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Repository files navigation



or push an existing repository from the command line

git remote add origin
git branch -M main
git push -u origin main



Git add -a or git add -A -> to add all updated ,deleted, updated files
Git add -a . -> it will only add new files and updated files.


Git add -u -> looks at all the already tracked files and stages the changes to those files if they are different or if they have been removed.


Git add filename -> to add that file


Git commit -m “my commit message” => to commit files


Git status -> to check files status


Git commit -am 'message' -> add and commit together



Git ls-files -> check which files are being tracked


Git reset HEAD filename -> file will come back to unstaging env


Git checkout --filename -> to stash changes of a particular file
Git help log -> To check options


Git log -> To check history of files


Git log --oneline --graph --decorate -> to get commit in one line and in a proper way


Git log commit id...commit id -> it will return all the commits b/w these ids
Git log --since=”3 days ago” -> give commits of last 3 days


Git show commitid -> to check changes of specific commit


Git config --global alias.variablename “command to be issued” -> to create your own commands



Git diff -> to check what’s changed in the files local vs staged.


Git diff HEAD -> to check what’s changed in the files local vs repo


Git diff --staged HEAD -> to check what’s changed in staged vs repo


Git diff -- path of file -> to check diff of a specific file


Git diff commitId HEAD -> to check diff b/w commit with HEAD


Git diff HEAD HEAD^ -> diff b/w head and head minus 1 commit
Git diff startCommitId endCommitId -> startCommitId to check diff b/w two commits


Git diff master origin/master => diff b/w what is committed vs origin master




Git branch -> to check your current branch


Git branch -a -> return list of branches


Git branch branchName -> to create a new branch


Git checkout branchName -> to shift on another branch


Git checkout -b branchName -> create and shift to branch


Git branch -m branchName newBranchName -> first go to master and run to change the branch name


Git branch -d branchName -> first go to master and run To remove a branch


Git merge branchName -> first go to master and run to merge a branch in it.
Git merge branchName --no-ff -> first go to master and run to merge a branch in it.


Git rebase branchName -> this will add changes of branchName in current branch


Git rebase --abort -> to abort changes of rebase




Git stash -> to remove and stash your current changes (only tracked files).
Git stash apply -> to get back the code that you have stashed


Git stash list -> to see all the stash that you have done earlier


Git reset --hard HEAD -> resetting your code back to HEAD


Git stash drop -> to remove the stash you have done
Git stash -u -> to stash all files including untracked files


Git stash pop -> it will apply stash changes and also going to drop the stash


Git stash branch branchName -> if you want to apply stash changes to another branch


Git stash save “message” -> to save stash with a message


Git stash show @{index}-> to see what is in stash


Git stash apply @{index}=> to apply specific stash


Git stash clear -> to drop all stash at once



Git tag tagName -> create a tag (lightweight tag) on a commit


Git tag --list -> to check all the tags


Git tag --delete tagName -> to delete a tag


Git show tagname => to check tag details
Git tag -a tagName -m “message of tag” -> to create a annotate tag


Git diff tagNameA tagnameB -> diff b/w both tags
Git tag -a tagName commitId -m “message of tag” -> to apply the tag with old commit


Git tag -a -m “message” tagName -f correctCommitId -> to update a tag from one commit to another


Git push origin tagName -> this will push changes of commit along with tag


Git push origin master --tags -> push master branch along with all the tags


Git push origin :tagName -> to delete a tag from pushed master


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