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by Ingo Karkat


Vim has powerful built-in functions for text manipulation, and maybe you have written some custom ones. To apply one of those to text in the buffer, you'd have to use sub-replace-expression, or a getline() / setline() combo. This works for whole lines, but what if you need to change only parts? You may have an external program that transforms text. Again, filtering entire lines is easy with built-in :range!, but what about arbitrary text?

This plugin allows to pass text covered by a {motion}, or arbitrary visual selections, through a queried Vimscript expression, or external shell command, or an Ex command that is applied in a separate scratch buffer, and then replace the original text (or parts of it extracted by pattern matches or splitting) with the result. As substitutions are a particularly common use case, the plugin offers a special shortcut mapping for those.


Extracted from my Substitutions.vim plugin; incorporated mappings and ideas from the Express plugin.


  • UnconditionalPaste.vim (vimscript #3355) provides a g=p mapping that applies the same queried flexible expression to register contents and then pastes the result.


  • express.vim ( by Tom McDonald offers an almost identical implementation. It also allows on-the-fly creation of operators via :MapExpress and :MapSubpress, something for which I would use my TextTransform.vim plugin. My plugin offers more advanced (cross-mode) repeats, and the :Ex-command expression variant.
  • vim-transform ( pipes the selection through (multiple, configurable) external commands.


g={motion}              Query for an expression, and pass the text defined by
                        {motion} to it, then replace the text in the buffer
                        with the result.
                        The expression can be:
                        - a Vimscript expression; v:val will contain the
                        - a function name (without parentheses); the function
                          will be passed the text as a single String argument.
                        - If the expression begins with '!', it will be
                          treated as an external command, and passed to the
                          system() function, with the text as stdin. (To use
                          an expression beginning with logical not (expr-!),
                          include a space before the '!' character.)
                        - If the expression begins with ':', the text will be
                          placed in a scratch buffer (of the same 'filetype'),
                          and the Ex command(s) will be applied.
                        - If the expression begins with /{pattern}/, each
                          match (of the last search pattern if empty) inside
                          the text is individually passed through the
                          following expression / function name / external
                          command / Ex command, then re-joined with the
                          separating non-matches in between.
                          When an expression returns a List, all elements are
                          joined with the first occurring separator in the input
                        - If the expression begins with ^{pattern}^, the text
                          is split on {pattern} (last search pattern if
                          empty), and each item is individually passed through
                          the following expression / function name / external
                          command / Ex command, then re-joined with the
                          separators in between.
                          When an expression returns a List, all elements are
                          joined with the first separator match of {pattern} in
                          the input text.
                        - If the expression begins with ".", each individual
                          line is passed through the following expression /
                          function name / external command / Ex command.
                          separators in between.
                          To omit a line through an expression, return an empty
                          List ([]). To expand a line into several, return a
                          List of lines.

{Visual}g=              Like g=, but for the current selection.
g==                     Like g=, but for the current line. linewise

g:{motion}              Like g=, but input `pattern/replace/flags` similar to
                        :substitute. Individual lines are filtered through
                        the substitute() function, as if invoked by g=
                        using 'substitute(v:val, ...)'.
                        Note: Despite looking like a :substitute command,
                        this is really one call to substitute() for each
                        line, so the behavior is slightly different.
{Visual}g:              Like g:, but for the current selection.
g::                     Like g:, but for the current line. linewise


The code is hosted in a Git repo at You can use your favorite plugin manager, or "git clone" into a directory used for Vim packages. Releases are on the "stable" branch, the latest unstable development snapshot on "master".

This script is also packaged as a vimball. If you have the "gunzip" decompressor in your PATH, simply edit the *.vmb.gz package in Vim; otherwise, decompress the archive first, e.g. using WinZip. Inside Vim, install by sourcing the vimball or via the :UseVimball command.

vim SubstituteExpression*.vmb.gz
:so %

To uninstall, use the :RmVimball command.


  • Requires Vim 7.0 or higher.
  • Requires the ingo-library.vim plugin (vimscript #4433), version 1.043 or higher.
  • Requires the TextTransform.vim plugin (vimscript #4005), version 1.25 or higher.


For a permanent configuration, put the following commands into your vimrc:

If you want to use different mappings, map your keys to the <Plug>TextTSubstituteExpression#... mapping targets before sourcing the script (e.g. in your vimrc):

nmap g== <Plug>TextTSubstituteExpression#ExpressionLine
nmap g= <Plug>TextTSubstituteExpression#ExpressionOperator
xmap g= <Plug>TextTSubstituteExpression#ExpressionVisual
nmap g:: <Plug>TextTSubstituteExpression#SubstituteLine
nmap g: <Plug>TextTSubstituteExpression#SubstituteOperator
xmap g: <Plug>TextTSubstituteExpression#SubstituteVisual


Report any bugs, send patches, or suggest features via the issue tracker at or email (address below).


  • ENH: Support applying the queried expression individually to matches of prepended /{pattern}/, or to items separated by ^{pattern}^, or via prepended "." to individual lines.

You need to update to ingo-library (vimscript #4433) version 1.043!

1.00 25-Jul-2017
  • First published version.
0.01 20-Aug-2016
  • Started development.

Copyright: (C) 2016-2020 Ingo Karkat - The VIM LICENSE applies to this plugin.

Maintainer: Ingo Karkat <>


Pass text through an expression.






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