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slave high priority DDL
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Adds support for enabling high priority ddl on slave threads.

Depends on D14884073 (facebook@bddf973)

Differential Revision: D16421520 (facebook@6ab2e5f)

fbshipit-source-id: bb53d705f66
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luqun authored and inikep committed Jul 16, 2021
1 parent f2d120f commit 2dd13d7
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Showing 30 changed files with 2,177 additions and 305 deletions.
220 changes: 115 additions & 105 deletions mysql-test/include/
@@ -1,166 +1,176 @@
# Common test file for high priority DDL

create user test_user1@localhost;
grant all on test to test_user1@localhost;
create user test_user2@localhost;
grant all on test to test_user2@localhost;

# Default values
--let $con_block = con1
--let $con_kill = default
--let $should_kill = 1
--let $recreate_table = 1
--let $throw_error = 1

## killing conflicting shared locks by alter table

# in slave instance, DDL commands are executed on slave sql threads.
# Thus, these users aren't used for slave_high_priority_ddl
if (!$slave_ddl) {
echo connection $con_init;
connection $con_init;
create user test_user1@localhost;
grant all on test to test_user1@localhost;
create user test_user2@localhost;
grant all on test to test_user2@localhost;

--echo ##
--echo ## killing conflicting shared locks by alter table
--echo ##
--let $blocking_sql = lock tables t1 read;
--let $cmd = alter table t1 modify i bigint;

--source include/

## killing conflicting shared lock in a transaction
## transaction will rollback

--echo ##
--echo ## killing conflicting shared lock in a transaction
--echo ## transaction will rollback
--echo ##
--let $blocking_sql = begin; insert into t1 values (4); select i from t1;
--let $cmd = alter table t1 rename t1_new;

--let $tablename = t1_new
--source include/

select * from t1_new;
drop table t1_new;
# restore tablename
--let $tablename = t1

## simulate conflicting DDL which will not be killed

--echo ##
--echo ## simulate conflicting DDL which will not be killed
--echo ##
# Simulate conflicting DDL
# This will hold MDL_SHARED_NO_READ_WRITE, which may be upgraded to exclusive
# locks to run DDLs like ALTER TABLE
# the upgradable/exclusive lock should not be killed

--let $should_kill = 0
--let $should_table_exist = 0
--let $blocking_sql = lock tables t1 write;
--let $cmd = drop table t1;

--source include/

# restore $should_kill
# restore $should_kill/$should_table_exist
--let $should_kill = 1
--let $should_table_exist = 1

## killing conflicting transaction by drop table DDL

--echo ##
--echo ## killing conflicting transaction by drop table DDL
--echo ##
--let $blocking_sql = lock tables t1 read; begin; insert into t1 values (4);
--let $should_table_exist = 0
--let $cmd = drop table t1;

--source include/

## no effect for regular users

let $count_sessions = 1;

connect (con2,localhost,test_user2,,test,,);
# $con_kill is regular user
--let $con_kill = con2
--let $should_kill = 0

--let $blocking_sql = lock tables t1 read;
--let $cmd = alter table t1 modify i bigint;

--source include/

disconnect con2;

# Ensure con2 is closed
--source include/

# restore $con_kill
--let $con_kill = default
# restore $should_kill
--let $should_kill = 1

## create/drop index

# create index

# restore $should_table_exist
--let $should_table_exist = 1

if (!$slave_ddl) {
--echo ##
--echo ## no effect for regular users
--echo ##
# save connected session count
--source include/
--let $begin_session_count =$count_sessions
connect (con2, $con_block_host,test_user2,,test,$con_block_port,);
# $con_kill is regular user
--let $con_kill_orginal = $con_kill
--let $con_kill = con2
--let $should_kill = 0
--let $blocking_sql = lock tables t1 read
--let $cmd = alter table t1 modify i bigint

--source include/
connection default;
disconnect con2;

# Ensure con2 is closed
--let $count_sessions = $begin_session_count
--source include/

# restore $con_kill
--let $con_kill = $con_kill_orginal
# restore $should_kill
--let $should_kill = 1

--echo ##
--echo ## create index
--echo ##
--let $blocking_sql = lock tables t1 read;
--let $cmd = create index idx1 on t1 (i);

--source include/

# drop index (use the previously created table)
--let $recreate_table = 0

--echo ##
--echo ## drop index (use the previously created table)
--echo ##
--let $recreate_table = 0
--let $cmd = drop index idx1 on t1;

--source include/

# restore $recreate_table
--let $recreate_table = 1

## high_priority truncate table

--let $blocking_sql = lock tables t1 read;
--let $cmd = truncate t1;

--echo ##
--echo ## high_priority truncate table
--echo ##
--let $blocking_sql = lock tables t1 read
--let $cmd = truncate t1
--source include/

####high_priority create/drop trigger##

--let $blocking_sql = lock tables t1 read;
--echo ##
--echo ## high_priority create trigger
--echo ##
--let $blocking_sql = lock tables t1 read
let $cmd = create trigger ins_sum before insert on t1
for each row set @sum = @sum + new.i;
--source include/

--echo ##
--echo ## high_priority drop trigger
--echo ##
# drop trigger (use the previously created table)
--let $recreate_table = 0
--let $cmd = drop trigger ins_sum;
--let $cmd = drop trigger ins_sum
--source include/

# restore $recreate_table
--let $recreate_table = 1

## high_priority optimize table
## "optimize table" doesn't throw errors. It catches all errors, and
## returns a result set in a table

--echo ##
--echo ## high_priority optimize table
--echo ##
--echo ## "optimize table" doesn't throw errors. It catches all errors, and
--echo ## returns a result set in a table
--echo ##
--let $throw_error = 0

--let $blocking_sql = lock tables t1 read;
--let $cmd = optimize table t1;

--let $blocking_sql = lock tables t1 read
--let $cmd = optimize table t1
--source include/

# restore throw_error
--let $throw_error = 1
--let $blocking_sql = lock tables t1 read;
--let $cmd = lock tables t1 write;

--source include/
# LOCK TABLE COMMAND isn't replicate to slave
if (!$slave_ddl)
--echo ##
--echo ## lock table read vs write
--echo ##
--let $blocking_sql = lock tables t1 read
--let $cmd = lock tables t1 write
--source include/

--echo ##
--echo ## clean up
--echo ##
echo connection $con_init;
connection $con_init;
unlock tables;

## clean up

drop user test_user1@localhost;
drop user test_user2@localhost;
if (!$slave_ddl) {
drop user test_user1@localhost;
drop user test_user2@localhost;
drop table if exists t1_new;
drop table t1;

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