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File metadata and controls

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Inbucket Configuration

Inbucket is configured via environment variables. Most options have a reasonable default, but it is likely you will need to change some to suite your desired use cases.

Running inbucket -help will yield a condensed summary of the environment variables it supports:

KEY                                 DEFAULT             DESCRIPTION
INBUCKET_LOGLEVEL                   info                debug, info, warn, or error
INBUCKET_LUA_PATH                   inbucket.lua        Lua script path
INBUCKET_MAILBOXNAMING              local               Use local, full, or domain addressing
INBUCKET_SMTP_ADDR                SMTP server IP4 host:port
INBUCKET_SMTP_DOMAIN                inbucket            HELO domain
INBUCKET_SMTP_MAXRECIPIENTS         200                 Maximum RCPT TO per message
INBUCKET_SMTP_MAXMESSAGEBYTES       10240000            Maximum message size
INBUCKET_SMTP_DEFAULTACCEPT         true                Accept all mail by default?
INBUCKET_SMTP_ACCEPTDOMAINS                             Domains to accept mail for
INBUCKET_SMTP_REJECTDOMAINS                             Domains to reject mail for
INBUCKET_SMTP_REJECTORIGINDOMAINS                       Domains to reject mail from
INBUCKET_SMTP_DEFAULTSTORE          true                Store all mail by default?
INBUCKET_SMTP_STOREDOMAINS                              Domains to store mail for
INBUCKET_SMTP_DISCARDDOMAINS                            Domains to discard mail for
INBUCKET_SMTP_TIMEOUT               300s                Idle network timeout
INBUCKET_SMTP_TLSENABLED            false               Enable STARTTLS option
INBUCKET_SMTP_TLSPRIVKEY            cert.key            X509 Private Key file for TLS Support
INBUCKET_SMTP_TLSCERT               cert.crt            X509 Public Certificate file for TLS Support
INBUCKET_POP3_ADDR                POP3 server IP4 host:port
INBUCKET_POP3_DOMAIN                inbucket            HELLO domain
INBUCKET_POP3_TIMEOUT               600s                Idle network timeout
INBUCKET_WEB_ADDR                 Web server IP4 host:port
INBUCKET_WEB_BASEPATH                                   Base path prefix for UI and API URLs
INBUCKET_WEB_UIDIR                  ui/dist             User interface dir
INBUCKET_WEB_GREETINGFILE           ui/greeting.html    Home page greeting HTML
INBUCKET_WEB_MONITORVISIBLE         true                Show monitor tab in UI?
INBUCKET_WEB_MONITORHISTORY         30                  Monitor remembered messages
INBUCKET_WEB_PPROF                  false               Expose profiling tools on /debug/pprof
INBUCKET_STORAGE_TYPE               memory              Storage impl: file or memory
INBUCKET_STORAGE_PARAMS                                 Storage impl parameters, see docs.
INBUCKET_STORAGE_RETENTIONPERIOD    24h                 Duration to retain messages
INBUCKET_STORAGE_RETENTIONSLEEP     50ms                Duration to sleep between mailboxes
INBUCKET_STORAGE_MAILBOXMSGCAP      500                 Maximum messages per mailbox

The following documentation will describe each of these in more detail.


Log Level


This setting controls the verbosity of log output. A small desktop installation should probably select info, but a busy shared installation would be better off with warn or error.

  • Default: info
  • Values: one of debug, info, warn, or error

Lua Script


This is the path to the (optional) Inbucket Lua script. If the specified file is present, Inbucket will load it during startup. Ignored if the file is not found, or the setting is empty.

  • Default: inbucket.lua

Mailbox Naming


The mailbox naming setting determines the name of a mailbox for an incoming message, and thus where it must be retrieved from later.

local ensures the domain is removed, such that:

  • is stored in james
  • is stored in james

full retains the domain as part of the name, such that:

  • is stored in
  • is stored in

Prior to the addition of the mailbox naming setting, Inbucket always operated in local mode. Regardless of this setting, the + wildcard/extension is not incorporated into the mailbox name.

domain ensures the local-part is removed, such that:

  • is stored in

  • is stored in

  • is stored in

  • Default: local

  • Values: one of local or full or domain


Address and Port


The IPv4 address and TCP port number the SMTP server should listen on, separated by a colon. Some operating systems may prevent Inbucket from listening on port 25 without escalated privileges. Using an IP address of will cause Inbucket to listen on all available network interfaces.

