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Here is a breakdown of the components and their functionality:

1. App Component

This is the root component where most of the state and logic reside. It uses the useReducer hook to manage application state, which includes form data, table data, and flags for editing state. The reducer function handles various actions to update the state appropriately, such as adding a new entry, editing existing entries, and removing entries. The useEffect hook logs the current table data whenever it changes.

  • State Structure: Includes formData for the current form inputs, tableData for storing all entries, editing as a boolean to indicate edit mode, and editingIndex to know which entry is being edited.

  • Reducer Actions:

  - SET_FORM_DATA: Updates the form data with user inputs.

  - ADD: Adds a new entry to the table.

  - EDIT: Prepares form data for editing an existing entry.

  - REMOVE: Removes an entry from the table.

  - UPDATE: Updates an existing entry and resets edit mode.

  - RESET_FORM: Resets the form to its initial state.

2. Form Component

Handles user inputs for adding or updating entries. It uses controlled components (input fields) to capture user input and dispatch actions to update the state in the App component.

  • Event Handlers:

  - handleChange: Updates the state with the current value in the form fields.

  - handleSubmit: Dispatches either an ADD or UPDATE action depending on whether the form is in edit mode.

3. Table Component

Displays the entries in a table format. It maps over tableData from the app state to render a Row component for each entry, passing necessary data and functions.

4. Row Component

Represents a single row in the table. Each row displays data for one entry and includes buttons to edit or remove the entry by dispatching appropriate actions.

  • Event Handlers:

  - editEntry: Sets up the form for editing the current entry.

  - removeEntry: Removes the current entry from the table.

Each of these components works together through the dispatch function passed around as props, allowing state changes to propagate through the application based on user interactions. This structure provides a clear separation of concerns and reusability of components.


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