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ImplusPurcases SDK minimum requirements:

  • iOS 9.0+
  • Xcode 10+



To integrate ImplusPurchases into your Xcode project using CocoaPods, specify it into your Podfile.

target 'MyApp' do
    pod 'ImplusPurchases', '~> 0.1'

Importing ImplusPurchases

import ImplusPurchases


Basic configuration

func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplicationLaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool { 
    SDK: There are two initialization methods, please choose one of them to initialize
    //Step 1: Initialize using the specified'appkey'
    //Step 2: Import the'appflow-app-token.plist' file and use the following method to initialize

With app key and user id

func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplicationLaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool { 
    IMPurchase.shared.configure("appkey", userId: "userId")

Getting product groups

To get product groups you need to call getProductGroups function. It will return dictionary with group name as key and IMGroup as value.

IMPurchase.shared.getProductGroups { (productGroups, error) in
    if let group = productGroups["pro"] {
        let products = group.products

To get IMProduct array you need to check if your wanted group exists in product group dictionary. Then you are able to take product array by calling group.products

Check if payment available

Before starting the purchase process you need to check if purchase is available in the device. It can be disabled by parent control or other reasons.

let canMakePurchases = IMPurchase.shared.canMakePayments()

Making purchase

To start the purchase process call function purchaseProduct it will take IMProduct object as a parameter.

IMPurchase.shared.purchaseProduct(selectedPlan) { (transaction, entitlement, error, isCanceled) in {

Closure will return SKPaymentTransaction, entitlement dictionary, error if it occurred and bool to indicate if a user canceled the purchase process.

Checking user status

To check if user have any active entitlements call function hasActiveSubscription

IMPurchase.shared.hasActiveSubscription { (entitlements, error) in
    if entitlements["pro"]?.isActive() == true {
        // user have active entiltement
    } else {
        // user don't have active entitlement

It will return the entitlements dictionary where key entitlement id and value IMEntitlment object. To check if entilement active call isActive() method of IMEntitlement object.

NOTE hasActiveSubscription will return the cached result. This function once in a while make a network calls to refresh cache information. To clear cash call IMPurchase.shared.invalidateCache().

Restoring purchases

To restore user purchases call restorePurchases function.

IMPurchase.shared.restorePurchases { (entitlement, error) in
    if entitlement["pro"]?.isActive() == true {
        // Purchase restored and have active entitlment
    } else {
        if error != nil {
            // Purchase restore finished with error
        } else {
            // Purchase restore finished but user don't have active entitlment


To UploadUserInfo call uploadUserInfo function. This method needs to pass in the parameter userId

NOTE Adds an interface uploadUserInfo, which is used to upload subscribed user data. Currently, this data is used for iap attribution.

IMPurchase.shared.uploadUserInfo(userId: "xxxx") { (result, error) in
[[IMPurchase shared] uploadUserInfoWithUserId:@"xxxx" completion:^(BOOL result, NSError * _Nullable error) {

An error (if it occurs) and a boolean value, indicating the success or failure of the submitted data