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About this Repo

This automated build is based on Dragontek/octobercms with apache and PHP 7.1. Those scripts and docker-compose.yml should be used only on local development environments.

Scripts in repo work only on Linux systems and have been tested only on Archlinux. All contribution welcomed.

Changes to dragontek/octobercms

  1. Plugin to composer: hirak/prestissimo.
  2. Updated version of phpunit and phpunit-selenium in composer.json file for plugin Initbiz.Selenium2Tests
  3. User www-data has a changable UID
  4. User www-data has /bin/bash shell
  5. Bash script to generate docker-compose.yml file

How to

  1. Clone the repo to empty directory for example: git clone myproject
  2. Run sudo ./ <domain> <username> where <domain> is your local development domain to be added to /etc/hosts file and <username> is name of the local user that is going to develop the project. In my case: sudo ./ local tomasz. Optionally you can also pass project name in the first parameter.
  3. The docker-compose.yml is now created. Now you can edit it as you wish and then run sudo docker-compose up

Now the source code is in ./source directory, and DB files in ./mysqldata directory.

Your project will be visible on <project_name>.<domain> and phpMyAdmin panel on phpMyAdmin.<project_name>.<domain> domain.

All those scripts are aimed to be used only on local development environment. You should not use them in production.


There is a bug in dragontek/octobercms with edge updates enabled that fails the first time you start it. After the container stops working you can just stop all the containers and run themh again: sudo docker-compose stop and sudo docker-compose start.


Because of the fact that nginx-proxy works on port 80 by default, only one instance of this container can be run. If you want to run more than one project you have to ensure the nginx-proxy container will not be listed in docker-compose.yml. The container has access to docker's socket, so it does not matter where you run the container, it will work.

Additional Env vars

  • WWW_DATA_UID - for workaround with permissions in volumes


Local development scripts and Dockerfile for OctoberCMS.







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