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Extract functions into separate autoload script
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inkarkat committed Apr 4, 2012
1 parent 4c9264b commit d31eceb
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Showing 2 changed files with 157 additions and 143 deletions.
143 changes: 143 additions & 0 deletions autoload/NumberToEnglish.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
" -*- vim -*-
" (C) 2009 by Salman Halim, <salmanhalim AT gmail DOT com>

" Concatenates two strings, placing a space between them if neither is
" empty; if either is empty, the result is simply the non-empty one; if
" both are empty, returns the empty string.
function! <SID>AddWithSpace( original, addition, ... )
let result = ""
let originalEmpty = a:original == ''
let additionEmpty = a:addition == ''

let separator = exists( "a:1" ) ? a:1 : " "

if ( originalEmpty && additionEmpty )
let result = ""
elseif ( originalEmpty )
let result = a:addition
elseif ( additionEmpty )
let result = a:original
let result = a:original . separator . a:addition

return result

function! <SID>GetAndSeparator()
return GetVar#GetVar( "numberToEnglish_useAnd" ) ? " " . GetVar#GetVar( "numberToEnglish_and" ) . " " : " "

function! <SID>GetHyphenSeparator()
return GetVar#GetVar( "numberToEnglish_useHyphen" ) ? "-" : " "

function! <SID>GetList( name, isOrdinal )
return GetVar#GetVar( "numberToEnglish_" . (a:isOrdinal ? "ordinal_" : "") . a:name )
" Converts a number between 1 and 999 to its English equivalent.
" Anything else (such as 0 or 1000) gets the empty string.
" If standalone is 1, assumes that numbers such as 23 should be returned as "twenty three"; otherwise, 23 gets returned as "and twenty three", if
" g:numberToEnglish_useAnd is set.
function! <SID>SmallNumberToEnglish( num, standalone, isOrdinal )
" We ignore the 0-based position so we don't have to keep
" subtracting from our results when we look a number up here.
let theNum = a:num

" If not standalone, we start with a space to allow for "and" and separators to come into play--we'll trim that out at the end.
let result = GetVar#GetVar( "numberToEnglish_useAnd" ) && !a:standalone ? " " : ""

if ( theNum >= 1 || theNum < 1000 )
let digitsList = <SID>GetList( "digits", a:isOrdinal )
let teensList = <SID>GetList( "teens", a:isOrdinal )
let tensList = <SID>GetList( "tens", a:isOrdinal )

let digit = theNum / 100
let theNum = theNum % 100

if ( digit > 0 )
let result = <SID>AddWithSpace( result, <SID>GetList( "digits", 0 )[ digit ] . " " . <SID>GetList( "hundred", a:isOrdinal && theNum == 0 ) )

" We can skip the whole thing if the number passed in is an
" even multiple of a hundred, such as 500.
if ( theNum > 0 )
if ( theNum < 10 )
" Single digit
let result = <SID>AddWithSpace( result, digitsList[ theNum ], <SID>GetAndSeparator() )
elseif ( theNum > 10 && theNum < 20 )
" Teens
let result = <SID>AddWithSpace( result, teensList[ theNum - 10 ], <SID>GetAndSeparator() )
" Regular two-digit number; either 10 or between 20 and 99.
let digit = theNum / 10
let theNum = theNum % 10

if ( theNum > 0 )
let result = <SID>AddWithSpace( result, <SID>GetList( "tens", 0 )[ digit ], <SID>GetAndSeparator() )
let result = <SID>AddWithSpace( result, digitsList[ theNum ], <SID>GetHyphenSeparator() )
let result = <SID>AddWithSpace( result, tensList[ digit ], <SID>GetAndSeparator() )

" Trim initial spaces, if we put any in for the "and" work.
return substitute( result, '^\s\+', '', '' )

" Converts the given integer (negatives are allowed) to its English
" equivalent; for example, numberToEnglish( -234 ) returns "negative
" two hundred thirty four".
function! NumberToEnglish#Render( num, isCapitalize, isOrdinal )
let theNum = a:num
let result = ""

if ( theNum == 0 )
let result = <SID>GetList( "zero", a:isOrdinal )
let isNegative = theNum < 0

if ( isNegative )
let theNum = abs( theNum )

