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jcoitino committed Nov 10, 2017
1 parent f2afe34 commit 4414eb4
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199 changes: 199 additions & 0 deletions Indigo Exporter.sketchplugin/Contents/Sketch/dialogs.js
@@ -0,0 +1,199 @@
@import 'helpers.js'

// Dialogs
function ExportDialog(context, rect) {
var w = 570, h = 420, m = 70;
this.api = context.api();
this.targetTypes = [
{ label: 'Phone', index: 0, orientations: ['Portrait','Landscape'], devices: [
{ label: 'Custom', index: 0, type: 'GenericPhone', size: { w:null, h:null, bar:null, editable:true } },
{ label: 'iPhone 7 plus', index: 1, type: 'iPhone6', size: { w: 414, h: 716, bar: 20, editable:false } },
{ label: 'iPhone 7', index: 2, type: 'iPhone6', size: { w: 375, h: 647, bar: 20, editable:false } },
{ label: 'iPhone SE', index: 3, type: 'iPhone5', size: { w: 320, h: 548, bar: 20, editable:false } },
{ label: 'Tablet', index: 1, orientations: ['Landscape', 'Portrait'], devices: [
{ label: 'Custom', index: 0, type: 'GenericTablet', size: { w:null, h:null, bar:null, editable:true } },
{ label: 'iPad', index: 1, type: 'iPad', size: { w:1024, h: 748, bar: 20, editable:false } },
{ label: 'Desktop', index: 2, orientations: ['None'], devices: [
{ label: '', index: 0, type: 'none', size: { w:null, h:null, bar:null, editable:false } },
]; = function() { runDialog(this.controls.dialog, { defaultButton: this.controls.btnRun.cell() }) };
this.close = function() { endDialog(this.controls.dialog, { cleanup: [this.controls.btnEsc, this.controls.btnRun] }); };
this.onExport = function() { log('override this function'); };
this.resetOptions = function() {
this.previousOptions = null;
this.restoreOptions = function() {
var json = NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults().objectForKey(context.document.documentData().objectID());
this.previousOptions = json ? JSON.parse(json) : null;
this.saveOptions = function(options) {
NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults().setObject_forKey(JSON.stringify(options), context.document.documentData().objectID());
this.controlsSetup = function() {
this.controls.grpTrg.setState_atRow_column(true, 0, this.previousOptions ? : this.suggestTarget());
this.controls.grpRes.setState_atRow_column(true, 0, this.previousOptions ? this.previousOptions.resolution-1 : 1);
this.suggestTarget = function() {
var i = 0;
for (i = 0; i < this.targetTypes.length; i++) {
var target = this.targetTypes[i];
var wMatches = rect ?,i) { return d.size.w==rect.width()?{device:d, index:i}:null; }).filter(function(x) { return x!=null; }):[];
var hMatches = rect&&wMatches.length==0?,i) { return d.size.h==rect.width()?{device:d, index:i}:null; }).filter(function(x) { return x!=null; }):[];
if (wMatches.length > 0 || hMatches.length > 0) { return i; }
return 0;
this.onGrpTrgChange = function() {
if (arguments.length > 0) { this.resetOptions(); }
var target = this.targetTypes[this.controls.grpTrg.selectedColumn()];
var devices = { return d.label; });
var orientations = target.orientations;
var wMatches = rect ?,i) { return d.size.w==rect.width()?{device:d, index:i}:null; }).filter(function(x) { return x!=null; }):[];
var hMatches = rect&&wMatches.length==0?,i) { return d.size.h==rect.width()?{device:d, index:i}:null; }).filter(function(x) { return x!=null; }):[];
var devIndex = this.previousOptions?this.previousOptions.device.index:wMatches.length>0?wMatches[0].index:hMatches.length>0?hMatches[0].index:0;
var oriIndex = this.previousOptions?orientations.indexOf(this.previousOptions.orientation):(rect&&(hMatches.length>0||(wMatches.length==0&&(rect&&devIndex==1?rect.width()<rect.height():rect.width()>rect.height()))))?1:0;
this.onCmbDevChange = function() {
if (arguments.length > 0) { this.resetOptions(); }
var target = this.targetTypes[this.controls.grpTrg.selectedColumn()];
var device = target.devices[this.controls.cmbDev.indexOfSelectedItem()];
if (rect&&device.size.editable) {
device.size.w = Math.min(rect.width(),rect.height());
device.size.h = Math.max(rect.width(),rect.height());
var sizew = this.previousOptions ? this.previousOptions.device.size.w : device.size.w;
