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Animates a numerical value by counting to it - for Angular


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ngx-countup - CountUp.js in Angular

This is an Angular directive wrapper around the core functionality of CountUp which is maintained in the CountUp.js repo. MIT License.

Or see this angular version work by cloning this project and running ng serve.

This module supports Angular 7 and newer. The CountUp module for Angular 1.x is here.



Install the package in your project. For Angular 13 and newer:

npm i ngx-countup

If you are using an older version of Angular, use the following:

npm i ngx-countup@7

In app.module.ts, import the module in your Angular module, or component if you are using standalone:

import { CountUpModule } from 'ngx-countup';

  imports: [

Use it in your markup. Since it's a directive, it can be added to any element:

<h1 [countUp]="345" (complete)="doSomethingOnComplete()">0</h1>


  • countUp: number to count to
  • options: CountUpOptions - fine-grain control over CountUp
  • reanimateOnClick: pass false to disable (defaults to true)


  • complete: emits when the animation completes

Scroll Spy!

Scroll spy means it will automatically start animating when the CountUp element scrolls into view. Enable it in the options:

<h1 [countUp]="myEndVal" [options]="{ enableScrollSpy: true }">0</h1>

Defer animation

Bind [countUp] to some property. Leave myEndVal undefined and the animation won't start until myEndVal has a value.

<h1 [countUp]="myEndVal" [options]="myOpts">0</h1>


To re-animate CountUp programmatically, add a template ref variable to the markup (with #):

<h1 #countUp [countUp]="myEndVal" [options]="myOpts">0</h1>

Then, select it with @ViewChild in your component's Typescript file (using the template ref # you created).

  @ViewChild('countUp') countUp: CountUpDirective;

Finally, call the animate function where needed.


Remember to do this inside ngAfterViewInit() to do something on component load.

Angular Universal

Yes, this component works with SSR and prerendering!


The test app in this repo has a passing test for a component that uses the CountUp directive, which you can use as an example. If your component uses the CountUp directive, include the CountUpModule in your TestBed:

beforeEach(async(() => {
    imports: [


Before you make a pull request, please follow these instructions:

  1. Make your edits to ./projects/count-up/src/lib/count-up.directive.ts.
  2. Run npm start and test your changes in the demo app.

Publishing (you don't need to do this, it’s for my own reference):

  1. Increment the version number if necessary (and install-tarball script).
  2. Commit changes.
  3. Run npm run package:countup which builds and packs a tarball.
  4. Install the tarball in the test app: npm run install-tarball.
  5. Make app.module import from newly installed package.
  6. Run the test app with AOT compiler and make sure the demo works: npm run serve:prod.
  7. Run npm publish dist/count-up
  8. Discard changes.