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A lightweight fully OOP fake api content generator and provider server, written in Typescript, build on top of ExpressJs and FakerJs inspired by Django Rest FrameWork

✨ Features

  1. 📖 Random yet realistic content creation

    API Faker, can generate fake yet realistic content on the go using faker js

  2. 🔃 Support static and dynamic route handling

    API Faker can understand and parse request path that contains parameters

  3. ✨Neat logging

    API Faker provides a good looking logging feature that allows you to see which points your frontend application is calling

  4. 🔶 Uses Model

    Models allow you to define how the data the server will provide should look like

  5. 🔶🔹Nestable Model

    Allows deep nesting of models within models to create more complex structure

  6. 🏗 Highly customizable

📦 Install

npm install --save-dev api-faker


const { Fields , FakerServer, Model, ListTransformer} = require("api-faker");

const userModel = new Model({
    name: Fields.Name,
    email: Fields.Email,
    comment: new Fields.TextField(20)

const server = new FakerServer();
server.get("/user/:id/", userModel)

server.get("/users/", new ListTransformer(userModel, 20))

// make a get request to http://localhost:8800/users
// will provide a list of 20 users

// make a get request to http://localhost:8800/user/3/
// will provide one user

Example Using ViewSet and Router

Go through the reference to understand how to use ViewSets and Router

const { Fields , FakerServer, Model , StatefulViewSet, Router} = require("api-faker");

// Defining our models
const UserModel = new Model({
    name: Fields.Name,
    email: Fields.Email,
    comment: new Fields.TextField(20)

const PostModel = new Model({
    username:new Fields.UsernameField(),
    avatar: new Fields.AvatarField(),
    cover: new Fields.ImageField(),
    content: new Fields.TextField(20)

// Stateful Viewset for the PostModel
class PostViewSet extends StatefulViewSet{

// Stateful Viewset for the UserModel
class UserViewSet extends StatefulViewSet{

// Using Router
const APIRouter = new Router()

// Registering router to server
const server = new FakerServer();

// Adding viewsets to router 
//  URL Path http://localhost:8800/api/posts will be handled by the PostViewSet
APIRouter.register("posts", PostViewSet)
//  URL Path  http://localhost:8800/api/users will be handled by the UserViewSet
APIRouter.register("users", UserViewSet)

API Reference

This is the API Faker Server class which will handle all request routed to by the express server.

It constructor accept two

constructor(path="", expressInstance?)
  1. path:string This specifies the path prefix that the faker server will listen and handle request to, the default is "" which means listen to all request.
  2. expressApp:Express This is an optional parameter that specify which express app the server is to run on, if non is provided then the FakerServer will create a new Express Server internally to use.

Note: If the second parameter is not provided, then to start the server you nedd to call the run method of the FakerServer instance. But if it is provided, then the server will start immediately after the expressApp listen method is called


  1. public run(port:number = 8800 )

    This is used to start the FakerServer if no express App was provided to it constructor.

  2. public static from(expressInstance:Express, path:string ="/api")

    This is a static method that will return a new instance of the FakerServer with the expressInstance as the expressApp and the path as the serverPath on the express app of the faker server.

  3. get(path:string, handler:RequestHandler)

    This method is used to provide a RequestHandler that will handle all GET HTTP request to path of the faker server.

  4. post(path:string, handler:RequestHandler)

    This method is used to provide a RequestHandler that will handle all POST HTTP request to path of the faker server.

  5. delete(path:string, handler:RequestHandler)

    This method is used to provide a RequestHandler that will handle all DELETE HTTP request to path of the faker server.

  6. put(path:string, handler:RequestHandler)

    This method is used to provide a RequestHandler that will handle all PUT HTTP request to path of the faker server.

  7. patch(path:string, handler:RequestHandler)

    This method is used to provide a RequestHandler that will handle all PUT HTTP request to path of the faker server.

  8. put(path:string, handler:RequestHandler)

    This method is used to provide a RequestHandler that will handle all PUT HTTP request to path of the faker server.

  9. route(path:string, handler:Router|ViewSet)

    This method is used to provide a Router that will handle multiple request to points that are have the path prefix, or a ViewSet class that groups related points to together.

