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kickstart-flavor gaia :: Apache2, PHP7.2 development container

Build Status Latest Stable Version Docker Pulls

see ( for more information.

Document Index:


Tag Version
latest 7.2
testing 7.2
experimental 7.2
7.4-experimental 7.4 new
7.4-testing coming soon
7.4-stable coming soon

Container specific .kick.yml-directives

Key Default Description
http_port 80 The internal port, apache listens on
apache_www_root /opt/www The document root
apache_fallback_resource null All requests will be redirected to this script.
SYSLOG_HOST '' Send apache2 error log to this host

Installed Software

Make sure your IDE has plugins installed for:

Using the xdebug debugger / profiler with PhpStorm

Xdebug is enabled by default if you are in development mode (the project is run by

Xdebug is configured to connect the IDE on the Docker-Host-IP (which is the first configured IP of your host machine - determined by on Port 9000

PhpStorm IDE settings (global)

Activate remote debugging in Settings:


Project settings

Open Run > Edit configurations...


The idekey and serverName is the name of your project!

Enable Path Mappings:


Ensure serverName, idekey and configName is the same of your project name

Start Debugging via browser

To start debugging via browser open:


Start CLI debugging

just set the breakpoint

Troubleshooting the debugging

If debugging won't work, use our checklist to determine the cause:

  1. Check the docker-host's IP was propagated correctly.

    • The IP should be set as environment-variable DOCKER_HOST_IP
    • Inside the container type echo $DOCKER_HOST_IP should print your ip

    A) Check is the newest version (perform ./ --upgrade)

    B) Solution: Check hostname -i returns your primary IP address on your host machine.

  2. Check the IDE is connectable from within the container on Port 9000

    • Install netcat and try the script below:
    sudo apt install netcat
    nc -zw3 $DOCKER_HOST_IP 9000 && echo "OK: IDE is reachable on port 9000" || echo "ERROR: IDE unreachable"

    A) Check if you can reach this PORT from outside the container. If not your IP might be wrong, or your IDE is not correctly configured.

  3. Check your IDE-Settings.