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5 QA Approach

tasuarez edited this page Jul 22, 2019 · 2 revisions

Testing Strategy

The testing strategy for the proof of concept will be separated in two different approaches:

  1. Step by Step User Guide Validation: The effort will be focused on validating that the user guide allows the user to successfully install and use the OpenVINO-for-SmartCity application. We pay attention to the prerequisites and the Building and Compiling described procedures. Finally, for the "Usage" section the testing approach will be focused on validating the different detection modules in order to gather information regarding their behavior and performance.

  2. Use Cases Verification: Part of the testing effort will be dedicated for research on different kinds of video (input resource) for running the OpenVINO-for-SmartCity application. For this, we have defined several use cases that might help us increase and improve our understanding regarding the implementation of the detection modules included within the OpenVINO toolkit. The use cases will be focused in the following events:

  • Object Detection and Tracking on simple and multiple intersections.
  • Collision Detection.
  • Near Misses Detection.

It is important to take into account that the detection modules present different kinds of limitations according to the quality of each video (e.g footage resolution, camera angle, horizon line, etc). Each of the videos we show are optimized to show the purpose of each use case declared.

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