A RequestHandler can be a Model class instance, a Transformer class instance, an object, an array or, a Function with the signature (request, response,params)=>void where request and response are express request and response object, while the params is an object containing all the extracted parameter from the request path

Examples of RequestHandlers

const { FakerServer, Model, Fields, ListTransformer } = require("api-faker")

const UserModel = new Model({
  username: new Fields.UsernameField(),
  name: new Fields.NameField(),
  followers: function(request, params) {
    const followFactor = Math.random()

    return Math.floor(followFactor * 100)

const server = new FakerServer()

// Using a Transformer as a RequestHandler
// Make a Get request to http://localhost:8800/users/
server.get("/users/", new ListTransformer(UserModel, 30))

// Using an object as a RequestHandler
// Make a Get request to http://localhost:8800/users/todays-greeting
server.get("/users/todays-greeting", {message:"Hello World"})

//Using a Model Instance as a RequestHandler
// Make a Get request to http://localhost:8800/users/1
server.get("/users/:id/", UserModel)

//Using a function as a requestHandler
// Make a Get request to http://localhost:8800/user/10/followers"/user/:id/followers", (request, response, param) => {
  let followers = []
  let user = UserModel.generate()
  for (let index = 0; index < 20; index++) {


Models allows you to define the structure and content of the data the server will return.


const { Fields , Model, ListTransformer} = require("api-faker");

// A Single Model
const userModel = new Model({
    name: new Fields.NameField(),
    email: new Fields.EmailFiel()

// Nested Model
const CommentModel = new Model({
  user : userModel,
  comment: new Fields.textField(35)

API Faker provides two classes for creating models.

  1. AbstractModel class

    This is the main abstract class that any custom model extends. This class has only one abstract method generate(request, params) which gets call when generating content from the model class.

  2. Model class

    This is the generic class that API Faker provides for quickly defining your model structure and generating random content from the model instance.

    It's constructor accept an object with key been the field name of the model and value been a Field|function(request:Request, params:{}):any|string|number|object class instance which defines the type of value to be populated into the field.

    If the value is not a function or Field then the value of the field will be treated as static (Returns the data as it is, do not generate data for this field)

    If the field value is a function then the function get called to evaluate the value of model field during data generating.

    Example Model with static fields

    const {Fields, Model} = require("api-faker")
    Const PostComment = new Model({
      username:new Fields.UsernameField(),
      date: new Date("2021-05-07"),
      reaction : function(request, param){
        return Math.floor(Math.random()*100)

    Note that the date field of the model is a static value of the date 2021-05-07 , which means everytime an instance of the model is created the date will always be 2021-05-07 While the reaction field is a dynamic field since it value will be determined by the function it was asign to it. The request parameter is an express Request object, while the params will contains the parameters extracted from the request path.

Fields allows you to define the type of data faker server should generate in your model instances. All the fields provided by faker server are provided in the Fields object exported by the package const {Fields} = require("api-faker")

List of available Fields

  1. NameField

    This will generates fake full name

  2. EmailField

    This generates random email address

  3. PhoneNumberField

    This generates random phone number, you can pass in the format of the phone number you require with # for places you want faker to insert random digits for example

       const {Fields} = require("api-faker")
       const Phone = new Fields.PhoneNumberField("(+32) ### 22 ####")
       // This will log to the terminal a random phone number like (+32) 234 22 7466
  4. TextField

    This generates random text content consisting of 50 words , which can be changed by providing the number of words in the constructor

        const {Fields} = require("api-faker")
        const Text = new Fields.TextField(20)
        // This will log to the terminal a random text consisting of 20 words
  5. IDField

    This generates a random yet unique UUID

  6. GenderField

    This generates a random gender

  7. SexTypeField

    Similar to GenderField

  8. AvatarField

    This generates a random url to an avatar (image) on the internet

  9. UsernameField

    This generates a random username

  10. ImageField

    This generates a random url to an image on the internet with default size of width=480 and height=640. The width and height can be defined to the constructor

    const {Fields} = require("api-faker")
    const Image = new Fields.ImageField(500, 200)
    // This will generate a url of an image with height = 500 and width = 200
  11. CountryField

    This generates a random country name

  12. CountryCodeField

    This generates a random country code

  13. StateField

    This generates a random state name

  14. LocationField

    This generates a random latitude and longtitude as a array of two length [lat, lng]

  15. FullAddressField

    This generates a random address

  16. NearByField

    This generates a random location that is at a specific distance to another location (relative). The constructor accepts an array [lat,lng] as the first parameter which represent the relative location , and a number as the second parameter which repesent the distance in km

    const {Fields} = require("api-faker")
    // The first parameter is the relative location, while the second parameter is the specific disance
    const NearBy = new NearByField([12.34, 8.099], 40)
  17. Custom Fields

    Custom Fields can be created by extending the Field class , and override the generate abstract method , which should return the type of data the custom field is expected to represent

Exmaple of a custom field class

const {Field, Fields, Model} = require("api-faker")

// The custom field
class LargeNumberField extends Field{
    limit = 600000
    public generate(){
        const factor = Math.random()
        return Math.floor(factor * this.limit )

const UserModel = new Model({
username: new Fields.Username(),
activity_count: new LargeNumberField()

Transformers are classes that takes a FAModel and transform it into another format

Each Transformer most be a extends the AbstractTransformer class.