var sizeh = this.previousOptions ? this.previousOptions.device.size.h : device.size.h;
this.controls.txtVBW.setStringValue(sizew ? sizew.toFixed(0) : '');
this.controls.txtVBH.setStringValue(sizeh ? sizeh.toFixed(0) : '');
this.controls.chkBar.setState(this.previousOptions ? this.previousOptions.statusbar :>0);
this.onCmbOriChange = function() {
if (arguments.length > 0) { this.resetOptions(); }
this.onChkBarChange = function() {
if (arguments.length > 0) { this.resetOptions(); }
var target = this.targetTypes[this.controls.grpTrg.selectedColumn()];
var device = target.devices[this.controls.cmbDev.indexOfSelectedItem()];
var size = this.previousOptions ? :;
this.controls.txtBar.setStringValue(size ? size.toFixed(0) : '');
this.onGrpResChange = function() {
if (arguments.length > 0) { this.resetOptions(); }
this.onBtnEscClick = function() { this.close(); };
this.onBtnRunClick = function() {
var target = this.targetTypes[this.controls.grpTrg.selectedColumn()];
var device = target.devices[this.controls.cmbDev.indexOfSelectedItem()];
var orientation = target.orientations[this.controls.cmbOri.indexOfSelectedItem()];
device.size.w = toNumber(this.controls.txtVBW.stringValue());
device.size.h = toNumber(this.controls.txtVBH.stringValue()); = toNumber(this.controls.txtBar.stringValue());
var options = {
exportProject: this.controls.chkPrj.state()==NSOnState,
exportArtboards: this.controls.chkGsc.state()==NSOnState,
exportSymbols: this.controls.chkGsp.state()==NSOnState,
exportAssets: this.controls.chkGas.state()==NSOnState,
removeDuplicatedAssets: this.controls.chkDup.state()==NSOnState,
artboardsAsImages: this.controls.chkArt.state()==NSOnState,
shadowedGroupsAsImages: this.controls.chkGrp.state()==NSOnState,
symbolsAsImages: this.controls.chkSym.state()==NSOnState,
shapesAsImages: this.controls.chkShp.state()==NSOnState,
textsAsImages: this.controls.chkTxt.state()==NSOnState,
target: target,
device: device,
orientation: orientation,
statusbar: this.controls.chkBar.state()==NSOnState,
resolution: this.controls.grpRes.selectedColumn()+1,
this.controls = {};
this.controls.dialog = createDialog(0, 0, w, h, rgba(235, 235, 235, 0.7));
this.controls.content = this.controls.dialog.contentView();
// Hidden controls
this.controls.chkPrj = addCheckbox(null, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'Generate project file', true);
this.controls.chkGas = addCheckbox(null, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'Generate assets for layers exported as images', true);
this.controls.chkDup = addCheckbox(null, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'Remove duplicated assets', true);
this.controls.chkGsp = addCheckbox(null, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'Generate screenparts for symbol masters', false);
this.controls.chkGsc = addCheckbox(null, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'Generate screens for artboards', true);
this.controls.chkArt = addCheckbox(null, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'Export artboards as images', false);
this.controls.chkGrp = addCheckbox(null, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'Export groups with shadow as images', false);
this.controls.chkSym = addCheckbox(null, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'Export symbol instances as images', true);
this.controls.chkShp = addCheckbox(null, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'Export shapes as images', true);
this.controls.chkTxt = addCheckbox(null, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'Export texts as images', true);
// Header
this.controls.header = addRectangle(this.controls.content, 0,h-100, w,100, rgba(255,255,255,1));
this.controls.imgHdr = addImage(this.controls.header, 20, 20, 210, 80, this.api.resourceNamed('logo.png'), 0.5);
this.controls.lblHdr = addLabel(this.controls.header, 160, -10,w-140, 60, 'Export as Indigo Studio project', rgba(0,0,0,1), 22, NSTextAlignmentLeft);
// Target viewport
var v = { return t.label; }), l = this.targetTypes.length;
this.controls.lblTrg = addLabel(this.controls.content, m, 275,w-2*m, 30, 'Target viewport', rgba(0,0,0,1), 15, NSTextAlignmentLeft);
this.controls.grpTrg = addRadioGroup(this.controls.content, m, 245,w-2*m, 30, v, 1, l, this.onGrpTrgChange.bind(this));
