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🧩 ReVanced Patches

ReVanced Extended Patches.

πŸ“‹ List of patches in this repository

πŸ’Š Patch πŸ“œ Description 🏹 Target Version
Alternative thumbnails Adds options to replace video thumbnails using the DeArrow API or image captures from the video. 18.29.38 ~ 19.23.40
Ambient mode control Adds options to disable Ambient mode and to bypass Ambient mode restrictions. 18.29.38 ~ 19.23.40
Change Shorts repeat state Adds an option to control whether Shorts should repeat, autoplay, or pause upon ending. 18.29.38 ~ 19.23.40
Change player flyout menu toggles Adds an option to use text toggles instead of switch toggles within the additional settings menu. 18.29.38 ~ 19.23.40
Change start page Adds an option to set which page the app opens in instead of the homepage. 18.29.38 ~ 19.23.40
Custom Shorts action buttons Changes, at compile time, the icon of the action buttons of the Shorts player. 18.29.38 ~ 19.23.40
Custom branding icon for YouTube Changes the YouTube app icon to the icon specified in options.json. 18.29.38 ~ 19.23.40
Custom branding name for YouTube Renames the YouTube app to the name specified in options.json. 18.29.38 ~ 19.23.40
Custom double tap length Adds Double-tap to seek values that are specified in options.json. 18.29.38 ~ 19.23.40
Custom header for YouTube Applies a custom header in the top left corner within the app. 18.29.38 ~ 19.23.40
Custom package name Changes the package name for the non-root build of YouTube and YouTube Music to the name specified in options.json. ALL
Description components Adds options to hide and disable description components. 18.29.38 ~ 19.23.40
Disable QUIC protocol Adds an option to disable CronetEngine's QUIC protocol. 18.29.38 ~ 19.23.40
Disable auto audio tracks Adds an option to disable audio tracks from being automatically enabled. 18.29.38 ~ 19.23.40
Disable auto captions Adds an option to disable captions from being automatically enabled. 18.29.38 ~ 19.23.40
Disable haptic feedback Adds options to disable haptic feedback when swiping in the video player. 18.29.38 ~ 19.23.40
Disable resuming Shorts on startup Adds an option to disable the Shorts player from resuming on app startup when Shorts were last being watched. 18.29.38 ~ 19.23.40
Disable splash animation Adds an option to disable the splash animation on app startup. 18.29.38 ~ 19.23.40
Enable OPUS codec Adds an options to enable the OPUS audio codec if the player response includes. 18.29.38 ~ 19.23.40
Enable debug logging Adds an option to enable debug logging. 18.29.38 ~ 19.23.40
Enable external browser Adds an option to always open links in your browser instead of in the in-app-browser. 18.29.38 ~ 19.23.40
Enable gradient loading screen Adds an option to enable the gradient loading screen. 18.29.38 ~ 19.23.40
Enable open links directly Adds an option to skip over redirection URLs in external links. 18.29.38 ~ 19.23.40
Force hide player buttons background Removes, at compile time, the dark background surrounding the video player controls. 18.29.38 ~ 19.23.40
Fullscreen components Adds options to hide or change components related to fullscreen. 18.29.38 ~ 19.23.40
GmsCore support Allows patched Google apps to run without root and under a different package name by using GmsCore instead of Google Play Services. 18.29.38 ~ 19.23.40
Hide Shorts dimming Removes, at compile time, the dimming effect at the top and bottom of Shorts videos. 18.29.38 ~ 19.23.40
Hide action buttons Adds options to hide action buttons under videos. 18.29.38 ~ 19.23.40
Hide ads Adds options to hide ads. 18.29.38 ~ 19.23.40
Hide animated button background Removes, at compile time, the background of the animated pause and play buttons in the Shorts player. 18.29.38 ~ 19.23.40
Hide comments components Adds options to hide components related to comments. 18.29.38 ~ 19.23.40
Hide double tap overlay filter Removes, at compile time, the dark overlay that appears when double-tapping to seek. 18.29.38 ~ 19.23.40
Hide double tap to like animations Removes, at compile time, the like animations that appear when double-tapping in the Shorts player. 18.29.38 ~ 19.23.40
Hide feed components Adds options to hide components related to feeds. 18.29.38 ~ 19.23.40
Hide feed flyout menu Adds the ability to hide feed flyout menu components using a custom filter. 18.29.38 ~ 19.23.40
Hide layout components Adds options to hide general layout components. 18.29.38 ~ 19.23.40
Hide player buttons Adds options to hide buttons in the video player. 18.29.38 ~ 19.23.40
Hide player flyout menu Adds options to hide player flyout menu components. 18.29.38 ~ 19.23.40
Layout switch Adds an option to spoof the dpi in order to use a tablet or phone layout. 18.29.38 ~ 19.23.40
