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The dsprofile library

The dsprofile library provides general facilities to implement domain-specific profiling in Scala and Java programs.

The design of the library and an application to attribute grammar profiling are described in "Profile-based Abstraction and Analysis of Attribute Grammars" by Anthony M. Sloane, Proceedings of the International Conference on Software Language Engineering, 2012.

The construction of this library was supported by Macquarie University and Eindhoven University of Technology.

The library is released under the GNU Lesser General Public License. See the files COPYING and COPYING.LESSER for details.

Downloading the library

The library is published in the Maven Central repository. If you are using sbt you should include the following in your library dependencies:

"org.bitbucket.inkytonik.dsprofile" %% "dsprofile" % "0.4.0"

Building the library

Using a pre-built jar file should be sufficient, but if you want to build the library, first clone this repository using Mercurial.

Download and install the Scala simple build tool.

Run sbt package in the top-level of the project. sbt will download all the necessary Scala compiler and library jars, build the library, and package it as a jar file.

If all goes well, you should find the dsprofile library jar in the target directory under a sub-directory for the Scala version that is being used. E.g., if the Scala version is 2.12, look in target/scala_2.12 for dsprofile_2.12-VERSION.jar where VERSION is the dsprofile library version.

Using the library from Scala

The dsprofile library operates in terms of abstract events that represent various occurrences as a program executes. For example, suppose that we are interested in profiling the evaluation of attributes in a running attribute grammar evaluator. The occurrences in this case are evaluations of attributes.

We need a way to pass information from the evaluator execution and a way to trigger profiling reports to be printed.

Information is passed to the profiler by calling the start and finish methods of the Events module. The parameter to the first of these messages is a sequence of Scala tuples that describe the event that has occurred. For example, to indicate that an attribute evaluation has started, your code might call:

import scala.collection.immutable.Seq

val ident = start (Seq ("event" -> "AttrEval", "subject" -> s, "attribute" -> a,
                        "parameter" -> None))

Each of the strings "type", "subject" and so on is a dimension and together they identify the particular event that has occurred. The second component of each tuple is an arbitrary value for the corresponding dimension in this particular occurrence. For example, the value s is assumed in the example to be a reference to the subject node of the evaluation; i.e., the syntax tree node whose attribute is being evaluated. Similarly, a is a value that refers to the attribute that is being evaluated.

The tuple sequence is passed by name, so it will not be evaluated unless it is needed. It is therefore safe to include long-running computations in the tuples without incurring an overhead when profiling is not being used.

The start method will return a unique identifier for this event, which you need to provide to the associated finish method.

Both the dimensions and their values are arbitrary as far as the library is concerned. The dimensions are just strings and it is up to the user to establish a convention for their meaning. Similarly, the dimension values are arbitrary objects as far as the profiling library is concerned. However, it is best to make sure that they have a sensible toString implementation, since that method is used by the library to print the values (see below).

At the point when an interesting execution region has completed, the program code should call the Events.finish method. As for the start method, the finish method takes as its parameters a sequence of dimensions of the event that has just finished. The finish call may have whatever dimensions it likes, which are usually used to pass information that is only known once the evaluation has finished, or could be used to record changes in dimensions during the event being captured.

For example, in the attribute evaluation case, we might call finish as follows.

finish (ident, Seq ("value" -> v, "cached" -> false))

We can see that the ident we were given earlier is passed in as the first argument and the remaining arguments are dimension tuples. In this example, the new "value" and "cached" dimensions are given values here, because we only know what they are once the attribute occurrence has been fully evaluated. As before, the value v is an arbitrary object that is the attribute value. The cached dimension is a Boolean that indicates whether the value of the attribute was obtained from its cache or not.

The wrap method can be used to do a start, run some code and then do a finish all in one go. For example,

wrap (Seq ("foo" -> 1, "bar" -> 2)) {
    ... some code ...

will run the code in the block argument wrapped in start with the provided dimensions and dimension values, and a finish with no dimensions.


The other main entry point for the library is the Profiler.profile method. It should be called with the first argument being the computation that you want to profile. This argument is passed by name to the profile method so it will not be evaluated until necessary. The computation should call the start and finish methods as described above, but it can do any other computation as well. The second argument to profile is a sequence of the dimensions that you want to see in the profile report. For example, we might call

profile (c, Seq ("attribute", "cached"))

to profile the evaluation of c and print a report along two dimensions (first the attribute that was evaluated and then whether it was cached or not).