The transformer then has to override the abstract method transform(request, params)=>any which will be called any time data to be consumed is requested from the transformer class. check out. request is an Express request object, while params contains parameters extracted from the request path

Available Transformers

  1. ListTransformer

    This transformer generate list of a specific Model provided to it constructor

    The constructor accept two parameter, the first parameter is a model instance or another transformer instance, while the second parameter is an option parameter of type number, which represent the length of the list.


    constructor(model:AbstractModel> |Transformer, count = 10 ) 


    const {Model, FakerServer, Fields, ListTransformer} = require("api-faker")
    const MessageModel = new Model({
      message:new Fields.TextField(30),
      read: ()=>{
        return Math.floor(Math.random()*10) %5 == 0
    const server = new FakerServer("/api")
    server.get("/messages/", new ListTransformer(MessageModel, 30))
    // Try making a get request to http://localhost:8000/api/messages/
    // It will return a list of the message model data

Viewsets are classes allows grouping request handlers together. This is ispired by django-rest-framewok.



const { ViewSet, FakerServer, Model, Fields } = require("api-faker")

const UserModel = new Model({
  name: new Fields.NameField(),
  address: new Fields.FullAddressField()

class UserViewset extends ViewSet {

  usersList:any[] = []

  public get(request, response) {

  public retreive(request, response, id) {
    let user = this.usersList.find(e=> == id)

    if (user) {
    } else {
        message: "User not found"

  public create(request, response) {
    const newUser = UserModel.generate()
    this.usersList.push({ ...newUser, id: this.usersList.length })

    response.send(this.usersList[this.usersList.length - 1])

  public delete(request, response, id) {
    const user = this.usersList.find((e:any) => == id)
    if (!user) {
        message: "User could not be found"
    } else {
      const index = this.usersList.indexOf(user)

const server = new FakerServer()
server.route("users-api", UserViewset)

// FakerServer running on http://localhost:8800/
// Access to the viewset will be http://localhost:8800/users-api/
// Get http://localhost:8800/users-api/ will execute the viewset get method
// POST http://localhost:8800/users-api/ will execute the viewset create method
// GET http://localhost:8800/users-api/3/ will execute the viewset retreive method and set the id parameter as 3
// POST http://localhost:8800/users-api/7/ will execute the viewset update method and set the id parameter as 7 
// DETELE http://localhost:8800/users-api/20/ will execute the viewset delete method and set the id parameter as 20

Methods supported in a viewset class

  1. get(request:Request, response:Response)

    If a Viewset class defines a get method, then all get request to the viewset path will be handled by the method, else the viewset will ignore the request and the server will check other RequestHandlers.

  2. create(request:Request, response:Response)

    If a Viewset class defines a create method, then all POST request to the viewset path will be handled by the method, else the viewset will ignore the request and the server will check other RequestHandlers.

  3. delete(request:Request, response:Response)

    If a Viewset class defines a delete method, then all DELETE request to the viewset path will be handled by the method, else the viewset will ignore the request and the server will check other RequestHandlers.

  4. retreive(request:Request, response:Response, id:number|string|undefined|null)

    If a Viewset class defines a retreive method, then all GET request to the viewset path + id will be handled by the method, else the viewset will ignore the request and the server will check other RequestHandlers.

    This means assuming the viewset path was http://localhost:8800/users-api; then any GET Request of the format http://localhost:8800/users-api/:id will be handled by the retreive method of the viewset and the id parameter of the method will be the :id of request path.

  5. update(request:Request, response:Response, id:number|string|undefined|null)

    If a Viewset class defines a retreive method, then all POST request to the viewset path + id will be handled by the method, else the viewset will ignore the request and the server will check other RequestHandlers.

    This means assuming the viewset path was http://localhost:8800/users-api; then any GET Request of the format http://localhost:8800/users-api/:id will be handled by the update method of the viewset and the id parameter of the method will be the :id of request path.

  6. delete(request:Request, response:Response, id:number|string|undefined|null)

    If a Viewset class defines a retreive method, then all DELETE request to the viewset path + id will be handled by the method, else the viewset will ignore the request and the server will check other RequestHandlers.

    This means assuming the viewset path was http://localhost:8800/users-api; then any DELETE Request of the format http://localhost:8800/users-api/:id will be handled by the delete method of the viewset and the id parameter of the method will be the :id of request path.

