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These are the instructions to run an environment for the Gravity DEX with UI (supports Swap, Pools and Faucet) with Keplr integration on your local machine from the source repos.

This repo is structured as a mono repo with correct branches of the source repos copied in, so instead of cloning and checking out per the instructions below, you can just use the directories here.

That said the IP address will need to be changed in the following files from localhost to whatever the public IP is:

  • FAUCET_PUBLIC_URL in faucet/backend/.env
  • const response = await axios.get(http://localhost:9999/?address=${userAddress}`)` in gravity-dex-interface/src/components/Buttons/ListButton.tsx
  • rpc and rest in gravity-dex-interface/src/cosmos-amm/config.js

Liquidity Chain

Clone the liquidity chain repository

git clone
cd liquidity
make install   

If everything builds successfully you can run

liquidityd version

It should output the version number e.g. 1.2.5

Run the liquidity chain

Execute the commands below to run the chain

# Initialize and add keys
liquidityd init node-01 --chain-id consensus-testnet
liquidityd keys add validator --keyring-backend test --output json > validator_key.json
liquidityd keys add user1 --keyring-backend test --output json > user1_key.json
liquidityd keys add faucet --keyring-backend test --output json > faucet_key.json

# Add genesis accounts and provide coins to the accounts
liquidityd add-genesis-account $(liquidityd keys show validator --keyring-backend test -a) 10000000000stake,10000000000uatom,500000000000uakt,10000000000uiris
liquidityd add-genesis-account $(liquidityd keys show user1 --keyring-backend test -a) 10000000000stake,10000000000uatom,500000000000uakt,10000000000uiris
liquidityd add-genesis-account $(liquidityd keys show faucet --keyring-backend test -a) 10000000000stake,10000000000uatom,500000000000uakt,10000000000uiris

# Create gentx and collect
liquidityd gentx validator 1000000000stake --chain-id consensus-testnet --keyring-backend test
liquidityd collect-gentxs

Enable CORS for the REST API

To use a preset config file, copy config/app.toml to ~/.liquidityapp/config/app.toml.

Alternatively, modify your existing app.toml file as follows:

Edit the file

vim ~/.liquidityapp/config/app.toml 

Modify the enable and enabled-unsafe-cors parameter under [api], set them to true:

###                           API Configuration                             ###


# Enable defines if the API server should be enabled.
enable = true
# EnableUnsafeCORS defines if CORS should be enabled (unsafe - use it at your own risk).
enabled-unsafe-cors = true

Enable CORS for the RPC

To use a preset config file, copy config/config.toml to ~/.liquidityapp/config/config.toml.

Alternatively, modify your existing config.toml file as follows:

Edit the file

vim ~/.liquidityapp/config/config.toml 

Change the cors_allowed_origins parameter to accept "*":

###       RPC Server Configuration Options          ###

# TCP or UNIX socket address for the RPC server to listen on
laddr = "tcp://"

# A list of origins a cross-domain request can be executed from
# Default value '[]' disables cors support
# Use '["*"]' to allow any origin
cors_allowed_origins = ["*"]

Start the chain

liquidityd start

For information on how to create transactions using the liquidityd binary, please check these instructions

For example to create a liquidity pool for ATOM <-> AKT run the command from a terminal prompt:

liquidityd tx liquidity create-pool 1 1000000000uatom,50000000000uakt --from user1 --keyring-backend test --chain-id consensus-testnet

Gravity DEX UI

The Gravity DEX UI is a web application that provides an interface (UI) to the liquidity chain

Clone the Gravity DEX UI repository

git clone

Checkout the test-page branch

cd gravity-dex-interface
git checkout test-page

Configure the Gravity DEX UI

In order to have your local copy of the Gravity DEX UI to connect with your local liquidityd chain you will need to modify a few variables in a file.

Open the file src/cosmos-amm/config.js

Modify the chainInfo variable to look like the one below: (basically change the endpoints on port 26657 and 1317 to point to localhost and chain name and ID to reflect your liquidity chain parameters)

export const chainInfo = {
  rpc: "http://localhost:26657",
  rest: "http://localhost:1317",
  chainId: "consensus-testnet",
  chainName: "Consensus Testnet",
  stakeCurrency: stakingCurrency,
  bip44: {
    coinType: 118
  bech32Config: defaultBech32Config("cosmos"),
  currencies: [stakingCurrency].concat(currencies),
  feeCurrencies: [
      coinDenom: "ATOM",
      coinMinimalDenom: "uatom",
      coinDecimals: 6
  features: ["stargate"]

On the same file, configure the currencies (these will be the tokens available to create pools). It should look like this:

export const currencies = [
    coinDenom: "AKT",
    coinMinimalDenom: "uakt",
    coinDecimals: 6
    coinDenom: "ATOM",
    coinMinimalDenom: "uatom",
    coinDecimals: 6
    coinDenom: "IRIS",
    coinMinimalDenom: "uiris",
    coinDecimals: 6

Save the file.

Keplr (wallet)

You also need to have the Keplr wallet browser extension installed on your computer.

Once you have it installed you can import the user1 account you created above into Keplr using the mnemonic from the key (the user1_key.json file)

Running the Gravity DEX UI



In order to run the Gravity DEX UI you will need a version of NodeJS installed on your machine.

Start the web application

In order to run the Gravity DEX UI run the commands:

npm install
npm run start

The web application will be opened in your browser at http://localhost:3000.

The first time you get to the page you should get a prompt from the Keplr wallet asking you to connect to the consensus-testnet chain. If the wallet is locked, please unlock it with your password. Please approve and accept the prompts (there should be 2 prompts).

Open the Keplr wallet and switch to the Consensus Testnet chain using the dropdown box and ensure you are logged with the user1 account you've imported into Keplr.

Run the faucet


The faucet can be enabled using this:

Follow the README there for setup. But essentially:

  • configure the FAUCET_PUBLIC_URL in backend/.env
  • compile with go build faucet.go
  • run with ./faucet