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[IMP]product_replenishment_cost: make in batches
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closes #551

Signed-off-by: Juan José Scarafía <>
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jcadhoc committed Dec 15, 2023
1 parent 8a3ac23 commit a4ab395
Showing 1 changed file with 30 additions and 3 deletions.
33 changes: 30 additions & 3 deletions product_replenishment_cost/models/
Expand Up @@ -93,13 +93,27 @@ def _compute_supplier_data(self):

def cron_update_cost_from_replenishment_cost(self, limit=None, company_ids=None):
def cron_update_cost_from_replenishment_cost(self, limit=None, company_ids=None, batch_size=1000):
""" vamos a actualizar de a batches y guardar en un parametro cual es el ultimo que se actualizó.
si hay mas por atualizar llamamos con trigger al mismo cron para que siga con el prox batch
si terminamos, resetamos el parametro a 0 para que en proxima corrida arranque desde abajo
no usamos set_param porque refresca caché y en este caso preferimos evitarlo, al no usar set_param
tampoco podemos usar get_param porque justamente no se va a refrescar el valor

# allow force_company for backward compatibility
force_company = self._context.get('force_company', False)
if force_company and company_ids:
raise ValidationError(_(
"The argument 'company_ids' and the key 'force_company' on the context can't be used together"))
# buscamos cual fue el ultimo registro actualziado
parameter_name = 'product_replenishment_cost.last_updated_record_id'
last_updated_param = self.env['ir.config_parameter'].sudo().search([('key', '=', parameter_name)], limit=1)
if not last_updated_param:
last_updated_param = self.env['ir.config_parameter'].sudo().create({'key': parameter_name, 'value': '0'})
# Obtiene los registros ordenados por id
domain = [('id', '>', int(last_updated_param.value))]
records = self.with_context(prefetch_fields=False).search(domain, order='id asc')

# use company_ids or force_company or search for all companies
if force_company:
Expand All @@ -109,8 +123,21 @@ def cron_update_cost_from_replenishment_cost(self, limit=None, company_ids=None)

for company_id in company_ids:'Running cron update cost from replenishment for company %s', company_id)
self.with_company(company=company_id).with_context(prefetch_fields=False, bypass_base_automation=True).search(
[], limit=limit)._update_cost_from_replenishment_cost()

if len(records) > batch_size:
last_updated_id = records[batch_size].id
last_updated_id = 0"UPDATE ir_config_parameter set value = %s where id = %s", (str(last_updated_id),
# si setamos last updated es porque todavia quedan por procesar, volvemos a llamar al cron
if last_updated_id:
# para obtener el job_id se requiere este PR
cron = self.env['ir.cron'].browse(self.env.context.get('job_id')) or self.env.ref('product_replenishment_cost.ir_cron_update_cost_from_replenishment_cost')

def _update_cost_from_replenishment_cost(self):
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