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Slim Framework 3 Skeleton Application + ReactJs + OpenApi

This skeleton is a fork and contain ideas from those repos:

Api upfront Design

The whole application interface is described in this OpenAPI document. There is no manual routes coding. Just a Json or Yaml file that describes how either frontend and the API should behave. The component Swagger-Dispatcher will take care of automatically building all the routes needed. Of course, because of dependency injection, you'll have to inject all the Command Handlers.


Slim 3

composer install

Webpack + ReactJs + Karma

Installation :

Please consider that the host is hard-coded in a couple of parts of the code. Corrently the value is sampleapp.local, you should need to update this value to the one used by you. Its planned to parametrize it in a way that could be used the host specified in the swagger file.

npm install

Run webpack dev server :

npm run start

Run test :

vendor/bin/phpunit tests




Please create a DB. In order to test our application, import the sql file The add the parameters of the db to app/config/settings.php

'pdo' => [
        'dns'      => 'mysql:dbname=my-db;host=;charset=utf8',
        'user'     => 'root',
        'password' => 'root'


'auth' => [
        'jwtKey' => '1234567890ABCDEF', // <= Change here
        'requestAttribute' => 'jwt',
        'relaxed' => ["localhost", "", "sampleapp.local",] ,
        'path' => [ "/items"],
        'passthrough' => ["/", "/auth", "/api/v1/auth"],

  • By default, we request a secure connection, during development you'll have to add your url to the relaxed key.
  • All the routes that require the user to be authenticated, must be added to path
  • All the routes that may be called without a secure token(generated after authentication), must be added to passthrough

React Call API


axios.defaults.baseURL = '';


Slim Framework 3 Skeleton Application






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  • PHP 54.3%
  • JavaScript 42.2%
  • CSS 2.2%
  • HTML 1.3%