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This is a minimal implementation of a bank as a business network using Hyperledger Composer.

In case you haven't done yet, please, clone this repository running:

git clone && cd hyperledger-composer-bank


npm install

Run the tests - test/logic.js & features/sample.feature file

npm test

You should see something like

> nyc mocha -t 0 test/*.js && cucumber-js

    ✓ Alice can add assets that she owns
    ✓ Alice cannot add assets that Bob owns
    ✓ Bob can add assets that he owns
    ✓ Bob cannot add assets that Alice owns
    ✓ Alice can submit a transaction from her assets
    ✓ Bob cannot submit a transaction due to Insufficient funds. from his account to Alice account

  6 passing (2s)

File      |  % Stmts | % Branch |  % Funcs |  % Lines | Uncovered Line #s |
All files |        0 |        0 |        0 |        0 |                   |
Feature: Sample

  Scenario: Alice can add assets that she owns
  ✔ Given I have deployed the business network definition ..
  ✔ And I have added the following participants of type org.example.mynetwork.Holder
      | holderId | firstName | lastName |
      | aliceId  | Alice     | A        |
      | bobId    | Bob       | B        |
  ✔ And I have added the following assets of type org.example.mynetwork.Account
      | accountId      | holder  | balance |
      | alice_account1 | aliceId | 500     |
      | bob_account1   | bobId   | 200     |
  ✔ And I have issued the participant org.example.mynetwork.Holder#aliceId with the identity alice1
  ✔ And I have issued the participant org.example.mynetwork.Holder#bobId with the identity bob1
  ✔ When I use the identity alice1
  ✔ And I add the following asset of type org.example.mynetwork.Account
      | accountId      | holder  | balance |
      | alice_account2 | aliceId | 300     |
  ✔ Then I should have the following assets of type org.example.mynetwork.Account
      | accountId      | holder  | balance |
      | alice_account2 | aliceId | 300     |

  Scenario: Alice cannot add assets that Bob owns
  ✔ Given I have deployed the business network definition ..
  ✔ And I have added the following participants of type org.example.mynetwork.Holder
      | holderId | firstName | lastName |
      | aliceId  | Alice     | A        |
      | bobId    | Bob       | B        |
  ✔ And I have added the following assets of type org.example.mynetwork.Account
      | accountId      | holder  | balance |
      | alice_account1 | aliceId | 500     |
      | bob_account1   | bobId   | 200     |
  ✔ And I have issued the participant org.example.mynetwork.Holder#aliceId with the identity alice1
  ✔ And I have issued the participant org.example.mynetwork.Holder#bobId with the identity bob1
  ✔ When I use the identity alice1
  ✔ And I add the following asset of type org.example.mynetwork.Account
      | accountId    | holder | balance |
      | bob_account2 | bobId  | 50      |
  ✔ Then I should get an error matching /does not have .* access to resource/

  Scenario: Bob can add assets that he owns
  ✔ Given I have deployed the business network definition ..
  ✔ And I have added the following participants of type org.example.mynetwork.Holder
      | holderId | firstName | lastName |
      | aliceId  | Alice     | A        |
      | bobId    | Bob       | B        |
  ✔ And I have added the following assets of type org.example.mynetwork.Account
      | accountId      | holder  | balance |
      | alice_account1 | aliceId | 500     |
      | bob_account1   | bobId   | 200     |
  ✔ And I have issued the participant org.example.mynetwork.Holder#aliceId with the identity alice1
  ✔ And I have issued the participant org.example.mynetwork.Holder#bobId with the identity bob1
  ✔ When I use the identity bob1
  ✔ And I add the following asset of type org.example.mynetwork.Account
      | accountId    | holder | balance |
      | bob_account3 | bobId  | 400     |
  ✔ Then I should have the following assets of type org.example.mynetwork.Account
      | accountId    | holder | balance |
      | bob_account3 | bobId  | 400     |

  Scenario: Bob cannot add assets that Alice owns
  ✔ Given I have deployed the business network definition ..
  ✔ And I have added the following participants of type org.example.mynetwork.Holder
      | holderId | firstName | lastName |
      | aliceId  | Alice     | A        |
      | bobId    | Bob       | B        |
  ✔ And I have added the following assets of type org.example.mynetwork.Account
      | accountId      | holder  | balance |
      | alice_account1 | aliceId | 500     |
      | bob_account1   | bobId   | 200     |
  ✔ And I have issued the participant org.example.mynetwork.Holder#aliceId with the identity alice1
  ✔ And I have issued the participant org.example.mynetwork.Holder#bobId with the identity bob1
  ✔ When I use the identity bob1
  ✔ And I add the following asset of type org.example.mynetwork.Account
      | accountId      | holder  | balance |
      | alice_account3 | aliceId | 400     |
  ✔ Then I should get an error matching /does not have .* access to resource/

