This cookbook helps you standardize configuration on various machines. It applies a common set of packages and settings to any machine (VM, cloud, bare metal, etc.) so you have a solid base to build on.
Here are some highlights of what it does:
- sets up a basic firewall with nftables or iptables to block incoming connections (IPv4 and IPv6)
- sets up NTP and set timezone to UTC
- sets up a reliable DNS resolver
- sets up automatic package updates
- hardens sshd config with public key authentication and strong ciphers
- sets up a local MTA using Postfix to send emails to sysadmin
- sets up Monit to alert sysadmin when CPU, memory, disk, etc. is overused
- sets up SMART to monitor hard drive failures
- installs a few useful packages like tmux, htop, curl, etc.
- hardens various OS settings for better security
is a curated list of recipes that should fit most setups.
You can include extra recipes as you see fit.