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Download tiles from map server

This tool download tiles from map server for all zoom levels specified. Specify a geojson file with one or more polygons to limit area for download if needed.


Clone repo or download Dist package.

Run command line application with following parameters:

Parameter Description Default Example
-h, --help Display help text
--tiles Tiles url{z}&x={x}&y={y}
--min Lowest zoom level 1
--max Highest zoom level. Max zoom level for tiles is often between 17 and 22. Be aware! Level 16 and above gives a lot of tiles to download! 10
--path Path to save tiles Current folder "C:\tmp"
--geojson Full path to geojson file with polygon areas to download. If no file specified, download the whole world. varslingsomraader.json
--name Feature property from geosjon to use as name OMRAADENAV
--value Feature property value in named property. If empty, download all areas. Hallingdal
--imageformat Image format to save tiles. Use the same as result from tiles url. png
--writereport Write HTML report at end true
--parallell Number of tiles to download in parallell. Increase to download faster, but tiles server might be overloaded! 4
--skipexisting Skip download tile if file already exists in folder false
--debug Debug number of tiles and estimated size false


Download polygon with property OMRAADENAV="Lofoten and Vesterålen" from geojson file "varslingsomraader.json" in zoom levels 1 - 15 and save to path "C:\tmp"

regObs.TilesDownloadConsoleApp.exe --max 15 --geojson "varslingsomraader.json" --name "OMRAADENAV" --value "Lofoten og Vesterålen" --path "C:\tmp"

Download all polygons from geojson file "kommuner.json" in zoom levels 1 - 15 and save to path "C:\tmp"

regObs.TilesDownloadConsoleApp.exe --max 15 --geojson "kommuner.json" --path "C:\tmp"

Download the whole world in zoom levels 1 - 5 for open topo map.

regObs.TilesDownloadConsoleApp.exe --max 5 tiles ""

Debug estimated tiles and size

regObs.TilesDownloadConsoleApp.exe --max 15 --geojson "kommuner.json" --name "NAVN" --debug true

View downloaded tiles

View downloaded tiles by opening the test.html in the directory of the downloaded files. Set folder to use in the top right folder control.

Polygons in Norwegian avalanche regions

Regions in varslingsomraader.json is taken from and converted to Lat Lng coordinates using: Target SRS: +proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs (Create a zip package containing the .shp, dbf, .prj, etc files.)

Example sizes

Area Zoom levels Tiles Size
Hallingdal 1-16 129 330 3,51 GB


Download tiles from map server







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