  • Default:

Greeting Domain


The domain used in the SMTP greeting:

220 domain Inbucket SMTP ready

Most SMTP clients appear to ignore this value.

  • Default: inbucket

Maximum Recipients


Maximum number of recipients allowed (SMTP RCPT TO phase). If you are testing a mailing list server, you may need to increase this value. For comparison, the Postfix SMTP server uses a default of 1000, it would be unwise to exceed this.

  • Default: 200

Maximum Message Size


Maximum allowable size of a message (including headers) in bytes. Messages exceeding this size will be rejected during the SMTP DATA phase.

  • Default: 10240000 (10MB)

Default Recipient Accept Policy


If true, Inbucket will accept mail to any domain unless present in the reject domains list. If false, recipients will be rejected unless their domain is present in the accept domains list.

  • Default: true
  • Values: true or false

Accepted Recipient Domain List


List of domains to accept mail for when INBUCKET_SMTP_DEFAULTACCEPT is false; has no effect when true.

  • Default: None
  • Values: Comma separated list of recipient domains
  • Example: localhost,

Rejected Recipient Domain List


List of domains to reject mail for when INBUCKET_SMTP_DEFAULTACCEPT is true; has no effect when false.

  • Default: None
  • Values: Comma separated list of recipient domains
  • Example:,

Rejected Origin Domain List


List of domains to reject mail from. This list is enforced regardless of the INBUCKET_SMTP_DEFAULTACCEPT value.

Enforcement takes place during evalation of the MAIL FROM SMTP command, the origin domain is extracted from the address presented and compared against the list. It does not take email headers into account.

  • Default: None
  • Values: Comma separated list of origin domains
  • Example:,

Default Recipient Store Policy


If true, Inbucket will store mail sent to any domain unless present in the discard domains list. If false, messages will be discarded unless their domain is present in the store domains list.

  • Default: true
  • Values: true or false

Stored Recipient Domain List


List of domains to store mail for when INBUCKET_SMTP_DEFAULTSTORE is false; has no effect when true.

  • Default: None
  • Values: Comma separated list of recipient domains
  • Example: localhost,

Discarded Recipient Domain List


Mail sent to these domains will not be stored by Inbucket. This is helpful if you are load or soak testing a service, and do not plan to inspect the resulting emails. Messages sent to a domain other than this will be stored normally. Only has an effect when INBUCKET_SMTP_DEFAULTSTORE is true.

  • Default: None
  • Values: Comma separated list of recipient domains
  • Example:,

Network Idle Timeout


Delay before closing an idle SMTP connection. The SMTP RFC recommends 300 seconds. Consider reducing this significantly if you plan to expose Inbucket to the public internet.

  • Default: 300s
  • Values: Duration ending in s for seconds, m for minutes

TLS Support Availability


Enable the STARTTLS option for opportunistic TLS support

  • Default: false
  • Values: true or false

TLS Private Key File


Specify the x509 Private key file to be used for TLS negotiation. This option is only valid when INBUCKET_SMTP_TLSENABLED is enabled.

  • Default: cert.key
  • Values: filename or path to private key
  • Example: server.privkey

TLS Public Certificate File


Specify the x509 Certificate file to be used for TLS negotiation. This option is only valid when INBUCKET_SMTP_TLSENABLED is enabled.

  • Default: cert.crt
  • Values: filename or path to the certificate key
  • Example: server.crt


Address and Port


The IPv4 address and TCP port number the POP3 server should listen on, separated by a colon. Some operating systems may prevent Inbucket from listening on port 110 without escalated privileges. Using an IP address of will cause Inbucket to listen on all available network interfaces.

  • Default:

Greeting Domain


The domain used in the POP3 greeting:

+OK Inbucket POP3 server ready <26641.1522000423@domain>

Most POP3 clients appear to ignore this value.

  • Default: inbucket

Network Idle Timeout


Delay before closing an idle POP3 connection. The POP3 RFC recommends 600 seconds. Consider reducing this significantly if you plan to expose Inbucket to the public internet.