MaterialYou Applies the MaterialYou theme for Android 12+ devices. 18.29.38 ~ 19.23.40
Miniplayer Adds options to change the in app minimized player, and if patching target 19.16+ adds options to use modern miniplayers. 18.29.38 ~ 19.23.40
Navigation bar components Adds options to hide or change components related to the navigation bar. 18.29.38 ~ 19.23.40
Overlay buttons Adds options to display overlay buttons in the video player. 18.29.38 ~ 19.23.40
Player components Adds options to hide or change components related to the video player. 18.29.38 ~ 19.23.40
Remove background playback restrictions Removes restrictions on background playback, including playing kids videos in the background. 18.29.38 ~ 19.23.40
Remove viewer discretion dialog Adds an option to remove the dialog that appears when opening a video that has been age-restricted by accepting it automatically. This does not bypass the age restriction. 18.29.38 ~ 19.23.40
Return YouTube Dislike Adds an option to show the dislike count of videos using the Return YouTube Dislike API. 18.29.38 ~ 19.23.40
Sanitize sharing links Adds an option to remove tracking query parameters from URLs when sharing links. 18.29.38 ~ 19.23.40
Seekbar components Adds options to hide or change components related to the seekbar. 18.29.38 ~ 19.23.40
Settings for YouTube Applies mandatory patches to implement ReVanced Extended settings into the application. 18.29.38 ~ 19.23.40
Shorts components Adds options to hide or change components related to YouTube Shorts. 18.29.38 ~ 19.23.40
SponsorBlock Adds options to enable and configure SponsorBlock, which can skip undesired video segments, such as sponsored content. 18.29.38 ~ 19.23.40
Spoof app version Adds options to spoof the YouTube client version. This can be used to restore old UI elements and features. 18.29.38 ~ 19.23.40
Spoof client Adds options to spoof the client to allow video playback. 18.29.38 ~ 19.23.40
Swipe controls Adds options to enable and configure volume and brightness swipe controls. 18.29.38 ~ 19.23.40
Theme Changes the app's theme to the values specified in options.json. 18.29.38 ~ 19.23.40
Toolbar components Adds options to hide or change components located on the toolbar, such as toolbar buttons, search bar, and header. 18.29.38 ~ 19.23.40
Translations for YouTube Add translations or remove string resources. 18.29.38 ~ 19.23.40
Video playback Adds options to customize settings related to video playback, such as default video quality and playback speed. 18.29.38 ~ 19.23.40
Visual preferences icons Adds icons to specific preferences in the settings. 18.29.38 ~ 19.23.40
πŸ’Š Patch πŸ“œ Description 🏹 Target Version
Amoled Applies a pure black theme to some components. 6.29.58 ~ 7.06.53
Bitrate default value Sets the audio quality to 'Always High' when you first install the app. 6.29.58 ~ 7.06.53
Certificate spoof Enables YouTube Music to work with Android Auto by spoofing the YouTube Music certificate. 6.29.58 ~ 7.06.53
Change start page Adds an option to set which page the app opens in instead of the homepage. 6.29.58 ~ 7.06.53
Custom branding icon for YouTube Music Changes the YouTube Music app icon to the icon specified in options.json. 6.29.58 ~ 7.06.53
Custom branding name for YouTube Music Renames the YouTube Music app to the name specified in options.json. 6.29.58 ~ 7.06.53
Custom header for YouTube Music Applies a custom header in the top left corner within the app. 6.29.58 ~ 7.06.53
Custom package name Changes the package name for the non-root build of YouTube and YouTube Music to the name specified in options.json. 6.29.58+
Disable auto captions Adds an option to disable captions from being automatically enabled. 6.29.58 ~ 7.06.53
Disable dislike redirection Adds an option to disable redirection to the next track when clicking the Dislike button. 6.29.58 ~ 7.06.53
Enable Cairo splash animation Adds an option to enable Cairo splash animation. 7.06.53
Enable OPUS codec Adds an options to enable the OPUS audio codec if the player response includes. 6.29.58 ~ 7.06.53
Enable debug logging Adds an option to enable debug logging. 6.29.58 ~ 7.06.53
Enable landscape mode Adds an option to enable landscape mode when rotating the screen on phones. 6.29.58 ~ 7.06.53
Flyout menu components Adds options to hide or change flyout menu components. 6.29.58 ~ 7.06.53
GmsCore support Allows patched Google apps to run without root and under a different package name by using GmsCore instead of Google Play Services. 6.29.58 ~ 7.06.53
Hide account components Adds options to hide components related to the account menu. 6.29.58 ~ 7.06.53
Hide action bar components Adds options to hide action bar components and replace the offline download button with an external download button. 6.29.58 ~ 7.06.53