StatefulViewSet allows you to create viewsets that support all the prebuild viewset request handing methods, to a specific model, for stateful data providing.

Assuming the url path to a stateful viewset is http://localhost:8800/viewset/

Then POST request to http://localhost:8800/viewset/ will create a new model data, add it to the state and return the data.

A GET request to http://localhost:8800/viewset/ will return all the model data that is in the state as an array

A GET request to http://localhost:8800/viewset/:id will return the model data in the state with the corresponding id if non exist then a 404 status is returned.

A POST request to http://localhost:8800/viewset/:id will override the model data in the state with the corresponding id and return it, if non exist then a 404 status is returned.

A DELETE request to http://localhost:8800/viewset/:id will remove the model data in the state with the corresponding id if non exist then a 404 status is returned.


    const {StatefulViewSet, FakerServer, Model, Fields} = require("api-faker")

    const PostModel = new Model({
        username:new Fields.UsernameField(),
        avatar: new Fields.AvatarField(),
        cover: new Fields.ImageField(),
        content: new Fields.TextField(20)

    class PostViewSet extends StatefulViewSet{

    const server = new FakerServer()
    server.route("posts", PostViewSet)

Using Custom Viewset and Custom ViewSet Method

Apart from the provided method listed above for handling request in a viewset, custom method can be used to handle custom path as well by using the ViewSet.action decorator

This can only usable with typescript project and the expiramentalDecorator set to true in your tsconfig.json compilerOptions.

Using the @ViewSet.action decorator

The action decorator has the signature action(detail: boolean = false,methods: MethodType[] = ["GET"],pathName: string | undefined | null= null,description: string = "No Description")


  1. detail : Specifies if an id is required or not. If it is set to false the the path to the method willl be viewset_path/+methodName.For example if the method name is follow and the viewset_path is http://localhost:8800/viewset_path then any request to http://localhost:8800/viewset_path/methodName will be handled by the method or http://localhost:8800/viewset_path/:id/methodName if detail is set to true and will provide the id parameter from the url as the methods 3rd parameter.

  2. methods : Any array of the HTTP request methods the handler should be executed on. If none is provided then only get request will be handled by the method.

  3. pathName: this allows you to provide an alias for the handler, by default if the pathName is not provided then the name of the method is used as the path to the method.

  4. description: This is used as the description of the handler , it is used to generate a documentation for the faker server api.

import {ViewSet, FakerServer, Model, Fields, ListTransformer} from "api-faker"
import {Request, Response } from "express"

const UserModel = new Model({
    name : new Fields.NameField(),
    phone : new Fields.PhoneNumberField("(+234) ### #### ### "),
    status : new Fields.TextField(20)

const users = (new ListTransformer(UserModel, 50)).transform()
class UserViewSet extends ViewSet{

    get(request:Request, response:Response){
    // he url for this method will be http://localhost:8800/users/:id/fiends
    friends(request:Request, response:Response, id:number){
        response.send((new ListTransformer(UserModel, 10)).transform())

    // The url for this method will be http://localhost:8800/users/login
    // This is due to the pathName provided as /login
    @ViewSet.action(false, ['POST'], "/login")
    auth(request:Request, response:Response){
        if (request.query['success']) {
                message:"User not found"


const server = new FakerServer()
server.route("users", UserViewSet)

Router allows you to group multiple ViewSet to a specific path prefix that matches the router path.

Methods in Router Class

  1. register(root: string, viewset: new() => ViewSet)

    This Method is used to add a new viewset to the router, root specifies the path of the ViewSet in respect to the router path.

Example of Usage

const { Fields , FakerServer, Model , StatefulViewSet, Router} = require("api-faker");

// Defining our models
const UserModel = new Model({
    name: Fields.Name,
    email: Fields.Email,
    comment: new Fields.TextField(20)

const PostModel = new Model({
    username:new Fields.UsernameField(),
    avatar: new Fields.AvatarField(),
    cover: new Fields.ImageField(),
    content: new Fields.TextField(20)

// Stateful Viewset for the PostModel
class PostViewSet extends StatefulViewSet{

// Stateful Viewset for the UserModel
class UserViewSet extends StatefulViewSet{

// Using Router
const APIRouter = new Router()

// Registering router to server
const server = new FakerServer();

// Adding viewsets to router 
//  URL Path http://localhost:8800/api/posts will be handled by the PostViewSet
APIRouter.register("posts", PostViewSet)

//  URL Path  http://localhost:8800/api/users will be handled by the UserViewSet
APIRouter.register("users", UserViewSet)


A lightweight fully OOP fake api content provider server, written in Typescript and build on top of ExpressJs and FakerJs






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