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Lightweight, zero dependency, machine learning library.


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Lightweight, zero dependency, machine learning library for use in NodeJS and browsers.

Table of contents

Get started


Install the package using NPM, run:

$ npm i ml-basic



const MLBasic = require('ml-basic');

// creates a fully connected neural classifier with 2 inputs neurons, 3 hidden neurons and 1 output neuron.

const classifier = new MLBasic.Neural({
    shape: [2, 3, 1]

const result = await classifier.predict([1, 0]);

// result = [0.532..]


When using the package browser-side, you can either include it as a script or import the package when you have it installed locally.

<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
import MLBasic from 'ml-basic';
// creates a fully connected neural classifier with 2 inputs neurons, 3 hidden neurons and 1 output neuron.

const classifier = new MLBasic.Neural({
    shape: [2, 3, 1]

const result = await classifier.predict([1, 0]);

// result = [0.532..]


const result = await classifier.predict([1, 0]);

// result = [0.532..]


const data = [ ... ];

const log = await;

// log.error = 0.532..



Neural classifier

Most common type of classifier which operates on a single network of layers. The classifier converges using back propagation through the network, based on training data.

// All arguments listed below are optional

const neuralClassifer = new MLBasic.Neural({
    shape = [ ... ],
    optimizer = 'gradient_descent' | 'batch_gradient_descent' | 'rms_prop' | 'adam',
    loss_function = 'sigmoid' | 'tanh' | 'parameteric_relu' | 'elu' | 'softplus',
    hyper_parameters = { ... }, 
    options = { ... }

Genetic classifier

Classifier based on genetic evolution. The classifier mantains a population of networks which evolve and mutate over time. Convergance is reached based on user defined fitness function which chooses which candidates get to cross to form a new generation.

const geneticClassifier = new MLBasic.Genetic({ ... });

Classifier options

Optional classifier options which can be passed when creating a classifier, default values are as listed below.

    multithreaded: false,
    binary: false, // Output a binary result when calling predict
    labels: [ ... ] // An array of strings used to label the outputs when binary is set to true


You are able to define the layers used in your network during initialization of your classifier, using the shape argument, which takes an array of values which define each layer type.

const classifier = new MLBasic.Neural({
    shape: [ ... ]

The shape argument can take various layer type definitions that are each parsed as a specific layer type.`

const shape = [
    8 | [8, 8], // The first array element defines the input size and can be either a number or 2-value array of numbers.
    5, // Any subsequent number is parsed as a fully connected layer with it's input size defined as the respective number.
    [5, 5], // Any subsequent layer's defined as arrays will be parsed as convolutional layers, where the array values are the layer's kernel size.
    { // Lastly, you are able to define a layer using an object. All possible arguments per layer type are described below under each respective layer's subsection.
        type: 'fully_connected',
        size: 5
  • Fully connected layer

    Most common layer type, which maps all input neurons to all output neurons.

    const layer = new MLBasic.layers.neural({ ... });`

    Classifier shape definition, optional values default to displayed value:

        type: 'fully_connected',
        size: 2, // Optional
        activation: 'sigmoid' // Optional
  • Convolutional layer

    Uses convolution with a filter/kernel to map input data, usually 2-dimensional data such as images to it's output.

    const layer = new MLBasic.layers.convolutional({ ... });`

    Classifier shape definition, optional values default to displayed value:

        type: 'convolutional',
        kernel: [3, 3], // Optional
        activation: 'sigmoid', // Optional
        stride: 1 // Optional
  • Max pooling layer

    Layer which groups input data, based on the maximum value out of the input group.

    const layer = new MLBasic.layers.max_pooling({ ... });`

    Classifier shape definition, optional values default to displayed value:

        type: 'max_pooling',
        size: [2, 2], // Optional
        activation: 'sigmoid', // Optional
        stride: 2 // Optional
  • Average pooling layer

    Layer which groups input data, based on the average value out of the input group.

    const layer = new MLBasic.layers.average_pooling({ ... });`

    Classifier shape definition, optional values default to displayed value:

        type: 'average_pooling',
        size: [2, 2], // Optional
        activation: 'sigmoid', // Optional
        stride: 2 // Optional
  • Recurrent layer

    Coming soon!


  • Gradient descent

    Base optimizer class, which does not affect gradient through time and only uses a static learning rate.

    Optional hyper parameters, default values are as displayed:

        learning_rate: 0.1,
        gradient_clipping: null
  • Batch gradient descent

    Extension of normal gradient descent which groups multiple gradients together and only updates weights per gradient batch.

    Optional hyper parameters, default values are as displayed:

        learning_rate: 0.1,
        gradient_clipping: null,
        batch_size: 8
  • Adam

    Optional hyper parameters, default values are as displayed:

        learning_rate: 0.01,
        gradient_clipping: null,
        batch_size: 4,
        beta1: 0.9,
        beta2: 0.999,
        epsilon: 1e-8
  • RMSProp

    Optional hyper parameters, default values are as displayed:

        learning_rate: 0.01,
        gradient_clipping: null,
        batch_size: 4,
        beta: 0.9,
        epsilon: 1e-8


Activation functions

  • Sigmoid - sigmoid

  • TanH - tanh

  • Parametric ReLu - parameteric_relu

  • Elu - elu

  • Softplus - softplus

Loss functions

  • Squared Mean Error - squared_loss

  • Cross entropy - cross_entropy



Input data

All classifiers expect an Array of numbers as input data, even if a classifier has a higher dimensional input shape input data must be a 1-dimensional Array. The classifier itself takes care of reshaping the data to fit the right dimensions. If you want to use other primitive data types, such as String, you are expected to first process this data into a number format.

Training data

All classifiers expect an Array of objects containing an input and target key. These input and target values are expected to be an Array of numbers. Again if your data is not in this format a PreProcessor can be used to format the data.

const data = [
        input: [ ... ],
        target: [ ... ]

Pre processing

Using the PreProcessor class you are able to format, clean and normalize training data. The PreProcessor allows you to load various data formats, including from a file.

const processor = new MLBasic.PreProcessor();

The example below ingests raw data that is formatted using only arrays, cleans and normalizes it, before outputting it.

const rawData = [
        [1.421, 8.482, 2.589, ...], // Input data
        [0.875, 5.892, 5.978, ...] // Target data

    nullToZero: true, // nullToZero (default = true)
    removeDuplicates: true, // removeDuplicates (default = true)
    allowVariableData: false // removeDuplicates (default = true)

preProcessor.normalize(0, 1); // min (default = 0), max (default = 1)

const data = preProcessor.out();

// data = [
//     {
//         input: [0.168, 1.000, 0.305, ...],
//         target: [0.146, 0.986, 1.000, ...]
//     },
//     ...
// ]
