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inNative Runtime v0.1.7

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@ErikMcClure ErikMcClure released this 27 Apr 02:51

This is the LLVM 10 upgrade #52 , and comes with a new prebuilt LLVM version, which now includes both LLD and LLVM by necessity. A change in LLVM 10 means that you cannot use LLVM built with C++14 with a project that uses C++17 - you must recompile the entire project. As a result the entire LLVM project has to be recompiled for inNative, even though the only fork changes are in LLD. As an upside, this has significantly simplified packaging.

  • Upgrade to LLVM 10
  • Simplify LLVM packaging
  • Fix missing void type check in debug info
  • Improve handling of invalid clang debug information by only skipping to the next function instead of skipping the debug information entirely.
  • If is_stmt is found, only emit debug lines for those statements to improve debugging experience.
  • Refactor hash iterators to remove a use-after-free memory error
  • Fix PDB handling for certain kinds of arrays.
  • Fix code offset when compiling multiple files.


Windows includes an installer for the SDK and runtime package that installs and registers the runtime to run WebAssembly files. However, even if you download the portable zip file version, you can always install it using ./innative-cmd.exe -i.

Windows SDK

Windows Runtime


Linux does not currently have a .dpk installer, so only portable versions are offered. Linux also only offers 64-bit compiled versions, for the moment. However, you can still install it using sudo ./innative-cmd -i. There is also a flatpak package available.

Linux SDK

Linux Runtime