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A remote controllable carousel for selecting things. Start it with:

$ INFOBEAMER_TARGET_L=40 info-beamer .

The carousel can be control using TCP. So connect to localhost on port 4444. Once connected skip the info-beamer welcome message by reading until the first newline. Then "connect" to the running node by sending


and read the response (it should be 'ok!') by reading until the next newline. You're now ready to send commands:




swipe left and right one image. You can queue up multiple swipes. You can stop swiping by sending a


command which will slow down movement so it stops on the next image.

You can query the current image by sending


The response is a single line with the basename of the currently centered image.

You can hide the complete output by sending




which will fadeout/fadein. Since you can start info-beamer on layer 40 (see the above arguments in the provided command line) other programs like for example omxplayer can run below info-beamer. Fading out will hide the complete info-beamer output and omxplayer will become visible.

Finally you can switch between sets of images by sending

{...see below...}\n


{...see below...}\n

which will switch to the given set of images by moving upwards/downwards. The given json structure must have the following content. When sending the JSON, make sure you serialize it into a single line:

    "title": "Title",
    "images": ["basename1", "basename2", "basename3", ...]

The provided list in 'images' cannot be empty. 'basename' specifies the basename of images you want to display. For each basename you have to provide both basename.jpg and basename-thumb.jpg. So if you include "example" in the list of images you have to provide "example.jpg" and "example-thumb.jpg".

The basename.jpg file should have the full resolution (something around 500x700 is recommended). The image in basename-thumb.jpg should have a lower resolution to enable fast loading times. A maximum resolution of 150x200 is recommended. info-beamer will first load the low res version while scrolling and then lazy load the high res versions once scrolling slows down.

A complete communication between info-beamer and your program might look like this:

<<< Info Beamer PI 0.9.6-beta...\n
>>> *raw/c\n
<<< ok!\n
>>> l\n          <- scroll left
>>> u\n{"title":"foo", "images":["0002"]}\n
>>> p\n
<<< 0002\n       <- basename of the centered image

You can use the program to see the carousel in action. Also take a look at the top of node.lua for some options you might want to tweak.


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