The first part of a report produced by this call is:

   716 ms total time
    95 ms profiled time (13.3%)
  2543 profile records

By attribute:

 Total Total  Self  Self  Desc  Desc Count Count
    ms     %    ms     %    ms     %           %
    56  59.4    18  19.7    37  39.7   621  24.4  entity
    43  45.4    28  29.4    15  16.0   691  27.2
    30  32.4     7   7.5    23  24.9   203   8.0  tipe
    27  29.2    15  15.8    12  13.4   293  11.5  env.out
    25  26.7     7   8.4    17  18.4    94   3.7  idntype
    23  24.8     3   4.2    19  20.6    97   3.8  basetype
     5   5.3     4   5.0     0   0.3    81   3.2  exptype
     3   3.7     3   3.7     0   0.0    81   3.2  rootconstexp
     3   3.5     3   3.5     0   0.0   234   9.2  typebasetype
     1   2.1     1   1.9     0   0.2    96   3.8  deftype
     0   1.0     0   1.0     0   0.0    52   2.0  level

By cached for entity:

 Total Total  Self  Self  Desc  Desc Count Count
    ms     %    ms     %    ms     %           %
    14  14.7    12  12.8     1   1.9   158   6.2  false
     6   6.8     6   6.8     0   0.0   463  18.2  true

By cached for

 Total Total  Self  Self  Desc  Desc Count Count
    ms     %    ms     %    ms     %           %
    27  28.9    25  27.1     1   1.8   536  21.1  false
     2   2.2     2   2.2     0   0.0   155   6.1  true

The profile report first gives a summary of the evaluation containing the total time that the execution took, how much of it was accounted for by profiled evaluations and how many profile records were created. In this case, since we are just profiling attribute evaluations, the number of profile records is equal to the number of attribute occurrences that were evaluated.

Following the summary, we get a table showing the profile records bucketed by the first dimension. The columns show the total time taken to evaluate each attribute, the time accounted for by the attribute itself, the time accounted for by evaluation of other attributes needed by the attribute being summarised, and the count of how many evaluations were performed.

After the first dimension table, we get one table for each row in the first dimension table summarising the second dimension.

In theory the number of dimensions in a report is not limited, but it gets quite hard to understand after about three or four dimensions.

The last string printed on each line of a table is the toString string of the relevant dimension value. The library will try to detect when this string will not fit on the line. In those cases, it will print a footnote number instead and will print the value as a footnote after all of the tables have been printed. Thus, the dimension could be something such as a tree node which might be printed in full or pretty-printed.

If profile is called without any dimensions, the library will enter an interactive shell after the computation has finished. You can generate a report in the shell by entering dimension names separated by commas. Type :q to exit.

An optional Boolean third argument to profile allows logging to be turned on in the call. See the section Tracing and Logging for more information about logging.

Lower-level usage

Alternately, profileStart can be called to begin profiling and profileStop called to complete the profile. profileStop can be passed dimensions for the profile report in the same way as profile (but they must be passed in a sequence like a list). For example

profileStart ()
val ident = Events.start ("type" -> "the_type")
Events.finish (ident)
profileStop (Seq ("type"))

It is also possible to defer the generation of the report when using profileStart and profileStop by not passing in the dimensions to profile. In this case profileStop will return a closure that will print a report upon you giving it the dimensions to profile. This allows you to print the profile at a later time or to print it multiple times for different dimension sets, for example.

profileStart ()
val i = Events.start ("type" -> "the_type")
val j = Events.start ("style" -> "much")
Events.finish (j)
Events.finish (i)
val reporter = profileStop ()
reporter (Seq ("type"))
reporter (Seq ("style"))

Tracing and Logging

Profiler.trace can be used to obtain a simple trace of the events that have already been collected by a profiling run. trace takes a single parameter that is a predicate on events. If the parameter is omitted it defaults to a predicate that is always true. For example,

trace ()

might print a trace like this

1: Start    AttrEval (attribute,decl) (parameter,None) (subject,Use(int))
2: Start    AttrEval (attribute,lookup) (parameter,Some(int)) (subject,Use(int))
3: Start    AttrEval (attribute,lookup) (parameter,Some(int)) (subject,VarDecl(Use(int),y))
4: Start    AttrEval (attribute,declarationOf) (parameter,Some(int)) (subject,VarDecl(Use(int),y))
4: Finish            (cached,false) (value,null)

If you just want to see the Start events you can use a predicate as follows:

trace (_.kind == Events.Start)

If the computation you are profiling is long-running or does not terminate, tracing is not useful since it relies on having a complete event trace. Instead, Events.logging can be turned on to request each event to be logged to standard error as it is generated. There is currently no way to select a subset of events to be logged.

