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Feature complete, lightweight react animation library. Lively lets u create complex animations without the hassle.

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Get started

Visit for the complete and most up to date documentation for Lively.


$ npm i @infinityfx/lively


import { Animatable } from '@infinityfx/lively';


<Animatable initial={{ opacity: 0 }} animate={{ opacity: 1 }} triggers={[{ on: 'mount' }]}>
    <div class="my-class">
        Lorem ipsum enim amet consequat ut reprehenderit cupidatat et incididunt qui minim culpa. Dolor do laborum nulla pariatur tempor excepteur duis et ipsum.

Defining animations

The <Animatable> component exposes the animate and animations properties which can be used to define animatable properties, as well as animation options. Animatable properties can accept single values, arrays, functions and reactive links as arguments.

        opacity: 1,
        scale: ['0 0', '0.5 0', '1 1'],
        borderRadius: (progress) => progress * 10,
        duration: 2, // Animation will last 2 seconds
        immediate: true // Animation will override any currently playing animation
        myAnimation: {
            opacity: [0, 1, 0.5]


Animatable <Animatable />

Base animation component that allows for fully customizable animations.

import { Animatable } from '@infinityfx/lively';


    triggers={[{ on: 'mount' }]}
    initial={{ opacity: 0 }}
    animate={{ opacity: 1 }}>

Animate <Animate />

Fully automated animations based on animation clips.

import { Animate } from '@infinityfx/lively';
import { Scale, Fade } from '@infinityfx/lively/animations';


<Animate animations={[Scale.unique({ duration: 2 }), Fade]} triggers={[{ on: 'mount' }]}>
    <div class="my-class">

LayoutGroup <LayoutGroup />

Allows for animating direct <Animatable /> and <Animate /> child components, when their layout changes or the our unmounted. This requires the respective child components to have a key specified.

import { Animatable } from '@infinityfx/lively';
import { LayoutGroup } from '@infinityfx/lively/layout';


    <Animatable key="mykey" unmount animate={{ opacity: 1 }} initial={{ opacity: 0 }}>
        <div class="my-class">
            Hello world!

Morph <Morph />

Morphs one element into another.

import { useState } from 'react';
import { Morph } from '@infinityfx/lively/layout';


const [state, setState] = useState(false);


<Morph id="mymorph" shown={state}>
    <div onClick={() => setState(!state)}>

<Morph id="mymorph" shown={!state} transition={{ duration: 0.5 }}>
    <div onClick={() => setState(!state)}>


Lively comes with a set of hooks that allow for the creation of complex reactive animations.


The useLink hook can be used to create a reactive value, which can be linked to animation components to animate different properties based on the value.

import { useEffect } from 'react';
import { useLink } from '@infinityfx/lively/hooks';
import { Animatable } from '@infinityfx/lively';

export default function Page() {

    const [link, setValue] = useLink(0 /* initial value */);

    useEffect(() => {
        setTimeout(() => setValue(1), 1000); // set the animation value to 1, 1 second after the component has mounted.
    }, []);

    return <Animatable animate={{
        opacity: link


Additionally you can provide a link with a function to transform the value to a more usable format for certain animation properties.

const [link, setValue] = useLink(0 /* initial value */);


<Animatable animate={{
    translate: link(input => {
        return `${input} ${input}`; // we return a string instead of a number for the translate property.


The useScroll hook returns a reactive link that corresponds to the current scroll position of the window.

const value = useScroll();


// gradually fade in element when scrolling the window
<Animatable animate={{
    opacity: value(val => val / document.body.scrollHeight)


The usePath hook can be used to animate an element along an SVG path.

const [link, ref] = usePath();


    <Animatable animate={{
        translate: link(([x, y]) => `${x} ${y}`)

        <path ref={ref} d="..." />


The useAudio hook can be used to create animations that react to the frequency response of playing audio.

const [source, link] = useAudio({ bands: 8 });


    <Animatable animate={{
        scale: link((values, i) => `1 ${values[i]}`)

    <audio ref={source} src="myaudio.mp3">


The useReducedMotion hook checks whether a user prefers the use of reduced motion on a page.

const reduced = useReducedMotion();


// If the user prefers reduced motion, then pause the animation.
<Animatable animate={{ ... }} paused={reduced}>...</Animatable>;



Lively exports a submodule called animations which contains various animation clips that can be used in tandem with the <Animate /> and <Animatable /> components. These animations can be used as is, or can be configured by calling .unique() on the respective animation.

import { Move, Scale } from '@infinityfx/lively/animations';
import { Animate } from '@infinityfx/lively/auto';
import { Animatable } from '@infinityfx/lively';


const myClip = Move.unique({ duration: 2 }); // configure the animation


    <Animate animations={[myClip]}>...</Animate>

    <Animatable animations={{
        myAnimation: Scale,
        myOtherAnimation: Scale.unique({ delay: 1 })

Creating clips

If you whish to create your own animation clip to reuse later on, you can do so using new Clip(). This constructor takes 2 arguments, some animation properties and some optional initial values.

import { Clip } from '@infinityfx/lively/animations';

const myCustomAnimation = new Clip(
        opacity: 1, // value to animate to
        duration: 2 // Clip will have a duration of 2 seconds
        opacity: 0 // initial value

export default myCustomAnimation;