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OPServer by infologistix

OPServer is a continuous automated quality assurance system and as cloud-native solution designed to verify the functionality of multi-cluster Kubernetes platforms. In addition to the usual observability, it enables the examination of various functionalities. For instance, it can validate external calls and calls to external targets.


We are currently in the beta phase and it is not yet possible to contribute. However, this should be possible in the future. If you would still like to share an idea with us, please send an e-mail to


The container exports the metrics to /metrics

Configuration for the Docker image

The values in config.yaml must be adjusted for the configuration.



The config.yaml speficies the configuration of the opserver plugin.

Key Type Default Description
clusterURL string mandatory Rancher URL
clusters dict mandatory Clusters as Dict
{ name: "cluster-name", environment: ["env1", "env2"], ingress: "" }
apiToken string "" Rancher API token
debug bool False True/False
proxy string True Use Rancher Proxy for Grafana/Prometheus
verify string True verify SSL certificate

The API-Token can be set as Environment-Variable. This takes presedence over the setting in config.yaml.


The limits.yaml will specify the corresponding limits for the management scraping while searching for the required performance values. To adapt to new changes, simply edit the defaults in config/limits.yaml or supply during runtime.


The directory src contains the python source code needed to build the docker image. The directory charts/opserver contains the helm chart file structure

Local test

To build the docker image, the values in config.yaml must be adjusted at first. Then the following commands can be executed.

docker build . -f Dockerfile.debian -t qs-automator:test
docker run -it --rm qs-automator:test sh

Install with helm

Build and push the docker image

docker build . -f Dockerfile -t qs-automator:test
docker push qs-automator:test

Create the namespace quality-assurance and install opserver

helm install opserver ./charts/opserver --namespace quality-assurance --create-namespace --wait

Uninstall with helm

helm uninstall opserver --namespace quality-assurance


Copyright (c) infologistix GmbH

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.


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