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Insert mode completion that completes an entire sequence of non-blank characters.

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by Ingo Karkat


The built-in insert mode completion i_CTRL-N searches for keywords. Depending on the 'iskeyword' setting, this can be very fine-grained, so that fragments like '--quit-if-one-screen' or '/^Vim\%((\a\+)\)\=:E123/' can take many completion commands and are thus tedious to complete. This plugin offers completion of sequences of non-blank characters (a.k.a. |WORD|s), i.e. everything separated by whitespace or the start / end of line. With this, one can quickly complete entire text fragments which are delimited by whitespace.


  • Check out the CompleteHelper.vim plugin page (vimscript #3914) for a full list of insert mode completions powered by it.


In insert mode, invoke the WORD completion via CTRL-X CTRL-W.
You can then search forward and backward via CTRL-N / CTRL-P, as usual.

CTRL-X CTRL-W           Find matches for WORDs that start with the non-blank
                        characters in front of the cursor and end at the next
                        First, a match must start after whitespace (or at the
                        beginning of the line); if that returns no results, it
                        may match anywhere.
                        Further use of CTRL-X CTRL-W will copy the text
                        including the next WORDs following the previous
                        expansion in other contexts.

CTRL-X g CTRL-W         Find matches for WORDs that start with keyword
                        characters and a unique non-keyword character
                        (possibly repeated) in front of the cursor, consist
                        of non-blank characters and end at the next
                        whitespace. In other words, like i_CTRL-X_CTRL-W but
                        ending the completion base already before a different
                        non-keyword character. This allows you to e.g.
                        complete --quit-if-one-screen within quotes ("--quit)
                        without having to use a manually selected base - the
                        CTRL-X CTRL-W mapping would include the non-keyword
                        double quote as well and therefore not find any
                        First, a match must start after whitespace (or at the
                        beginning of the line); if that returns no results, it
                        may match anywhere.
                        Further use of CTRL-X g CTRL-W will copy the text
                        including the next WORDs following the previous
                        expansion in other contexts.

{Visual}CTRL-X CTRL-W   Find matches for WORDs that start with selected text
                        and end at the next whitespace.
                        (There's no {Visual}CTRL-X g CTRL-W mapping - it would
                        be identical.)


To query the entire command argument --foo-bar (when "-" is not part of 'iskeyword'), just type "--f" and trigger the completion. If you want to complete that within quotes ("'--foo-bar'"), the mapping will not work, as the quote will be picked up, too. You can prevent that either by visually selecting only the "--f" part (stopping short of the quote), or by using the alternative i_CTRL-X_g_CTRL-W mapping, which automatically ends the completion base right before the second non-keyword character (the quote).

With the relaxed search, "pos(" will complete the entire call "pos([1,2,3])" found in "searchpos([1,2,3])". If you want to complete that within Markdown code formatting "`pos(", use the alternative i_CTRL-X_g_CTRL-W mapping to locate the match while ignoring the surrounding backticks.


The code is hosted in a Git repo at You can use your favorite plugin manager, or "git clone" into a directory used for Vim packages. Releases are on the "stable" branch, the latest unstable development snapshot on "master".

This script is also packaged as a vimball. If you have the "gunzip" decompressor in your PATH, simply edit the *.vmb.gz package in Vim; otherwise, decompress the archive first, e.g. using WinZip. Inside Vim, install by sourcing the vimball or via the :UseVimball command.

vim WORDComplete*.vmb.gz
:so %

To uninstall, use the :RmVimball command.


  • Requires Vim 7.0 or higher.
  • Requires the ingo-library.vim plugin (vimscript #4433), version 1.010 or higher.
  • Requires the CompleteHelper.vim plugin (vimscript #3914), version 1.40 or higher.


For a permanent configuration, put the following commands into your vimrc:

By default, the 'complete' option controls which buffers will be scanned for completion candidates. You can override that either for the entire plugin, or only for particular buffers; see CompleteHelper_complete for supported values.

let g:WORDComplete_complete = '.,w,b,u'

If you want to use a different mapping, map your keys to the <Plug>(WORDComplete) mapping target before sourcing the script (e.g. in your vimrc):

imap <C-x><C-w> <Plug>(WORDComplete)
vmap <C-x><C-w> <Plug>(WORDComplete)
imap <C-x>g<C-w> <Plug>(WORDSameKeywordBaseComplete)


Report any bugs, send patches, or suggest features via the issue tracker at or email (address below).


  • ENH: Add an alternative CTRL-X g CTRL-W insert mode mapping that only considers a unique non-keyword character for the completion base, to ease completion from a base that is not whitespace-delimited (e.g. from within quotes).
1.00 27-Sep-2017
  • First published version.
0.01 30-May-2009
  • Started development.

Copyright: (C) 2009-2021 Ingo Karkat - The VIM LICENSE applies to this plugin.

Maintainer: Ingo Karkat <>


Insert mode completion that completes an entire sequence of non-blank characters.




