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File metadata and controls

132 lines (89 loc) · 4.29 KB


Haystack supports two kinds of Highlighting, and we support them both.

  1. SearchQuerySet highlighting. This kind of highlighting requires a search backend which has support for highlighting, such as Elasticsearch or Solr.
  2. Pure python highlighting. This implementation is somewhat slower, but enables highlighting support even if your search backend does not support it.


The highlighter will always use the document=True field on your index to hightlight on. See examples below.

SearchQuerySet Highlighting

In order to add support for SearchQuerySet().highlight(), all you have to do is to add the :class:`drf_haystack.filters.HaystackHighlightFilter` to the filter_backends in your view. The HaystackSerializer will check if your queryset has highlighting enabled, and render an additional highlighted field to your result. The highlighted words will be encapsulated in an <em>words go here</em> html tag.

Example view with highlighting enabled

from drf_haystack.viewsets import HaystackViewSet
from drf_haystack.filters import HaystackHighlightFilter

from .models import Person
from .serializers import PersonSerializer

class SearchViewSet(HaystackViewSet):
    index_models = [Person]
    serializer_class = PersonSerializer
    filter_backends = [HaystackHighlightFilter]

Given a query like below


We would get a result like this

        "lastname": "Rowland",
        "full_name": "Jeremy Rowland",
        "firstname": "Jeremy",
        "highlighted": "<em>Jeremy</em> Rowland\nCreated: May 19, 2015, 10:48 a.m.\nLast modified: May 19, 2015, 10:48 a.m.\n"
        "lastname": "Fowler",
        "full_name": "Jeremy Fowler",
        "firstname": "Jeremy",
        "highlighted": "<em>Jeremy</em> Fowler\nCreated: May 19, 2015, 10:48 a.m.\nLast modified: May 19, 2015, 10:48 a.m.\n"

Pure Python Highlighting

This implementation make use of the haystack Highlighter() class. It is implemented as :class:`drf_haystack.serializers.HighlighterMixin` mixin class, and must be applied on the Serializer. This is somewhat slower, but more configurable than the :class:`drf_haystack.filters.HaystackHighlightFilter` filter class.

The Highlighter class will be initialized with the following default options, but can be overridden by changing any of the following class attributes.

highlighter_class = Highlighter
highlighter_css_class = "highlighted"
highlighter_html_tag = "span"
highlighter_max_length = 200
highlighter_field = None

The Highlighter class will usually highlight the document_field (the field marked document=True on your search index class), but this may be overridden by changing the highlighter_field.

You can of course also use your own Highlighter class by overriding the highlighter_class = MyFancyHighLighter class attribute.

Example serializer with highlighter support

from drf_haystack.serializers import HighlighterMixin, HaystackSerializer

class PersonSerializer(HighlighterMixin, HaystackSerializer):

    highlighter_css_class = "my-highlighter-class"
    highlighter_html_tag = "em"

    class Meta:
        index_classes = [PersonIndex]
        fields = ["firstname", "lastname", "full_name"]


        "full_name": "Jeremy Rowland",
        "lastname": "Rowland",
        "firstname": "Jeremy",
        "highlighted": "<em class=\"my-highlighter-class\">Jeremy</em> Rowland\nCreated: May 19, 2015, 10:48 a.m.\nLast modified: May 19, 2015, 10:48 a.m.\n"
        "full_name": "Jeremy Fowler",
        "lastname": "Fowler",
        "firstname": "Jeremy",
        "highlighted": "<em class=\"my-highlighter-class\">Jeremy</em> Fowler\nCreated: May 19, 2015, 10:48 a.m.\nLast modified: May 19, 2015, 10:48 a.m.\n"