Hide ads Adds options to hide ads. 6.29.58 ~ 7.06.53
Hide double tap overlay filter Removes, at compile time, the dark overlay that appears when double-tapping to seek. 6.29.58 ~ 7.06.53
Hide layout components Adds options to hide general layout components. 6.29.58 ~ 7.06.53
Hide overlay filter Removes, at compile time, the dark overlay that appears when player flyout menus are open. 6.29.58 ~ 7.06.53
Hide player overlay filter Removes, at compile time, the dark overlay that appears when single-tapping in the player. 6.29.58 ~ 7.06.53
Navigation bar components Adds options to hide or change components related to the navigation bar. 6.29.58 ~ 7.06.53
Player components Adds options to hide or change components related to the player. 6.29.58 ~ 7.06.53
Remove background playback restrictions Removes restrictions on background playback, including playing kids videos in the background. 6.29.58 ~ 7.06.53
Remove viewer discretion dialog Adds an option to remove the dialog that appears when opening a video that has been age-restricted by accepting it automatically. This does not bypass the age restriction. 6.29.58 ~ 7.06.53
Restore old style library shelf Adds an option to return the Library tab to the old style. 6.29.58 ~ 7.06.53
Return YouTube Dislike Adds an option to show the dislike count of songs using the Return YouTube Dislike API. 6.29.58 ~ 7.06.53
Sanitize sharing links Adds an option to remove tracking query parameters from URLs when sharing links. 6.29.58 ~ 7.06.53
Settings for YouTube Music Applies mandatory patches to implement ReVanced Extended settings into the application. 6.29.58 ~ 7.06.53
SponsorBlock Adds options to enable and configure SponsorBlock, which can skip undesired video segments, such as non-music sections. 6.29.58 ~ 7.06.53
Spoof app version Adds options to spoof the YouTube Music client version. This can remove the radio mode restriction in Canadian regions or disable real-time lyrics. 6.29.58 ~ 7.06.53
Translations for YouTube Music Add translations or remove string resources. 6.29.58 ~ 7.06.53
Video playback Adds options to customize settings related to video playback, such as default video quality and playback speed. 6.29.58 ~ 7.06.53
πŸ’Š Patch πŸ“œ Description 🏹 Target Version
Change package name Changes the package name for Reddit to the name specified in options.json. 2023.12.0 ~ 2024.17.0
Change version code Changes the version code of the app. By default the highest version code is set. This allows older versions of an app to be installed if their version code is set to the same or a higher value and can stop app stores to update the app. 2023.12.0 ~ 2024.17.0
Custom branding name for Reddit Renames the Reddit app to the name specified in options.json. 2023.12.0 ~ 2024.17.0
Disable screenshot popup Adds an option to disable the popup that appears when taking a screenshot. 2023.12.0 ~ 2024.17.0
Hide Recently Visited shelf Adds an option to hide the Recently Visited shelf in the sidebar. 2023.12.0 ~ 2024.17.0
Hide ads Adds options to hide ads. 2023.12.0 ~ 2024.17.0
Hide navigation buttons Adds options to hide buttons in the navigation bar. 2023.12.0 ~ 2024.17.0
Hide recommended communities shelf Adds an option to hide the recommended communities shelves in subreddits. 2023.12.0 ~ 2024.17.0
Open links directly Adds an option to skip over redirection URLs in external links. 2023.12.0 ~ 2024.17.0
Open links externally Adds an option to always open links in your browser instead of in the in-app-browser. 2023.12.0 ~ 2024.17.0
Premium icon Unlocks premium app icons. 2023.12.0 ~ 2024.17.0
Remove subreddit dialog Adds options to remove the NSFW community warning and notifications suggestion dialogs by dismissing them automatically. 2023.12.0 ~ 2024.17.0
Sanitize sharing links Adds an option to remove tracking query parameters from URLs when sharing links. 2023.12.0 ~ 2024.17.0
Settings for Reddit Applies mandatory patches to implement ReVanced Extended settings into the application. 2023.12.0 ~ 2024.17.0

πŸ“ JSON Format

This section explains the JSON format for the patches.json file.


    "name": "Alternative thumbnails",
    "description": "Adds options to replace video thumbnails using the DeArrow API or image captures from the video.",
        "name": "",
        "versions": [
    "options": []
    "name": "Bitrate default value",
    "description": "Sets the audio quality to 'Always High' when you first install the app.",
    "compatiblePackages": [
        "name": "",
        "versions": [
    "options": []
    "name": "Hide ads",
    "description": "Adds options to hide ads.",
    "compatiblePackages": [
        "name": "com.reddit.frontpage",
        "versions": [
    "options": []