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Docker for RESTHeart

Docker container for RESTHeart. It makes use of the official MongoDB image.


1) Pull the MongoDB and RESTHeart images:

  1. docker pull mongo
  2. docker pull softinstigate/restheart

Note: if you want to pull a specific mongodb image only, you could add the exact tag, for example:

docker pull mongo:3.0

2) Run the MongoDB container (add a tag to specify the exact MongoDB version other than "latest"):

docker run -d --name mongodb mongo:3.0

If you want to make it accessible from your host and also add a persistent data volume:

docker run -d -p 27017:27017 --name mongodb -v <db-dir>:/data/db mongo:3.0

The <db-dir> must be a folder in your host, such as /var/data/db or whatever you like. If you don't attach a volume then all your data will be lost when you stop the container.

3) Run RESTHeart interactively:

docker run -i -t -p 8080:8080 --name restheart --link mongodb:mongodb softinstigate/restheart

4) Check that is working:

If you are running boot2docker point your browser to:, otherwise: http://localhost:8080/browser. To know the boot2docker IP issue the boot2docker ip command.

5) Stop and restart

To stop RESTHeart just issue a normal CTRL-C.

You can start it again with docker start -i -a restheart.

To stop MongoDb issue docker stop mongodb

To start MongoDb again docker start mongodb

Available at the Docker Hub.