// Viewport settings
this.controls.recTrg = addRectangle(this.controls.content, m, 155,w-2*m, 90, rgba(255,255,255,0.5));
this.controls.lblDev = addLabel(this.controls.recTrg, 10, 65, 200, 20, 'Device', rgba(128,128,128,1), 14, NSTextAlignmentLeft);
this.controls.lblOri = addLabel(this.controls.recTrg, 140, 65, 200, 20, 'Orientation', rgba(128,128,128,1), 14, NSTextAlignmentLeft);
this.controls.lblVBW = addLabel(this.controls.recTrg, 280, 65, 200, 20, 'Viewport size', rgba(128,128,128,1), 14, NSTextAlignmentLeft);
this.controls.cmbDev = addCombobox(this.controls.recTrg, 10, 35, 120, 30, [], this.onCmbDevChange.bind(this));
this.controls.cmbOri = addCombobox(this.controls.recTrg, 140, 35, 120, 30, [], this.onCmbOriChange.bind(this));
this.controls.txtVBW = addTextbox(this.controls.recTrg, 280, 40, 40, 20, '', rgba(0,0,0,1), 12, NSTextAlignmentRight);
this.controls.lblVBX = addLabel(this.controls.recTrg, 322, 40, 40, 20, 'x', rgba(0,0,0,1), 12, NSTextAlignmentLeft);
this.controls.txtVBH = addTextbox(this.controls.recTrg, 335, 40, 40, 20, '', rgba(0,0,0,1), 12, NSTextAlignmentRight);
this.controls.chkBar = addCheckbox(this.controls.recTrg, 10, 5,w-2*m, 30, 'Designs include a device status bar', false, this.onChkBarChange.bind(this));
this.controls.txtBar = addTextbox(this.controls.recTrg, 235, 10, 30, 20, '', rgba(0,0,0,1), 12, NSTextAlignmentRight);
this.controls.lblBar = addLabel(this.controls.recTrg, 265, 10, 40, 20, 'px', rgba(0,0,0,1), 12, NSTextAlignmentLeft);
// Size for export
this.controls.lblDev = addLabel(this.controls.content, m, 105,w-2*m, 30, 'Size for export', rgba(0,0,0,1), 15, NSTextAlignmentLeft);
this.controls.grpRes = addRadioGroup(this.controls.content, m, 75,w-2*m, 30, ['1x','2x'], 1, 2, this.onGrpResChange.bind(this));
// Buttons
this.controls.recBtn = addRectangle(this.controls.content, 0, 0, w, 70, rgba(250,250,250,1));
this.controls.btnEsc = addButton(this.controls.recBtn, w-270, 10, 130, 50, 'Cancel', this.onBtnEscClick.bind(this));
this.controls.btnRun = addButton(this.controls.recBtn, w-140, 10, 130, 50, 'Export project', this.onBtnRunClick.bind(this));
// Controls setup
function ProgressDialog(context) {
var w = 500, h = 250, m = 50;
this.api = context.api(); = function() { var prc = new Delegate({ 'step:': this.onStep.bind(this) }); this.timer = NSTimer.scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval_target_selector_userInfo_repeats(0.001, prc.getInstance(), 'step:', null, true); runDialog(this.controls.dialog, { timer: this.timer }); };
this.close = function() { if (this.timer) { this.timer.invalidate(); } endDialog(this.controls.dialog, { cleanup: [this.controls.btnOk] }); this.onFinish(); };
this.onStep = function() { log('override this function'); };
this.onFinish = function() { log('override this function'); };
this.resetProgress = function(l, m) { this.controls.lblHdr.setStringValue(l); this.controls.barPro.setDoubleValue(0); this.controls.barPro.setMaxValue(m); }
this.setProgress = function(l, v) { this.controls.lblPro.setStringValue(l); this.controls.barPro.setDoubleValue(v); }
this.setSummary = function(l) { this.controls.lblHdr.setStringValue('Export finished.'); this.controls.lblPro.setStringValue(l); this.controls.btnOk.setTitle('Ok'); }
this.onBtnOkClick = function() { this.close(); };
this.controls = {};
this.controls.dialog = createDialog(0, 0, w, h, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.7));
this.controls.content = this.controls.dialog.contentView();
this.controls.imgHdr = addImage(this.controls.content, (w-105)/2,h-100, 210, 80, this.api.resourceNamed('logo.png'), 0.5);
this.controls.lblHdr = addLabel(this.controls.content, m, 80,w-2*m, 45, 'Exporting as Indigo Studio project', rgba(0,0,0,1), 16, NSTextAlignmentCenter);
this.controls.barPro = addProgress(this.controls.content, m, 70,w-2*m, 30, 100);
this.controls.lblPro = addLabel(this.controls.content, m, 45,w-2*m, 30, '', NSColor.colorWithGray(0.4), 10, NSTextAlignmentCenter);
this.controls.btnOk = addButton(this.controls.content,(w-100)/2, 10, 100, 30, 'Cancel', this.onBtnOkClick.bind(this));

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