  • Default: 600s
  • Values: Duration ending in s for seconds, m for minutes


Address and Port


The IPv4 address and TCP port number the HTTP server should listen on, separated by a colon. Some operating systems may prevent Inbucket from listening on port 80 without escalated privileges. Using an IP address of will cause Inbucket to listen on all available network interfaces.

  • Default:

Base Path


Base path prefix for UI and API URLs. This option is used when you wish to root all Inbucket URLs to a specific path when placing it behind a reverse-proxy.

For example, setting the base path to prefix will move:

  • the Inbucket status page from /status to /prefix/status,
  • Bob's mailbox from /m/bob to /prefix/m/bob, and
  • the REST API from /api/v1/* to /prefix/api/v1/*.

Note: This setting will not work correctly when running Inbucket via the npm development server.

  • Default: None

UI Directory


This directory contains the templates and static assets for the web user interface. You will need to change this if the current working directory doesn't contain the ui directory at startup.

Inbucket will load templates from the templates sub-directory, and serve static assets from the static sub-directory.

  • Default: ui/dist
  • Values: Operating system specific path syntax

Greeting HTML File


The content of the greeting file will be injected into the front page of Inbucket. It can be used to instruct users on how to send mail into your Inbucket installation, as well as link to REST documentation, etc.

  • Default: ui/greeting.html

Monitor Visible


If true, the Monitor tab will be available, allowing users to observe all messages received by Inbucket as they arrive. Disabling the monitor facilitates security through obscurity.

This setting has no impact on the availability of the underlying WebSocket, which may be used by other parts of the Inbucket interface or continuous integration tests.

  • Default: true
  • Values: true or false

Monitor History


The number of messages to remember on the server for new Monitor clients. Does not impact the amount of new messages displayed by the Monitor. Increasing this has no appreciable impact on memory use, but may slow down the Monitor user interface.

This setting has the same effect on the amount of messages available via WebSocket.

Setting to 0 will disable the monitor, but will probably break new mail notifications in the web interface when I finally get around to implementing them.

  • Default: 30
  • Values: Integer greater than or equal to 0

Performance Profiling & Debug Tools


If true, Go's pprof package will be installed to the /debug/pprof URI. This exposes detailed memory and CPU performance data for debugging Inbucket. If you enable this option, please make sure it is not exposed to the public internet, as its use can significantly impact performance.

For example usage, see

  • Default: false
  • Values: true or false




Selects the storage implementation to use. Currently Inbucket supports two:

  • file: stores messages as individual files in a nested directory structure based on the hash of the mailbox name. Each mailbox also includes an index file to speed up enumeration of the mailbox contents.
  • memory: stores messages in RAM, they will be lost if Inbucket is restarted, or crashes, etc.

File storage is recommended for larger/shared installations. Memory is better suited to desktop or continuous integration test use cases.

  • Default: memory
  • Values: file or memory



Parameters specific to the storage type selected. Formatted as a comma separated list of key:value pairs.

  • Default: None
  • Examples: maxkb:10240 or path:/tmp/inbucket

file type parameters

  • path: Operating system specific path to the directory where mail should be stored. $ characters will be replaced with : in the final path value, allowing Windows drive letters, i.e. D$\inbucket.

memory type parameters

  • maxkb: Maximum size of the mail store in kilobytes. The oldest messages in the store will be deleted to enforce the limit. In-memory storage has some overhead, for now it is recommended to set this to half the total amount of memory you are willing to allocate to Inbucket.

Retention Period


If set, Inbucket will scan the contents of its mail store once per minute, removing messages older than this. This will be enforced regardless of the type of storage configured.

  • Default: 24h
  • Values: Duration ending in m for minutes, h for hours. Should be significantly longer than one minute, or 0 to disable.

Retention Sleep


Duration to sleep between scanning each mailbox for expired messages. Increasing this number will reduce disk thrashing, but extend the length of time required to complete a scan of the entire mail store.

This delay is still enforced for memory stores, but could be reduced from the default. Setting to 0 may degrade performance of HTTP/SMTP/POP3 services.

  • Default: 50ms
  • Values: Duration ending in ms for milliseconds, s for seconds

Per Mailbox Message Cap


Maximum messages allowed in a single mailbox, exceeding this will cause older messages to be deleted from the mailbox.

  • Default: 500
  • Values: Positive integer, or 0 to disable