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Make PHPUnit 10.1 XML coverage report and test cases names with provider compatible with Infection and old format #219

Make PHPUnit 10.1 XML coverage report and test cases names with provider compatible with Infection and old format

Make PHPUnit 10.1 XML coverage report and test cases names with provider compatible with Infection and old format #219

Job Run time
1m 9s
1m 18s
1m 4s
1m 33s
1m 21s
1m 31s
1m 9s
1m 30s
1m 46s
1m 13s
1m 7s
1m 11s
1m 15s
1m 15s
1m 41s
1m 10s
1m 19s
1m 24s
1m 37s
1m 35s
1m 21s
1m 52s
1m 47s
1m 43s
1m 30s
35m 22s