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cb dragonfly server configuration 0.8.0

innogrid edited this page Dec 13, 2023 · 1 revision
  • CB-Dragonfly config.yaml 파일 설정

    #### Config for cb-dragonfly ####
    # influxdb connection info
      endpoint_url: http://cb-dragonfly-influxdb           # endpoint for influxDB
      external_port: 28086                                 # Usage Port when DF Run-time environment(monitoring.deploy_type) is "dev"
      database: {{ database_name }}
      user_name: {{ user_name }}
      password: {{ password }}
      rpDuration: 4w                                       # retention Policy for DB (h, d, w), min: 1h max: 0s
      endpoint_url: cb-dragonfly-kapacitor                 # endpoint to kapacitor
      helm_port: 29092                                     # Usage Port when DF Run-time environment(monitoring.deploy_type) is "dev"
      endpoint_url: cb-dragonfly-kafka
      helm_port: 32000
    # collect manager configuration info
      dragonfly_ip:                             # Cloud-Barista를 설치 및 실행하는 VM/물리머신의 Public IP 주소를 기재
      port: 9090
      helm_port: 30090
      helm_namespace: "cloud-barista"
      mck8s_serviceaccount: cb-dragonfly
      mck8s_namespace: cb-dragonfly
      image: "cloudbaristaorg/cb-dragonfly:agent-1.15.4"
      timeout: 60
    # monitoring interval configuration info
      mcis_agent_interval: 2                            # mcis agent interval (s)
      mck8s_agent_interval: 30                          # mck8s agent interval (s)
      mcis_collector_interval: 10                       # mcis aggregate interval (s)
      mck8s_collector_interval: 60                      # mck8s aggregate interval (s)
      max_host_count:  5                                # maximum host count per collector
      monitoring_policy: "agentCount"                   # "agentCount" => The number of agent, "csp" => csp group
      default_policy: "push"                            # push, pull
      puller_interval: 10
      puller_aggregate_interval: 30
      aggregate_type: "avg"                             # min, max, avg, last
      deploy_type: "compose"                            # deploy environment => 1. docker-compose: "compose" 2. docker-compose-dev: "dev" 3. k8s: "helm"
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