" Starting from the right, take at most three digits from the
" number and process those; the first time around, we leave
" them as is. The second time, we put the word "thousand"
" after them; the word "million" gets appended the third time.
" If someone wants billions, the process just gets repeated one
" more time.
let i = 0
while ( i < len( <SID>GetList( "scale", 0 ) ) )
let triplet = theNum % 1000
let theNum = theNum / 1000

" Skip any empty portions, such as for 1000 or 1000234.
if ( triplet > 0 )
let tripletToEnglish = <SID>SmallNumberToEnglish( triplet, theNum == 0, ( a:isOrdinal && i == 0 ) )

let scale = <SID>GetList( "scale", (result == '' && a:isOrdinal ) )[ i ]
if ( scale != '' )
let tripletToEnglish .= " " . scale

let result = <SID>AddWithSpace( tripletToEnglish, result, ( stridx(result, GetVar#GetVar( "numberToEnglish_and" ) ) == 0 ? " " : ", " ) )

let i += 1

if ( isNegative )
let result = GetVar#GetVar( "numberToEnglish_negative" ) . " " . result

if ( a:isCapitalize )
let result = toupper( result[ 0 ] ) . substitute( result, '.', '', '' )

return result
157 changes: 14 additions & 143 deletions plugin/NumberToEnglish.vim
@@ -1,6 +1,18 @@
" -*- vim -*-
" (C) 2009 by Salman Halim, <salmanhalim AT gmail DOT com>

" Version 1.5
" Added parallel function and mappings for ordinal numbers ("forty-second"),
" also configurable via g:numberToEnglish_ordinal_... variables.
" Made remaining hard-coded words configurable via variables
" g:numberToEnglish_zero, g:numberToEnglish_negative.
" Allowed to use hyphen separator for numbers in range 21-99;
" g:numberToEnglish_useHyphen.
" Split into plugin and autoload script to minimize footprint.
" Change default to let g:numberToEnglish_useAnd = 1
" Fix additional comma in "one thousand, and one".
" Version 1.4
" Added an option to put in the word "and" (nine hundred AND twenty); off by default to retain old behavior:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -134,156 +146,15 @@ imap <Plug>DOrdinalToEnglish <c-o>diw<c-r>=OrdinalToEnglish( '<c-r>*' )<cr> (<c-
imap <Plug>COrdinalToEnglish <c-o>diw<c-r>=OrdinalToEnglish( '<c-r>*', 1 )<cr>
imap <Plug>DCOrdinalToEnglish <c-o>diw<c-r>=OrdinalToEnglish( '<c-r>*', 1 )<cr> (<c-r>*)
" Concatenates two strings, placing a space between them if neither is
" empty; if either is empty, the result is simply the non-empty one; if
" both are empty, returns the empty string.
function! <SID>AddWithSpace( original, addition, ... )
let result = ""
let originalEmpty = a:original == ''
let additionEmpty = a:addition == ''

let separator = exists( "a:1" ) ? a:1 : " "

if ( originalEmpty && additionEmpty )
let result = ""
elseif ( originalEmpty )
let result = a:addition
elseif ( additionEmpty )
let result = a:original
let result = a:original . separator . a:addition

return result

function! <SID>GetAndSeparator()
return GetVar#GetVar( "numberToEnglish_useAnd" ) ? " " . GetVar#GetVar( "numberToEnglish_and" ) . " " : " "

function! <SID>GetHyphenSeparator()
return GetVar#GetVar( "numberToEnglish_useHyphen" ) ? "-" : " "

function! <SID>GetList( name, isOrdinal )
return GetVar#GetVar( "numberToEnglish_" . (a:isOrdinal ? "ordinal_" : "") . a:name )
" Converts a number between 1 and 999 to its English equivalent.
" Anything else (such as 0 or 1000) gets the empty string.
" If standalone is 1, assumes that numbers such as 23 should be returned as "twenty three"; otherwise, 23 gets returned as "and twenty three", if
" g:numberToEnglish_useAnd is set.
function! <SID>SmallNumberToEnglish( num, standalone, isOrdinal )
" We ignore the 0-based position so we don't have to keep
" subtracting from our results when we look a number up here.
let theNum = a:num