You can also turn logging on using the optional Boolean third argument to Profiler.profile as in

profile (c, Seq (...), true)

Adding your own dimensions

The dimensions used above such as attribute and cached are called intrinsic dimensions because they are part of the profiling records. The library also supports derived dimensions which are calculated from the record. Derived dimensions allow you to tailor the profiles to show domain-specific information, or perhaps even problem-specific information if you are using profiles to track down a problem.

To define your own derived dimensions, override the dimValue method of the profiler as shown in this example.

override def dimValue (record : Record, dim : Dimension) : Value =
    dim match {

        // `type` dimension is the node type of the record's subject.
        case "type" =>
            checkFor (record, dim, "", "subject") {
                case p : Product => p.productPrefix
                case _           => "unknown type"

        // Otherwise, dispatch to the value to handle it as an intrinsic
        // dimension
        case _ =>
            super.dimValue (record, dim)


The arguments are a profile record and the dimension name. dimValue must examine the dimension name and the record to return a value (which is just a string). If the dimension is not supported, call the superclass implementation which will provide default behaviour.

In the example, we define a type dimension that is the prefix of the Product node that is the value of an intrinsic subject dimension. The checkFor method allows you to easily check for the presence of needed intrinsic dimensions. type is provided by the default Profiler.

Using the library from Java

The dsprofile library can also be used from Java code. To make this more convenient, some bridge types and methods are used to communicate with the library implementation in Scala.

Note: unfortunately, we do not currently have resources to maintain the Java API to be in sync with the Scala one. If a Scala API feature is something you wish to use from Java and can't, please let us know and we will see what we can do.

The following code shows a simple Java program and how the profiler can be used from it using these bridges.

import org.bitbucket.inkytonik.dsprofile.Action;
import org.bitbucket.inkytonik.dsprofile.JavaProfiler;

public class Program extends JavaProfiler {

    public static void main (String[] args) {

        Action action =
            new Action () {
                public void execute () {
                    doSomething (10);

        profile (action, "foo", "bar");


    static void doSomething (int num) {
        start (tuple ("event", "something"),
               tuple ("foo", num),
               tuple ("bar", num * 2));
        int x = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < 100000; i++)
            x = x + i;
        System.out.println ("x = " + x);
        if (num > 1)
            doSomething (num - 1);
        finish (tuple ("event", "something"),
                tuple ("foo", num),
                tuple ("bar", num * 2),
                tuple ("ble", num + 1));


The Action type is needed since evaluation of the first parameter to profile must be delayed rather than occurring before the call. THe tuple calls are used to create Scala tuples for the pairs of dimension name and value.

The beginning part of the output produced by this program is as follows:

x = 704982704
x = 704982704
x = 704982704
x = 704982704
x = 704982704
x = 704982704
x = 704982704
x = 704982704
x = 704982704
x = 704982704

    36 ms total time
    20 ms profiled time (57.1%)
    10 profile records

By foo:

 Total Total  Self  Self  Desc  Desc Count Count
    ms     %    ms     %    ms     %           %
    20 100.0     3  15.2    17  84.8     1  10.0  10
    17  84.8     3  17.9    13  66.9     1  10.0  9
    13  66.9     3  18.0    10  48.8     1  10.0  8
    10  48.8     2  13.3     7  35.5     1  10.0  7
     7  35.5     3  15.2     4  20.3     1  10.0  6
     4  20.3     0   0.9     4  19.5     1  10.0  5
     4  19.5     0   0.7     3  18.8     1  10.0  4
     3  18.8     0   0.7     3  18.1     1  10.0  3
     3  18.1     0   0.9     3  17.2     1  10.0  2
     3  17.2     3  17.2     0   0.0     1  10.0  1

By bar for 10:

 Total Total  Self  Self  Desc  Desc Count Count
    ms     %    ms     %    ms     %           %
    20 100.0     3  15.2    17  84.8     1  10.0  20

By bar for 9:

 Total Total  Self  Self  Desc  Desc Count Count
    ms     %    ms     %    ms     %           %
    17  84.8     3  17.9    13  66.9     1  10.0  18


A library for domain-specific profiling in Scala and Java.



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