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Stanislav Tiurikov edited this page Feb 12, 2020 · 7 revisions

Provisioning tasks define a list of action to run on specific set of hosts. We can define as many tasks as we want:

inlineInventory {
}.provision {
  task actions: {
    // some actions here

  task name: 'simple task', actions: {
    // some actions here

  task name: 'simple task', parallel: 5, actions: {
    // some actions here
  task name: 'simple task', parallel: 5, filter: {'db_tag:true' && 'priority_tag:1'}, actions: {
    // some actions here
  task(name: 'simple task', filter: {'db_tag:true' && 'priority_tag:1'}) {
    parallel = 5
    actions = {
      // some actions here


Task element can have following attributes:

Attribute Type Optional Default Value Description
name String yes 'unnamed task' a human readable name of the task
filter Closure yes { true } a filtering expression to specify a subset of node to run actions on
parallel Integer yes 1 a number of nodes the task can be run on at the same time
actions Closure no empty a set of actions to run
(deprecated) onSuccess Closure yes empty closure a set of actions to run if the task has finished without errors
(deprecated) onFailure Closure yes throw exception a set of actions to run if the task has finished with an error

Node filtering expression

With the node filtering expression (NFE) we can define where to run the task. NFE is a closure which operates with string representation of the node tags. It is possible to use logical operators in such expressions. Here are some examples:

inlineInventory {
  node id: 'node_A', ..., tags: [web: true, priority: 1]
  node id: 'node_B', ..., tags: [web: true, priority: 2]
  node id: 'node_C', ..., tags: [db: true, priority: 1]
  node id: 'node_D', ..., tags: [db: true, priority: 2]
  node id: 'node_E', ..., tags: [service: true, priority: 1]
  node id: 'node_F', ..., tags: [service: true, priority: 2]
}.provision {
  task name: 'run on node_A and node_B', filter: {'web:true'}, actions: { 
    // install packages here 
  task name: 'run on node_A, node_B, node_C, node_D', filter: {'web:true' || 'db:true'}, actions: { 
    // update service configs here
  task name: 'run on node_C only', filter: {'db:true' && !'priority:2'}, actions: { 
    // launch a new container here
  task name: 'run on all nodes but node_F', filter: { !('service:true' && 'priority:2') }, actions: { 
    // collect system logs here

Access to inventory during provisioning

You can access current inventory implicitly:

inlineInventory {
}.provision {
  def inventorySize = inventory.size()  

or explicitly:

inlineInventory {
}.provision { currentInventory ->
  def inventorySize = currentInventory.size()
  def nodes = currentInventory.filter { 'someTag:someValue' }

Access to current node

It is possible to access to current node which the task is running for:

inlineInventory {
}.provision {
  task name: 'example 1', actions: { 
    // variable node is always available in a task context
    info "current node: $node" 

  task name: 'example 2', actions: { currentNode ->
    // we can explicitly give a name to the node variable
    info "current node: $currentNode" 