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File metadata and controls

152 lines (117 loc) · 7.29 KB

What is FastProto?

Build Status Maven Central License

FastProto is a binary serialization & deserialization tool written in Java. Different from other serialization tools, FastProto allows developers to accurately control the serialization process through annotations, including byte offset, bit offset, data types, byte sequence(endian), data transformation formulas. FastProto solves the problem of cross-language and cross-platform data exchange of Java in a new way, especially suitable for the field of Internet of Things.


  • Binary serialization & deserialization
  • Control the serialization process through annotations
  • Support all Java primitive data types and their wrapper classes
  • Support Unsigned and signed 8-bit 16-bit 32-bit integer, binary, String and Timestamp
  • Custom byte sequence(endian)

Under Developing

  • AutoType, automatically detect all Java primitive data types and their wrapper classes when using AutoType
  • Compress, datagram compression & decompression



Quick Start

Imagine such an application, there is a monitoring device collecting weather data in realtime and sends it to the weather station server in the form of binary datagram, the datagram protocol is as follows:

Byte Offset Bit Offset Data Type(C) Signal Name unit
0 unsigned char device id
1 reserved
2-9 long long time ms
10-11 unsigned short humidity %RH
12-13 short temperature
14-17 unsigned int pressure Pa
18 0 bool temperature valid
18 1 bool humidity valid
18 2 bool pressure valid
18 3-7 reserved
19 reserved

The binary datagram contains 8 signals of different data types, define the Java data object and annotate it with FastProto annotations according to the above datagram protocol.

public class WeatherMetrics {
    int id;

    Timestamp time;

    int humidity;

    int temperature;

    long pressure;

    @BooleanType(value = 18, bitOffset = 0)
    boolean temperatureValid;

    @BooleanType(value = 18, bitOffset = 1)
    boolean humidityValid;

    @BooleanType(value = 18, bitOffset = 2)
    boolean pressureValid;

Deserialize the binary datagram into Java data object through FastProto::decode() method.

byte[] datagram = ...   // Datagram sent by monitoring device.

WeatherMetrics metrics = FastProto.decode(datagram, WeatherMetrics.class);

The serialization process is similar, allocate enough memory space and serialize the Java data object into binary datagram through FastProto::encode() method.

byte[] datagram = new byte[20];

FastProto.encode(metrics, datagram);

FastProto Annotations

Data Type Annotations

Annotation Java C/C++ Size Description
@BooleanType Boolean / boolean bool 1 Bit Avaliable on boolean type and its wrapper class.
@CharacterType Character / char -- 2 Bytes Avaliable on char type and its wrapper class.
@ByteType Byte / byte char 1 Byte Avaliable on byte type and its wrapper class.
@ShortType Short / short short 2 Bytes Avaliable on short type and its wrapper class.
@IntegerType Integer / int int 4 Bytes Avaliable on int type and its wrapper class.
@LongType Long / long long long 8 Bytes Avaliable on long type and its wrapper class.
@FloatType Float / float float 4 Bytes Avaliable on float type and its wrapper class.
@DoubleType Double / double double 8 Bytes Avaliable on double type and its wrapper class.
@Integer8Type Integer / int char 1 Byte Avaliable on int type and its wrapper class.
@Integer16Type Integer / int short 2 Bytes Avaliable on int type and its wrapper class.
@UInteger8Type Integer / int unsigned char 1 Byte Avaliable on int type and its wrapper class.
@UInteger16Type Integer / int unsigned short 2 Bytes Avaliable on int type and its wrapper class.
@UInteger32Type Long / long unsigned long 4 Bytes Avaliable on long type and its wrapper class.
@BinaryType byte[] char[] N Bytes Avaliable on byte[] type.
@StringType java.lang.String -- N Bytes Avaliable on String.
@TimestampType java.sql.Timestamp -- 4 / 8 Bytes Avaliable on Timestamp, default as 8 bytes in millisecond.

Assist Annotations

Annotation Scope Description
@Endian Type & Field Byte sequence, default little endian.
@DecodeIgnore Field Ignore the filed when decoding.
@EncodeIgnore Field Ignore the filed when encoding.

Build Requirements

  • Java 1.8+
  • Maven 3.5+


FastProto is released under the Apache 2.0 license.

Copyright 1999-2020 group Holding Ltd.

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at the following link.

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.