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Merge pull request #71 from inaka/elbrujohalcon.70.modernize_this_pro…
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Fixes #70: Modernize this project
  • Loading branch information
elbrujohalcon committed May 25, 2022
2 parents b69d0e9 + ed927fb commit a1bebae
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Showing 13 changed files with 801 additions and 1,146 deletions.
25 changes: 25 additions & 0 deletions .github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
name: Bug report
about: Create a report to help us improve
title: ''
labels: bug
assignees: ''


## Bug Description
A clear and concise description of what the bug is.

## To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior

## Expected Behavior
A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen.

## `rebar3` Logs
If applicable, run `rebar3` with `DIAGNOSTIC=1` and attach all the logs to your report.

## Additional Context
- OS: [e.g. MacOS]
- Erlang version
- rebar3 version
20 changes: 20 additions & 0 deletions .github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
name: Feature request
about: Suggest an idea for this project
title: ''
labels: enhancement
assignees: ''


## Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
A clear and concise description of what the problem is. Ex. I'm always frustrated when [...]

## Describe the solution you'd like
A clear and concise description of what you want to happen.

## Describe alternatives you've considered
A clear and concise description of any alternative solutions or features you've considered.

## Additional Context
Add any other context or screenshots about the feature request here.
10 changes: 10 additions & 0 deletions .github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
name: Other Issues
about: Something that's not covered by the other categories
title: ''
labels: ''
assignees: ''


<!-- Please consider opening a discussion if this is not really an issue -->
55 changes: 35 additions & 20 deletions .github/workflows/ci.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,24 +1,39 @@
name: build
- master
- master
name: Erlang CI

on: [push, pull_request]

name: Run checks and tests over ${{matrix.otp_vsn}} and ${{matrix.os}}
runs-on: ${{matrix.os}}


runs-on: ubuntu-latest

otp_vsn: [21, 22, 23, 24]
os: [ubuntu-latest]
otp: ['23.3', '24.3', '25.0']
rebar: ['3.18.0']

- uses: actions/checkout@v2
- uses: erlef/setup-beam@v1
otp-version: ${{matrix.otp_vsn}}
rebar3-version: '3.14'
- run: rebar3 test
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
- uses: erlef/setup-beam@v1
id: setup-beam
otp-version: ${{matrix.otp}}
rebar3-version: ${{matrix.rebar}}
- name: Restore _build
uses: actions/cache@v2
path: _build
key: _build-cache-for-os-${{runner.os}}-otp-${{steps.setup-beam.outputs.otp-version}}-rebar3-${{steps.setup-beam.outputs.rebar3-version}}-hash-${{hashFiles('rebar.lock')}}
- name: Restore rebar3's cache
uses: actions/cache@v2
path: ~/.cache/rebar3
key: rebar3-cache-for-os-${{runner.os}}-otp-${{steps.setup-beam.outputs.otp-version}}-rebar3-${{steps.setup-beam.outputs.rebar3-version}}-hash-${{hashFiles('rebar.lock')}}
- name: Compile
run: ERL_FLAGS="-enable-feature all" rebar3 compile
- name: Format check
run: ERL_FLAGS="-enable-feature all" rebar3 format --verify
- name: Run tests and verifications
run: ERL_FLAGS="-enable-feature all" rebar3 test

20 changes: 7 additions & 13 deletions .gitignore
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,18 +1,12 @@
228 changes: 1 addition & 227 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,227 +1 @@
# Changelog

## [1.2.0]( (2021-09-18)

[Full Changelog](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Add pre\_fixer and post\_fixer options to the dodger [\#67]( ([elbrujohalcon](
- Allow for analysis under rebar3\_hank [\#65]( ([paulo-ferraz-oliveira](
- Increase consumer confidence [\#64]( ([paulo-ferraz-oliveira](
- Move to a GitHub action \(instead of container-based\) CI approach [\#63]( ([paulo-ferraz-oliveira](

## [1.1.2]( (2021-02-23)

[Full Changelog](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Remove discrepancies. Thanks, dialyzer! [\#62]( ([elbrujohalcon](

## [1.1.1]( (2021-02-18)

[Full Changelog](

**Closed issues:**

- Parse non-module files [\#60](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Fix \#60: Handle parsing of none-module files [\#61]( ([elbrujohalcon](

## [1.1.0]( (2021-02-02)

[Full Changelog](

**Closed issues:**

- Missing attribute definition elements for ktn\_code:type [\#53](
- `ktn\_code:parse\_tree/1` issue while parsing for module attributes [\#43](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Compact strings directly when parsing, to preserve original formatting [\#59]( ([elbrujohalcon](
- Fix broken CI [\#58]( ([paulo-ferraz-oliveira](
- Add GitHub Actions for CI [\#57]( ([paulo-ferraz-oliveira](
- Add some missing tree node types [\#56]( ([paulo-ferraz-oliveira](

## [1.0.3]( (2020-11-25)

[Full Changelog](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Fix escript parsing [\#55]( ([elbrujohalcon](

