognized, if the ACL flag does not exist, or if any of the auth flag checks fails. Returns true only if all auth flag checks pass.
* @note - All auth flags can be prefixed with a "!" to invert the lookup - ex: $acl->check(array('SOME_PERMISSION', '!OTHER_PERMISSION'));
public function check($group_id, $auth)
return false;

foreach($auth as $_auth)
if(!$this->_check($group_id, $_auth))
return false;

return true;
return $this->_check($group_id, $auth);

* Protected - checks the specified auth
* @param mixed $group_id - The identifier for the group to check.
* @param string $auth - The auth string to check.
* @return boolean - Returns false if the ACL flag does not exist or if the auth flag check fails. Returns true only if the auth flag check passes.
protected function _check($group_id, $auth)
$not = false;
if($auth[0] == '!')
$not = true;
$auth = substr($auth, 1);

return false;

$authstring = $this->group[$group_id]['auth'];
$auth_id = $this->auth[$auth];
return ($authstring[$auth_id]) ? true : false;
return ($authstring[$auth_id]) ? false : true;
214 changes: 214 additions & 0 deletions ACL/Translator.php
@@ -0,0 +1,214 @@
* @package openflame-framework
* @subpackage ACL
* @copyright (c) 2010 - 2011
* @license The MIT License
* @link
* Minimum Requirement: PHP 5.3.0

namespace OpenFlame\Framework\ACL;
use \OpenFlame\Framework\Core;

* OpenFlame Framework - ACL binary auth compiler object
* Takes provided auth flags, group auth settings & inheritances and translates them into a raw auth string for use with the ACL\Auth class.
* @license The MIT License
* @link
class Translator
* @var array - Array containing the finished, processed group data after resolveAuths() is run
protected $groups = array();

* @var array - Array of raw ACL processing data used internally
protected $group_auth_cache = array();

* @var array - Array of raw group data (like auth cache and )
protected $groups_raw = array();

* @var array - Array of all ACL flags in the application. (DO NOT OMIT ANY FLAGS WHATSOEVER)
protected $auths = array();

* Load in group data.
* @param mixed $group_id - The unique identifier for this group
* @param array $group_flags - The array of flags to use for this group.
* @param mixed $inherit_id - The identifier of the group that this group inherits auths from, if any.
* @param string $auth_cache - The previously generated 'inherit' string, if available (a string comprised of just the character set 0, 1, and 2)
* @return \OpenFlame\Framework\ACL\Translator - Provides a fluent interface.
public function setGroup($group_id, array $group_flags, $inherit_id = NULL, $auth_cache = NULL)
$this->groups_raw[$group_id] = array(
'flags' => $group_flags,
'inherit' => $inherit_id,
//'authcache' => $auth_cache,

$this->group_auth_cache[$group_id] = array_map('intval', str_split($auth_cache, 1));

return $this;

* Load in the array of auths in use in the application.
* @param array $auth_flags - Array of all the ACL flags in the application. (DO NOT OMIT ANY FLAGS WHATSOEVER)
* @return \OpenFlame\Framework\ACL\Translator - Provides a fluent interface.
* @note If any flags are added, removed, or their order changes, all compiled ACL flag strings must be recomputed.
public function setAuths(array $auth_flags)
$this->auths = array_flip($auth_flags);

* Compute the group auths for the given group or groups (while accounting for group inheritance)
* @param mixed - The unique group identifier, or array of unique group identifiers to compute the group auths for.
* @return array - An array containing two entries, a "groups" subarray containing the "inherit" and "auths" strings, and potentially the unique identifiers of any child groups (under "children") and the unique identifier of the parent group (under "parent")
* @note if the group's data is not loaded with this->setGroup() the group's auth data will not be computed.
public function buildGroupAuths($group_id_set)
// Ensure this is a workable array of groups to process
$group_id_set = array($group_id_set);

foreach($group_id_set as $group_id)
// Only groups that we have the flag data for please.

// Handle group auth inheritance
if(!empty($this->groups_raw[$group_id]['inherit']) && isset($this->group_auth_cache[$this->groups_raw[$group_id]['inherit']]))
// Mark this group's parent.
$this->groups[$group_id]['parent'] = $this->groups_raw[$group_id]['inherit'];

// Mark this group as a child of the one we're inheriting auths from.
$this->groups[$this->groups_raw[$group_id]['inherit']]['children'][] = $group_id;

// Let's do it for ALL the ancestors - that way, a change upstream will result in a very easy invalidation of all children.
$inherit_tree = array();
$inherit_id = $this->groups[$group_id]['parent'];
$inherit_id = isset($this->groups[$inherit_id]['parent']) ? $this->groups[$inherit_id]['parent'] : NULL;
if($inherit_id === NULL)
throw new \RuntimeException('Recursive group inheritance detected, aborting');

$inherit_tree[$inherit_id] = true;
$this->groups[$inherit_id]['children'][] = $group_id;

// Grab the auths of the parent.
$auth_array = $this->group_auth_cache[$this->groups_raw[$group_id]['inherit']];
// just create a ton of zeroes for our auth array.
$auth_array = array_fill(0, count($this->auths), 0);

$parsed_auth_map = array_combine(array_map(array($this, 'getAuthID'), array_keys($this->groups_raw[$group_id]['flags'])), array_values($this->groups_raw[$group_id]['flags']));
array_walk($auth_array, array($this, 'blender'), $parsed_auth_map);

$this->group_auth_cache[$group_id] = $auth_array;

* Build the two "packed" ACL strings here
* note: inherit's string uses 0 for no, 1 for yes, 2 for never - it is used to "cache" in string form the computated access control list for the group for future changes
* auth's string is pure 0/1, yes/no logic for whether a given auth flag is true for the group or not.
$this->groups[$group_id]['inherit'] = implode('', str_replace(-1, 2, $auth_array));
$this->groups[$group_id]['auth'] = implode('', str_replace(array(-1, 2), array(0, 0), $auth_array));

return array(
'groups' => $this->groups,
'auths' => $this->auths,

* @ignore
public function getAuthID($auth_name)
return $this->auths[$auth_name];

* @ignore
public function blender(&$item, $key, $merge)
* assume:
* 1 = 'yes'
* 0 = 'no'
* -1 = 'never'
* only 'yes' will result in ACL bool(true), while both 'no' and 'never' will result in ACL bool(false)
* 'no' will occur if both current and inherited values are '0'
* 'no' (inherited as 'never') will occur if either the current or inherited value is -1
* 'yes' can result in 'yes' so long as either the current or inherited value has is 1, and neither value is -1
* in practice:
* (inherited ACL flag setting) & (specified ACL flag setting) -> (resulting ACL flag setting)
* inheriting 0:
* 0 & 0 -> 0 (false)
* 0 & 1 -> 1 (true)
* 0 & -1 -> -1 (false)
* inheriting -1:
* -1 & 0 -> -1 (false)
* -1 & 1 -> -1 (false)
* -1 & -1 -> -1 (false)
* inheriting 1:
* 1 & 0 -> 1 (true)
* 1 & 1 -> 1 (true)
* 1 & -1 -> -1 (false)
* this structure allows "never" to always, ALWAYS work.
if(isset($merge[$key]) && $merge[$key] != 0 && $item != -1)
$item = $merge[$key];

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