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Javascript logging framework and visual tool to help identify MVC UI views


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JavaScript logging library with support for remote logging.

Visual Backbone.js View/Template inspector. Inspect and outline Backbone.js Views for developer support.

Getting Started

Download latest minified version here []

Or, install using Bower with the package name khs-logger

Load using script tags, jQuery is the only required dependency


Or as require.js AMD module

 paths : {
	'jquery' : 'libs/jquery-1.7.2',
	'log' : 'libs/khs.logger'
 shim: {
	//khs-logger depends on jQuery

#####Note: khs-logger is a true AMD module, and can be loaded this way if desired: require( ["libs/khs-logger"], function(logger) {"loaded with AMD"); }


Here's how to apply formatted log messages in your application...

 // Log expressions 
 $"Log an info message");
 $.Log.debug("Log a debug message");
 $.Log.warn("Log a warn message");
 $.Log.error("Log an error message");

Set log level (valid levels log,info,debug,warn,error)

 $.Log.level = $.LogLevel.debug;    

Here's an example output screen shot...

My image

Logging to remote API

Define remote logging URL to POST logs to server side endpoint

 $.Log.remoteUrl = "sherpa/log;  //restful url POSTS log message string

Set remote logging level

 $.Log.remoteLevel = $.LogLevel.error; // errors will be posted to remoteUrl

Before send call back function, so you can manipulate request headers

 $.Log.beforeSend = function(xhr,opts) { // to stuff, ie. add security token is necessary};     

Capture all JavaScript errors and log to remote end point

 window.onerror = function(message, url, linenumber) {

Pulling Log Settings from a server

Client log settings can be changed remotely with a restful API that returns the following JSON payload.

// JSON that sets log levels
{ logLevel: 2, remoteLogLevel: 2, prefix: 'hello world', remoteUrl: }

Client application points to this API with the following settings in JavaScript

$.Log.pullSettingsUrl = 'api/log/pullsettings';

Server API is accessed and settings pulled from client with the following key strokes

CTRL-P   Pulls server side log settings 

Pull key value can be changes with the following expression

$.Log.pullSettingsKeyCode = 79;   // change pull key to CTRL-O	

Prefix log output

Prefix logging output with user and application name

$.Log.prefix = "DPITT:TIMESHEET"; 

Prefix logging output with browser GEO location data

        var longitude;
        var lattitude;
		var showPosition = function(position) { 
		    longitude = position.coords.latitude;
		    lattitude = position.coords.longitude;

		$.Log.prefix = function() { 
                   return longitude + ":"+ lattitude; }; // prefix log statements with browser location

DIV Inspector

Inspect divs - really helpful with Backbone.js Views and HTML templates, as it visually shows View/Template boundaries. Here's how to apply:

Mousing over divs outlines and displays information by hitting CRTL ENTER. Open Inspector View with DBL Click. See screen shot below. View inspector has been enabled at this site [], give it a try...

My image

Turn inspector on, do this during startup

 $.Log.inspect(); // active outliner with CTRL-ENTER, open inspector with DBL CLICK

Mark and display a DIV on mouseover...apply to controllers or view regions of your UI.

 $.Log.mark(<div>,<message>,<optional JSON object>);

Example applied to Backbone.js View with $.Log.mark(...)

 render : function(eventName) {
		var compiled_template = _.template(Template);
		// Mark this DIV
        $.Log.mark(this.$el,"navBarCatRefView.js -> navbar-cateory-reference.html",this.model.toJSON());	
		return this;
 }, ..

Model Dumper

Models for all marked DIVS can be displayed in a separate TAB or Window by toggling the inspector with CTRL-ENTER, then CTRL-M will open a new tab and display JSON models for a view. They appear in an editable text area so you grab the JSON if you want.

Custom Inspectors

Custom inspectors can be defined to display information in the View inspection window. A custom inspector is defined as a function closure that accepts a DOM DIV element for a View. Here's an example hello world inspector definition and installation:

 $.Log.install(function(el) { return "Hello World, there are "+el.children().length+" elements"; }  );

Custom inspector will appear in the inspector View when opened with a DBL-CLICK. Here's a screen shot:

My image

Local Storage Logging

Log entries can be stored in a local storage bucket. This can be useful for troubleshooting user problems.

Turn on local storage

 $.Log.logLocal = true; // default is false 

Set number of records stored in local storage

 $.Log.logLength = 200; // default is 100

Local Storage inspector is available and can be installed

  $.Log.install($.Log.localStorageLogInspector()); // install local storage inspector

Screen shot of localStorageLog inspector

My image

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Javascript logging framework and visual tool to help identify MVC UI views





