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Bojan Komljenović edited this page Oct 23, 2020 · 1 revision

Upgrading 4.x -> 5.x

DbInspector has been rewritten in Kotlin. Preview Activity is not implicitly added in project manifest. It can be added manually on demand. Package location has changed from Sonatype to jCenter. Package name has changed from “im.dino” to “com.infinum.dbinspector”.

Upgrading 3.x -> 4.x

DbInspector now uses AndroidX so you might have dependency clashes if you still use the legacy support lib, it’s recommended to migrate to AndroidX.

Upgrading 2.x -> 3.x

Remove the DbInspectorActivity declaration from your app manifest, this declaration is now included in the library manifest and it gets merged in with your app manifest during the build process.

Upgrading 1.x -> 2.x

Change the theme set to DbInspectorActivity your app manifest to an AppCompat theme. DbInspectorActivity extends ActionBarActivity since 2.0.0.