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ADR 008: RPC Client Event Subscription Mechanism


  • 2020-07-23: Initial draft


The Tendermint Light Client is one of many important applications that will make use of the RPC client to query Tendermint full nodes for information relating to the blockchain.

Tendermint servers (e.g. full nodes) provide an event subscription RPC endpoint to allow clients to receive notifications of specific events as they happen (currently via a WebSockets connection). We need to expose this subscription mechanism through the RPC client.

In order to achieve this, we need:

  1. An ergonomic interface for the RPC client that allows developers to subscribe to events produced by specific queries. Specifically, this interface must:
    1. Offer subscription functionality, where:
      1. A single subscription takes place to the events produced by a query (the PEG for which, at the time of this writing, is located here).
      2. Callers must be able to create multiple distinct subscriptions.
      3. A subscription must offer an interface to allow for iteration over incoming events only relevant to that subscription (i.e. it should produce an event stream).
      4. It must be possible to, from outside of the RPC client, receive events from multiple subscriptions' event streams concurrently without interfering with/blocking each other.
      5. It must be possible to, from outside of the RPC client, handle subscriptions' event streams without blocking other RPC operations.
    2. Offer the ability to unsubscribe from specific queries (i.e. to terminate specific subscriptions).
  2. An appropriate concurrency model for drivers of the transport layer that allows the transport layer to operate independently of consumers of subscriptions. This is so that consumers don't block transport layer activities and vice-versa.



  • All blocking operations that deal with I/O must be async.
  • We will not be "de-asyncifying" the RPC and will rather, in a future ADR, propose a synchronous architecture as well should we need one.

Proposed Entities and Relationships

The entities in the diagram below are described in the following subsections.

RPC client ERD


In terms of the subscription interface, this is ultimately what the end user is most interested in obtaining. The Event type's structure is dictated by the Tendermint RPC:

pub struct Event {
    /// The query that produced the event.
    pub query: String,
    /// The data associated with the event (determines its `EventType`).
    pub data: EventData,
    /// Event type and attributes map.
    pub events: Option<HashMap<String, Vec<String>>>,

pub enum EventData {
    NewBlock {
        block: Option<Block>,
        result_begin_block: Option<BeginBlock>,
        result_end_block: Option<EndBlock>,
    Tx {
        tx_result: TxResult,
    // ...


A Subscription here is envisaged as an entity that implements the Stream trait, allowing its owner to asynchronously iterate through all of the relevant incoming events. Use of such a subscription should be as simple as:

while let Some(result_event) = {
   match result_event {
      Ok(event) => { /* handle event */ },
      Err(e) => { /* terminate subscription and report error */ },

// Terminate the subscription (i.e. unsubscribe and consume it).
// Since a `Subscription` could be moved to and consumed in any asynchronous
// context (and a distinct context to the original client entity that created
// it), it would make sense that **unsubscribing** should be accessible from
// that same context.

Once asynchronous destructors are available in Rust, the terminate method should no longer be necessary.

For efficient routing of events to Subscriptions, each Subscription should have some kind of unique identifier associated with it (a SubscriptionId). Each Subscription relates only to a single Query. Therefore, its publicly accessible fields may resemble the following:

pub struct Subscription {
    pub id: SubscriptionId,
    pub query: Query,
    // ... other fields to help facilitate inter-task comms ...

Buffering of Events

Since the rate at which events could be produced by the remote RPC endpoint may differ from the rate at which the client process them, we need to buffer incoming events in a Subscription.

Under the hood, a Subscription is envisaged to make use of some kind of unbounded channel to buffer incoming Events, such as that provided by Tokio's mpsc. We don't propose the use of bounded channels yet since they complicate the concurrency model significantly: we would need to cater for cases where we encounter full channels and provide for conventional or application-specific ways of dealing with those full channels (e.g. back-off, or back-pressure).

Managing Multiple Simultaneous Subscriptions

There may come instances where clients would want to initiate multiple subscriptions to different event types and consume them all from the same context. Since the Subscription struct implements the Stream trait, all of the stream-related functionality should enhance the ergonomics of working with Subscriptions.

