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The Keras Model Zoo

Ready to go, downloadable models for Keras

                               |      KERAS      (_")=
                               |      MODEL       |||                __
                               |  🐆  ZOO   🐅   ||#\_____       .-/  \
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hosted with ❤️ from Infinite Red

Model Description
Food 101 Classify 101 different types of food from an image
Dog and Cat Faces Find those cute dog and cat faces in any photo
MNIST Classify single handwritten digits from 0 to 9

How to Contribute

Hosting the Model

We will host the model file. Do a pull request with your updates and a link to your model. During review we will download and host your model on our S3 so you can update your pull request URL to one that we will host. You simply need to find a way to get your model in our hands temporarily and we'll take on the hosting for the repo.

Your Pull Request

Update the to have all the information on your provided model. Then add a folder in the /info section that includes credit, examples, and more friendly information on your trained keras model.