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Enhanced Perigord

Perigord project was originally developed by the PolySwarm. However, the Polyswarm team is currently unable to actively maintain Perigord (as of February 2019).

The original PolySwarm repository is located on Github. The PolySwarm team also released an article on how to use Perigord. You can find it on Medium.

The original Perigord lacked several useful features one of them being able to generate a desired number of wallets from mnemonic and using them for testing with Ganache. We added these features and fixed several minor bugs so that you can use Perigord as you would use Truffle but without any JS code.

The current README is based on the original Perigord README with clarifications and amendment that we consider important for using this version of the tool.

~Olena Stoliarova, Inn4Science team

Perigord: Golang Tools for Ethereum Development


Go get the current repository

$ go get

Or for Ubuntu 16.04 x86_64 environment

There is a Dockerfile in docker/Dockerfile to build a perigord image, to build run

$ pushd docker
$ docker build -t perigord .
$ popd

Prerequisite: Golang 1.13+

Some dependencies require Go 1.7+, but Go 1.6 is in Ubuntu 16.04's default repos. The below will install Go 1.8.

$ sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:longsleep/golang-backports
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install -y golang-go
$ mkdir $HOME/golang
$ echo "export GOPATH=$HOME/golang" >> ~/.bashrc
$ echo "export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/golang/bin" >> ~/.bashrc

Close / re-open your terminal or re-source your .bashrc.

Prerequisite: solc

$ sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:ethereum/ethereum
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install -y solc

Prerequisite: abigen

$ go get
$ pushd $GOPATH/src/
$ go install ./cmd/abigen
$ popd


$ go get -u

Dev Dependency: go-bindata

$ go get -u


Run for usage information:

$ perigord


  • Navigate to the directory where you want to start a new project. Open a terminal in this directory and type
$ perigord init projectName

Where projectName is the name of the project you want to initialize

  • Check that all perigord imports are using the following path{...}

  • By default, config.yaml file has the following structure
        url: /tmp/geth_private_testnet/geth.ipc
        keystore: /tmp/geth_private_testnet/keystore
        passphrase: blah
        mnemonic: candy maple cake sugar pudding cream honey rich smooth crumble sweet treat
        num_accounts: 10

You will ether use testnet with 5 pre-generated accounts or use truffle and an arbitrary number of accounts. To use testnet, leave url, keystore and passphrase and comment out other lines. Run from scripts directory.

To use Truffle, run Ganache, comment out keystore and passphrase. url should point to the port where ganache is running. For example:

 url: HTTP://

Mnemonic is the standard mnemonic phrase used in ganache by default. Number of accounts for these tests is indicated in num_accounts. Pay attention that if you want to make transactions with these accounts, you should indicate in ganache settings that they have certain amount of ETH.

  • Add your contract(s) to the project with
$ perigord add contract NewContract

Omit .sol, it will be added automatically.

  • Generate EVM bytecode, ABI and Go bindings with
$ perigord build
  • Add migrations for all added contracts
$ perigord add migration NewContract

If token contract has a constructor that takes parameters, add them to Deploy{NewContract}Deployer function in the migrations file

address, transaction, contract, err := bindings.Deploy{NewContract}(auth, backend, big.NewInt(1337), "FOO", "BAR")
  • Add tests for all the contracts you want to test
$ perigord add test NewContract

The simplest test case looks like this

func (s *FooSuite) TestName(c *C) {
	session := contract.Session("Foo")
	c.Assert(session, NotNil)
	token_session, ok := session.(*bindings.FooSession)
	c.Assert(ok, Equals, true)
	c.Assert(token_session, NotNil)
	ret, _ := token_session.Bar()
	c.Assert(ret.Cmp(big.NewInt(1337)), Equals, 0)

Run tests with

perigord test