## [1.0.2]( (2020-11-25)

[Full Changelog](

**Fixed bugs:**

- Improve formatting in stringyfied macro definitions [\#52](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Be far more specific on how to stringify stuff [\#54]( ([elbrujohalcon](

## [1.0.1]( (2020-11-19)

[Full Changelog](

**Fixed bugs:**

- Using macros in macro definitions breaks them [\#49](
- Remove discrepancies [\#48](

**Merged pull requests:**

- \[Fix \#49\] Don't preprocess macros if we're not going to parse them later [\#51]( ([elbrujohalcon](
- Fix \#48 by properly running dialyzer, xref and then linter [\#50]( ([elbrujohalcon](

## [1.0.0]( (2020-11-19)

[Full Changelog](

**Fixed bugs:**

- ktn\_dodger can't parse stringifyied macro arguments [\#41](
- ktn\_dodger can't parse macros in specs [\#38](
- ktn\_dodger can't parse macros surrounded with parentheses [\#37](

**Closed issues:**

- Allow ktn\_dodger to parse escripts [\#42](
- We need a way to retrieve macro text verbatim from ktn\_dodger [\#40](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Don't parse \(i.e. stringify\) macro definitions by default. [\#47]( ([elbrujohalcon](
- \[Fix \#41\] Parse stringyfied macros [\#46]( ([elbrujohalcon](
- Allow ktn\_dodger to parse escripts [\#45]( ([elbrujohalcon](
- Prettify the stringification a bit [\#44]( ([elbrujohalcon](

## [0.2.1]( (2019-12-03)

[Full Changelog](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Prepare release 0.2.1 [\#36]( ([jfacorro](
- \[\#26\] Remove aleppo from .app.src [\#35]( ([jfacorro](

## [0.2.0]( (2019-12-02)

[Full Changelog](

**Closed issues:**

- Published documentation on contains private functions [\#30](
- ‘Ignored variable is being used’ reported for non-variables [\#26](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Bump version to 0.2.0 [\#33]( ([elbrujohalcon](
- \[\#30\] Don't show private functions in documentation [\#32]( ([juanbono](
- \[\#26\] Drop aleppo and use a forked epp\_dodger [\#31]( ([jfacorro](

## [0.1.3]( (2019-06-24)

[Full Changelog](

**Closed issues:**

- Unknown type `ktn\_code:tree\_node/0` [\#27](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Bump Version to 0.1.3 [\#29]( ([elbrujohalcon](
- fix error with exporting types [\#28]( ([NobbZ](

## [0.1.2]( (2018-06-29)

[Full Changelog](

**Fixed bugs:**

- ktn\_code:type/1 returns 'var' for ?MODULE\_STRING [\#15](

**Closed issues:**

- Replace ktn\_xref\_SUITE by ktn\_meta\_SUITE [\#4](
- Fulfill the open-source checklist [\#2](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Update deps and bump version to 0.1.2 [\#25]( ([elbrujohalcon](
- Update Dependencies [\#24]( ([elbrujohalcon](
- Bump Version to 0.1.1 [\#23]( ([elbrujohalcon](
- Update aleppo to 1.0.1 [\#22]( ([jfacorro](
- Add API to provide file name for `parse\_tree` [\#21]( ([seriyps](
- Remove dead hipchat link [\#20]( ([elbrujohalcon](

## [0.1.0]( (2016-06-14)

[Full Changelog](

**Closed issues:**

- Version Bump to 0.1.0 [\#18](
- Move from to rebar3 [\#16](
- Version Bump 0.0.4 [\#13](

**Merged pull requests:**

- \[Close \#18\] version bump to 0.1.0 [\#19]( ([Euen](
- \[Close \#16\] rebar3 support [\#17]( ([Euen](

## [0.0.4]( (2016-04-26)

[Full Changelog](

**Merged pull requests:**

- \[\#13\] Version Bump 0.0.4 [\#14]( ([davecaos](
- Add support for latin1 encoded source files [\#12]( ([tjarvstrand](

## [0.0.3]( (2016-04-07)

[Full Changelog](

**Fixed bugs:**

- Add deps to the app.src file [\#10]( ([elbrujohalcon](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Version Bump to 0.0.3 [\#11]( ([elbrujohalcon](

## [0.0.2]( (2016-03-30)

[Full Changelog](

**Fixed bugs:**

- should be called katana\ [\#6]( ([elbrujohalcon](

**Merged pull requests:**

- \[\#quick\] Add katana\_code.d to .gitignore [\#9]( ([elbrujohalcon](
- \[\#quick\] Fix project name [\#8]( ([elbrujohalcon](
- Version Bump to 0.0.2 [\#7]( ([elbrujohalcon](

## [0.0.1]( (2016-03-01)

[Full Changelog](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Igaray.version bump [\#5]( ([igaray](
- Initial commit [\#3]( ([igaray](
- Update LICENSE [\#1]( ([elbrujohalcon](

\* *This Changelog was automatically generated by [github_changelog_generator](*
See the [Releases](../../releases) page.

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