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Use case study ‐‐ Microservice Orchestration

Quanzheng Long edited this page Sep 14, 2023 · 1 revision



As above diagram, you want to:

  • Orchestrate 4 APIs as a workflow
  • Each API needs backoff retry
  • The data from topic 1 needs to be passed through
  • API2 and API3+4 need to be in different parallel threads
  • Need to wait for a signal from topic 2 for a day before calling API3
  • If not ready after a day, call API4

This is a very abstracted example. It could be applied into any real-world scenario like refund process:

  • API1: create a refund request object in DB
  • API2: notify different users refund is created
  • topic2: wait for approval
  • API3: process refund after approval
  • API4: notify timeout and expired

Some existing solutions

With some other existing technologies, you solve it using message queue(like SQS which has timer) + Database like below: 2

  • Using visibility timeout for backoff retry
    • Need to re-enqueue the message for larger backoff
  • Using visibility timeout for durable timer
    • Need to re-enqueue the message for once to have 24 hours timer
  • Need to create one queue for every step
  • Need additional storage for waiting & processing ready signal
  • Only go to 3 or 4 if both conditions are met
  • Also need DLQ and build tooling around

It's complicated and hard to maintain and extend.

iWF solution


The solution with iWF:

  • All in one single place without scattered business logic
  • Natural to represent business
  • Builtin & rich support for operation tooling

It's so simple & easy to do that the code can be shown here!

See the running code in Java samples, Golang samples.

public class OrchestrationWorkflow implements ObjectWorkflow {

    public static final String DA_DATA1 = "SomeData";
    public static final String READY_SIGNAL = "Ready";

    public List<StateDef> getWorkflowStates() {
        return Arrays.asList(
                StateDef.startingState(new State1()),
                StateDef.nonStartingState(new State2()),
                StateDef.nonStartingState(new State3()),
                StateDef.nonStartingState(new State4())

    public List<PersistenceFieldDef> getPersistenceSchema() {
        return Arrays.asList(
                DataAttributeDef.create(String.class, DA_DATA1)
    public List<CommunicationMethodDef> getCommunicationSchema() {
        return Arrays.asList(
                SignalChannelDef.create(Void.class, READY_SIGNAL)

class State1 implements WorkflowState<String> {

    public Class<String> getInputType() {
        return String.class;

    public StateDecision execute(final Context context, final String input, final CommandResults commandResults, Persistence persistence, final Communication communication) {
        persistence.setDataAttribute(DA_DATA1, input);
        System.out.println("call API1 with backoff retry in this method..");
        return StateDecision.multiNextStates(State2.class, State3.class);

class State2 implements WorkflowState<Void> {

    public Class<Void> getInputType() {
        return Void.class;

    public StateDecision execute(final Context context, final Void input, final CommandResults commandResults, Persistence persistence, final Communication communication) {
        String someData = persistence.getDataAttribute(DA_DATA1, String.class);
        System.out.println("call API2 with backoff retry in this method..");
        return StateDecision.deadEnd();

class State3 implements WorkflowState<Void> {

    public Class<Void> getInputType() {
        return Void.class;

    public CommandRequest waitUntil(final Context context, final Void input, final Persistence persistence, final Communication communication) {
        return CommandRequest.forAnyCommandCompleted(

    public StateDecision execute(final Context context, final Void input, final CommandResults commandResults, final Persistence persistence, final Communication communication) {
        if (commandResults.getAllTimerCommandResults().get(0).getTimerStatus() == TimerStatus.FIRED) {
            return StateDecision.singleNextState(State4.class);
        String someData = persistence.getDataAttribute(DA_DATA1, String.class);
        System.out.println("call API3 with backoff retry in this method..");
        return StateDecision.gracefulCompleteWorkflow();

class State4 implements WorkflowState<Void> {

    public Class<Void> getInputType() {
        return Void.class;

    public StateDecision execute(final Context context, final Void input, final CommandResults commandResults, Persistence persistence, final Communication communication) {
        String someData = persistence.getDataAttribute(DA_DATA1, String.class);
        System.out.println("call API4 with backoff retry in this method..");
        return StateDecision.gracefulCompleteWorkflow();

And the application code simply interacts with the workflow like below:

    public ResponseEntity<String> start(
            @RequestParam String workflowId
    ) {
        try {
            client.startWorkflow(OrchestrationWorkflow.class, workflowId, 3600, "some input data, could be any object rather than a string");
        } catch (ClientSideException e) {
            if (e.getErrorSubStatus() != ErrorSubStatus.WORKFLOW_ALREADY_STARTED_SUB_STATUS) {
                throw e;
        return ResponseEntity.ok("success");

    ResponseEntity<String> receiveSignalForApiOrchestration(
            @RequestParam String workflowId) {
        client.signalWorkflow(OrchestrationWorkflow.class, workflowId, "", OrchestrationWorkflow.READY_SIGNAL, null);
        return ResponseEntity.ok("done");