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ScriptKit - Convenient Scripts in Swift (WIP)

This framework stems from not wanting to get into complicated stuff when you just want to write a short script in Swift. By script I am not referring to a single interpreted file, but rather a small application that does useful things, mostly without UI.



  • Download the source code of the latest release
  • Copy all files in the /Source directory into your macOS project


  • Add this line to your Cartfile:

      github "infinisil/ScriptKit"
  • Run carthage update --platform OSX

  • Add the build framework to your project by dragging it from Finder into the "Embedded Binaries" section under the "General" section of your project settings

Script protocol (about done, but I got some ideas)

This is the part of this framework that's mostly done. It handles things like restarts of the script, waiting for a certain amount of time before terminating and the Apps run loop. To use it for your script:

  1. Create a new OSX application project
  2. Delete every file except Info.plist
  3. In the Info.plist, set the Application is background only key to YES
  4. Add a new Swift file called main.swift (If Xcode asks, you don't need a bridging header)
  5. Implement a class conforming to Script. Example:
import ScriptKit

final class MyScript : Script {
	func setUp(manager: Manager<MyScript>) {
		manager.terminationDelay = 5

		manager.metaQueue.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 3) {
			manager.invokeMain(context: "This is three seconds later")

	func main(manager: Manager<MyScript>, index: Int32, group: DispatchGroup, context: String?) {
		if index == 0 {
			NSLog("First start of the script")

		if let message = context {

		NSLog("Starting work on \(index). invocation")
		Thread.sleep(forTimeInterval: 5)
		NSLog("Finished work on \(index). invocation")

	func tearDown(manager: Manager<MyScript>) {

If you run this application and double-click again after 10 seconds, this is the output of Console:

02:29:12 Example: First start of the script
02:29:12 Example: Starting work on 0. invocation
02:29:16 Example: This is three seconds later
02:29:16 Example: Starting work on 1. invocation
02:29:17 Example: Finished work on 0. invocation
02:29:21 Example: Finished work on 1. invocation
02:29:22 Example: Starting work on 2. invocation
02:29:27 Example: Finished work on 2. invocation
02:29:33 Example: Finished

The documentation describes pretty well what everything does.

Hotkey class (about done, but have some ideas)

The Hotkey class is a very simple way of registering a new global Hotkey and execute some code when it gets triggered. It is decently documented. It's useable like this:

HotkeyManager.register([.Command, .Shift] + .ANSI_0)) { hotkey in
	print("⌘⇧-0 was pressed!")
	return .Discard // Don't let any other app get this key event

This has effect as long as the application is running (unless you use the unregister method).

You can also register a hotkey handler by using the next key event:

HotkeyManager.registerByPress { hotkey in
	print("\(hotkey) was pressed!")
	return .propagate

Console (not done at all, not public for now)

Console is a class representing a running console. The standard initializer uses bash (should probably be changed to $SHELL), but in theory it's possible to use any shell/command that supports interaction (fish doesn't want to work for some reason though). It's for example possible to use the Swift REPL (Swiftception):

let swiftREPL = try! Console(shell: "swift")
swiftREPL.input("let x = 10; print(x * 2)")

File utilities (so not done it's not even worth mentioning, also not public)

Ideas and stuff to do

  • Xcode template for a script that starts at login, supporting the Script protocol
  • Convenient NSStatusItem support (the little icon it the menu bar)
  • Hotkey registering cancellation, more flexibility
  • The hotkey part should really be it's own project
  • Add tests


Framework for convenient scripts in Swift (WIP)







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