" If not standalone, we start with a space to allow for "and" and separators to come into play--we'll trim that out at the end.
let result = GetVar#GetVar( "numberToEnglish_useAnd" ) && !a:standalone ? " " : ""

if ( theNum >= 1 || theNum < 1000 )
let digitsList = <SID>GetList( "digits", a:isOrdinal )
let teensList = <SID>GetList( "teens", a:isOrdinal )
let tensList = <SID>GetList( "tens", a:isOrdinal )

let digit = theNum / 100
let theNum = theNum % 100

if ( digit > 0 )
let result = <SID>AddWithSpace( result, <SID>GetList( "digits", 0 )[ digit ] . " " . <SID>GetList( "hundred", a:isOrdinal && theNum == 0 ) )

" We can skip the whole thing if the number passed in is an
" even multiple of a hundred, such as 500.
if ( theNum > 0 )
if ( theNum < 10 )
" Single digit
let result = <SID>AddWithSpace( result, digitsList[ theNum ], <SID>GetAndSeparator() )
elseif ( theNum > 10 && theNum < 20 )
" Teens
let result = <SID>AddWithSpace( result, teensList[ theNum - 10 ], <SID>GetAndSeparator() )
" Regular two-digit number; either 10 or between 20 and 99.
let digit = theNum / 10
let theNum = theNum % 10

if ( theNum > 0 )
let result = <SID>AddWithSpace( result, <SID>GetList( "tens", 0 )[ digit ], <SID>GetAndSeparator() )
let result = <SID>AddWithSpace( result, digitsList[ theNum ], <SID>GetHyphenSeparator() )
let result = <SID>AddWithSpace( result, tensList[ digit ], <SID>GetAndSeparator() )

" Trim initial spaces, if we put any in for the "and" work.
return substitute( result, '^\s\+', '', '' )

" Converts the given integer (negatives are allowed) to its English
" equivalent; for example, numberToEnglish( -234 ) returns "negative
" two hundred thirty four".
function! <SID>Render( num, isCapitalize, isOrdinal )
let theNum = a:num
let result = ""

if ( theNum == 0 )
let result = <SID>GetList( "zero", a:isOrdinal )
let isNegative = theNum < 0

if ( isNegative )
let theNum = abs( theNum )

" Starting from the right, take at most three digits from the
" number and process those; the first time around, we leave
" them as is. The second time, we put the word "thousand"
" after them; the word "million" gets appended the third time.
" If someone wants billions, the process just gets repeated one
" more time.
let i = 0
while ( i < len( <SID>GetList( "scale", 0 ) ) )
let triplet = theNum % 1000
let theNum = theNum / 1000

" Skip any empty portions, such as for 1000 or 1000234.
if ( triplet > 0 )
let tripletToEnglish = <SID>SmallNumberToEnglish( triplet, theNum == 0, ( a:isOrdinal && i == 0 ) )

let scale = <SID>GetList( "scale", (result == '' && a:isOrdinal ) )[ i ]
if ( scale != '' )
let tripletToEnglish .= " " . scale

let result = <SID>AddWithSpace( tripletToEnglish, result, ( stridx(result, GetVar#GetVar( "numberToEnglish_and" ) ) == 0 ? " " : ", " ) )

let i += 1

if ( isNegative )
let result = GetVar#GetVar( "numberToEnglish_negative" ) . " " . result

if ( a:isCapitalize )
let result = toupper( result[ 0 ] ) . substitute( result, '.', '', '' )

return result

" Converts the given integer (negatives are allowed) to its English
" equivalent; for example, NumberToEnglish( -234 ) returns "negative
" two hundred thirty four".
function! NumberToEnglish( num, ... )
return <SID>Render( a:num, a:0 && a:1, 0 )
return NumberToEnglish#Render( a:num, a:0 && a:1, 0 )

" Converts the given integer to its English ordinal; for example,
" OrdinalToEnglish( 234 ) returns "two hundred thirty fourth".
function! OrdinalToEnglish( num, ... )
return <SID>Render( a:num, a:0 && a:1, 1 )
return NumberToEnglish#Render( a:num, a:0 && a:1, 1 )

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