For example, if you wanted to iterate through two subscriptions at the same time, processing events in the order in which they are received by the client:

use futures::stream::select_all;

// `subs1` and `subs2` are `Subscription`s:
while let Some(res) = select_all(vec![subs1, subs2]).next().await {
    match res {
        Ok(event) => { /* handle event */ },
        Err(e) => { /* handle error */ },

Client Model

Users of the Tendermint RPC library may or may not want access to subscription functionality. Since such functionality comes with additional overhead in terms of resource usage and asynchronous task management, it would be optimal to provide two separate client traits: one that only implements non-subscription functionality, and one that only implements subscription functionality (where clients could either implement one or both traits).

The interfaces of the two types of clients are envisaged as follows.


This type of client would allow for interaction with all RPC endpoints except those pertaining to subscription management. In our current implementation, this client would only interact via the HTTP RPC endpoints (the HttpClient in the entity diagram above).

Note: All async traits are facilitated by the use of async-trait.

pub type Result<R> = std::result::Result<R, Error>;

pub trait Client {
    /// `/abci_info`: get information about the ABCI application.
    async fn abci_info(&self) -> Result<abci_info::AbciInfo>;

    /// `/abci_query`: query the ABCI application
    async fn abci_query<V>(
        path: Option<abci::Path>,
        data: V,
        height: Option<Height>,
        prove: bool,
    ) -> Result<abci_query::AbciQuery>
        V: Into<Vec<u8>> + Send;

    /// ...

    /// Perform a general request against the RPC endpoint
    async fn perform<R>(&self, request: R) -> Result<R::Response>
        R: Request;


A SubscriptionClient would be one that only provides access to subscription functionality. In our current implementation, this client would interact with a WebSocket connection to provide subscription functionality (the WebSocketClient in the entity diagram above).

pub trait SubscriptionClient {
    /// `/subscribe`: subscribe to receive events produced by the given query.
    async fn subscribe(&mut self, query: Query) -> Result<Subscription>;

Client Implementations

We envisage 2 distinct client implementations at this point:

  • HttpClient, which only implements Client (over HTTP).
  • WebSocketClient, which will implement Client and SubscriptionClient (over a WebSocket connection).

Handle-Driver Concurrency Model

Depending on the underlying transport, a client may need a transport driver running in an asynchronous context. As in the example of a WebSocket connection, the rate at which one interacts with the WebSocket connection may differ to the rate at which one interacts with Events being produced by a Subscription, so they necessarily need to run concurrently in different contexts.

Implementation of such a transport driver is transport-specific. Short-lived request/response interactions (such as HTTP) would not require such a transport driver, whereas a WebSocket connection would.

In cases where a driver is necessary, the client implementation would have to become a handle to the driver, facilitating communication with it across asynchronous tasks.

A rough sketch of the interaction model between the different components envisaged to make up the subscription subsystem is shown in the following sequence diagram.

RPC client concurrency model


It is proposed that, using a builder pattern, we implement a subscription Query interface that implements the full query PEG provided by the Go implementation of the RPC client. This would allow for compile-time validation of queries.

The desired interface for constructing a query would look as follows:

// tm.event='NewBlock'
let query = Query::from(EventType::NewBlock);

// tm.event='Tx' AND tx.hash='XYZ'
let query = Query::from(EventType::Tx).and_eq("tx.hash", "XYZ");

// tm.event='Tx' AND tx.height=5
let query = Query::from(EventType::Tx).and_eq("tx.height", 5);

This interface could be implemented along the following lines.

// Query would only have constructors that either specified an event type
// (corresponding to a `tm.event='eventtype'` query) or a condition. There must
// be no constructor that allows for construction of an empty query.
pub struct Query {
    // A query can only match zero or one type of event.
    event_type: Option<EventType>,
    // A query can contain zero or more conditions.
    conditions: Vec<Condition>,

impl From<EventType> for Query {
    fn from(event_type: EventType) -> Self {
        Self {
            event_type: Some(event_type),
            conditions: Vec::new(),

impl Query {
    // An example of a constructor for `Operation::Eq`.
    pub fn eq(key: &str, value: impl Into<Operand>) -> Self {
        Self {
            event_type: None,
            conditions: vec![Condition::new(key, Operation::Eq(value.into()))],

    // ...