  Scenario: Alice can submit a transaction from her account to Bob account
  ✔ Given I have deployed the business network definition ..
  ✔ And I have added the following participants of type org.example.mynetwork.Holder
      | holderId | firstName | lastName |
      | aliceId  | Alice     | A        |
      | bobId    | Bob       | B        |
  ✔ And I have added the following assets of type org.example.mynetwork.Account
      | accountId      | holder  | balance |
      | alice_account1 | aliceId | 500     |
      | bob_account1   | bobId   | 200     |
  ✔ And I have issued the participant org.example.mynetwork.Holder#aliceId with the identity alice1
  ✔ And I have issued the participant org.example.mynetwork.Holder#bobId with the identity bob1
  ✔ When I use the identity alice1
  ✔ And I submit the following transaction of type org.example.mynetwork.FundsTransfer
      | sender         | recipient    | amount |
      | alice_account1 | bob_account1 | 100    |
  ✔ Then I should have the following asset of type org.example.mynetwork.Account
      | accountId      | holder  | balance |
      | alice_account1 | aliceId | 400     |
      | bob_account1   | bobId   | 300     |

  Scenario: Bob cannot submit a transaction due to Insufficient funds. from his account to Alice account
  ✔ Given I have deployed the business network definition ..
  ✔ And I have added the following participants of type org.example.mynetwork.Holder
      | holderId | firstName | lastName |
      | aliceId  | Alice     | A        |
      | bobId    | Bob       | B        |
  ✔ And I have added the following assets of type org.example.mynetwork.Account
      | accountId      | holder  | balance |
      | alice_account1 | aliceId | 500     |
      | bob_account1   | bobId   | 200     |
  ✔ And I have issued the participant org.example.mynetwork.Holder#aliceId with the identity alice1
  ✔ And I have issued the participant org.example.mynetwork.Holder#bobId with the identity bob1
  ✔ When I use the identity bob1
  ✔ And I submit the following transaction of type org.example.mynetwork.FundsTransfer
      | sender       | recipient      | amount |
      | bob_account1 | alice_account1 | 1000   |
  ✔ Then I should get an error matching /Insufficient funds./

6 scenarios (6 passed)
48 steps (48 passed)

If everything went OK, run these scripts in strict order

sh scripts/ 
sh scripts/
sh scripts/
sh scripts/

If you want to check if everything went OK, run:

composer network list --card admin@hyperledger-composer-bank

You should see something like

✔ List business network from card admin@hyperledger-composer-bank
  - org.hyperledger.composer.system
  - org.example.mynetwork
  - lib/logic.js
    id:           org.example.mynetwork.Account
    name:         Asset registry for org.example.mynetwork.Account
    registryType: Asset
    id:           org.example.mynetwork.Holder
    name:         Participant registry for org.example.mynetwork.Holder
    registryType: Participant

Command succeeded

Finally, run this script

sh scripts/

Open http://localhost:3000/explorer in a web browser and you will see a SwaggerUI-styled web: "Hyperledger Composer REST server". Additionally, you can run curl commands.

Create one holder

curl -iX POST --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --header 'Accept: application/json' -d '{"$class": "org.example.mynetwork.Holder", "holderId": "1234", "firstName": "bart", "lastName": "simpson" }' 'http://localhost:3000/api/Holder'

and set a bank account to him

curl -iX POST --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --header 'Accept: application/json' -d '{ "$class": "org.example.mynetwork.Account", "accountId": "BART", "holder": "org.example.mynetwork.Holder#1234", "balance": 300 }' 'http://localhost:3000/api/Account'

Create another holder

curl -iX POST --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --header 'Accept: application/json' -d '{"$class": "org.example.mynetwork.Holder", "holderId": "7890", "firstName": "sideshow", "lastName": "bob" }' 'http://localhost:3000/api/Holder'

and set a bank account to him too

curl -iX POST --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --header 'Accept: application/json' -d '{ "$class": "org.example.mynetwork.Account", "accountId": "BOB", "holder": "org.example.mynetwork.Holder#7890", "balance": 100 }' 'http://localhost:3000/api/Account'

You could check the holders running

curl -iX GET --header 'Accept: application/json' 'http://localhost:3000/api/Holder'

or check the accounts running

curl -iX GET --header 'Accept: application/json' 'http://localhost:3000/api/Account'

To transfer 200 from Bart to Sideshow Bob, run

curl -iX POST --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --header 'Accept: application/json' -d '{ "$class": "org.example.mynetwork.FundsTransfer", "sender": "org.example.mynetwork.Account#BART", "recipient": "org.example.mynetwork.Account#BOB", "amount": 200 }' 'http://localhost:3000/api/FundsTransfer'

Finally, if you run:

curl -iX GET --header 'Accept: application/json' 'http://localhost:3000/api/Account'

You will get

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Vary: Origin, Accept-Encoding
Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: true
X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block
X-Frame-Options: DENY
X-Download-Options: noopen
X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: 260
ETag: W/"104-ltIIum7o/SCzicWQnkDGczPLxF4"
Date: Wed, 08 Aug 2018 21:02:48 GMT
Connection: keep-alive