    // Allows for a simple builder pattern.
    pub fn and_eq(mut self, key: &str, value: impl Into<Operand>) -> Self {
        self.conditions.push(Condition::new(key, Operation::Eq(value.into())));

    // ...

// Derived from
pub enum EventType {

// A condition specifies a key (first parameter) and, depending on the
// operation, an value which is an operand of some kind.
pub enum Condition {
    // Equals
    Eq(String, Operand),
    // Less than
    Lt(String, Operand),
    // Less than or equal to
    Lte(String, Operand),
    // Greater than
    Gt(String, Operand),
    // Greater than or equal to
    Gte(String, Operand),
    // Contains (to check if a key contains a certain sub-string)
    Contains(String, String),
    // Exists (to check if a key exists)

// According to,
// an operand can be a string, number, date or time. We differentiate here
// between integer and floating point numbers.
// It would be most useful to implement `From` traits for each of the different
// operand types to the `Operand` enum, as this would improve ergonomics.
pub enum Operand {

Subscription Tracking and Routing

Internally, a SubscriptionRouter is proposed that uses a HashMap to keep track of all of the queries relating to a particular client.

pub struct SubscriptionRouter {
    // A map of queries -> (map of subscription IDs -> result event tx channels)
    subscriptions: HashMap<String, HashMap<String, SubscriptionTx>>,

At present, Tendermint includes the ID of the subscription relating to a particular event in the JSON-RPC message, and so this data structure is optimal for such a configuration. This will necessarily change if Tendermint's WebSocket server drops subscription IDs from events, which is likely if we want to conform more strictly to the JSON-RPC standard for notifications.

Handling Mixed Events and Responses

Since a full client needs to implement both the Client and SubscriptionClient traits, for certain transports (like a WebSocket connection) we could end up receiving a mixture of events from subscriptions and responses to RPC requests. To disambiguate these different types of incoming messages, a simple mechanism is proposed for the WebSocketClientDriver that keeps track of pending requests and only matures them once it receives its corresponding response.

pub struct WebSocketClientDriver {
    // ...

    // Commands we've received but have not yet completed, indexed by their ID.
    // A Terminate command is executed immediately.
    pending_commands: HashMap<String, DriverCommand>,

// The different types of requests that the WebSocketClient can send to its
// driver.
// Each of SubscribeCommand, UnsubscribeCommand and SimpleRequestCommand keep
// a response channel that allows for the driver to send a response later on
// when it receives a relevant one.
enum DriverCommand {
    // Initiate a subscription request.
    // Initiate an unsubscribe request.
    // For non-subscription-related requests.

IDs of outgoing requests are randomly generated UUIDv4 strings.

The logic here is as follows:

  1. A call is made to WebSocketClient::subscribe or WebSocketClient::perform.
  2. The client sends the relevant DriverCommand to its driver via its internal communication channel.
  3. The driver receives the command, sends the relevant simple or subscription request, and keeps track of the command in its pending_commands member along with its ID. This allows the driver to continue handling outgoing requests and incoming responses in the meantime.
  4. If the driver receives a JSON-RPC message whose ID corresponds to an ID in its pending_commands member, it assumes that response is relevant to that command and sends back to the original caller by way of a channel stored in one of the SubscribeCommand, UnsubscribeCommand or SimpleRequestCommand structs. Failures are also communicated through this same mechanism.
  5. The pending command is evicted from the pending_commands member.





  • Provides relatively intuitive developer ergonomics (Subscription iteration to produce Events).
  • Mocking client functionality is relatively easy, allowing for a greater variety of testing (including simulating transport-level failures).


  • Requires an additional concurrent, potentially long-running async task to be concerned about (partially mitigated by the handle-driver concurrency model).


